Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Even More Get to Know Me's......

Do these things on Facebook...here are more to enjoy...

Does your house have a fireplace in it?: Yes

One or two car garage?: Just one

How do you deal with rejection?: Grin and bear it..

Favorite Halloween Costume?: U all know......

Way to eat Corn?: On the cob

What is a modern convenience you wouldn't want to live without?: This internet thing seems pretty cool...

one thing you'd take with you on a deserted island?: Colt 45

your favorite old sitcom?: hmmm a few Brady Bunch...Happy Days

the one tv program you can't wait to have start again?: HNIC when it ends...

Do you watch House?: I remember the old horror movie House...the Greatest American Hero was in it...

Are you afraid of speaking to a crowd of people?: Nope...

Have You...ever slept fully clothed without changing to pjs?: When i passed out...

ever been in or seen a wet tshirt contest?: No...but i wanna attend one...

caught yourself thinking out loud and been embarrassed?: In class....

Do you have allergies?: Pollen

Do you watch what you eat?: I watch it go in my yam...

Are you an outgoing person?: I think so...

My Favorite Comfy outfit?: Jammie pants...old t-shirt...

Drama TV Show?: Dallas...they cancelled it? When?

Sitcom?: Happy Days...that one too?

Trash or Recycle?: Take out the trash

Cake or Cookies?: C is For Cookie

Margarita or Beer?: Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer Beer

Have You Ever been to a concert?: YEs

been in a play?: A few at WK

prank called someone?: Moi?

made a mistake and blamed it on someone else?: ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

What would you do with a million dollars?: LOTS

What is your profile song?: Beer Drinkers and Hellraisers...originally by ZZ TOP...but the Motorhead version rules all!!

What word describes you best?: Spontanious

How do you want to be remembered?: As Robb

What drives you every day?, : Proving people wrong...

What are your days off this week?: Today and Saturday..who ordered the frickin snow?

Are you dressed up or dressed casual?: Im in my Jammies
How tall are you?: 5'9

Are you a very friendly person?: I think so...

How did you meet your current love?: Colt 45? We met at the liquor store a few years ago...

Favorite...Baseball team?: New York Yankees...

Japanese food?: Yoshinoya

Have You Ever thought you were being followed?: A few times...

watched Law & Order all day?: Never finished an episode...now if the A-Team was on all day...

had a firework related accident?: Let off a few now and then...no accidents though

What is the most dangerous thing you've ever done?: I was born.....

the strangest thing you've ever eaten?: Anything in Japan or S Korea...

What do you eat on your tacos?: All the stuff...

Do you like very spicy food?: I can dig it...

Have You...ever reported someone for bad customer service?: Some dude at Tim Hortons in Gwood made a snide remark about my Acadia Alumni bumpersticker...almost

ever been taken advantage of?: A few times...

ever thought of becoming a nudist?: People would run...wondering why Teen Wolf was walking around...

ever had "bedhead" and someone saw you?: The dogs...

Do you sing in the shower?: Of course...Jessie is a friend...ya i know he's been a good friend of mine...

Do you brush your teeth before you shower?: Yes

Do you use deodorant daily?: Ri...ght guard baby...

My Favorite oldies song?: hmmmm...got lots of those...Ba Ba Ba Ba Barbara Ann...

country song?: NONE

hair band song?: Whoooooooooooa Whoa Whoa Sweet Child O Mine....

90's song?: With the lights out, it's less dangerous...I feel stupid and contagious...Here we are now...entertain us

Shy or a Flirt?: Mr flirtatious

Basketball or Football?: Football baby...GO AXEMEN GO

White shirt or Black shirt?: My Johnny Cash shirt...

Do You watch any football game or just your favorite teams?: Axemen football season is over... :(

ever just stay home and don't leave the house?: Lying in bed just like Brian Wilson did

watch award shows on TV?: Nope...i don't like watching a bunch of pretentious, self-absorbed people making a mockery of their art and themselves...now if they broadcast the RAZZIES i would watch....

Have You Ever taken a cold shower?: Yes....

put makeup on someone while they were sleeping?: Yes...

What would you like to accomplish today?: Chapter Two of my education course...

Are you good at saving money?: I wish i was better at it...

What has made you a stronger person?: Other morons perspective of me....makes me stronger...

Do you give compliments often?: I try

First time you had a beloved pet die?: Chester in 1983...he was a good dog...vicious, but good.

What sound do you hear right now?: Silence...

Are you alone or with someone else?: Good and alone

Where are you?: My downstairs computer room/ office...

Are you in love?: HELL NO!!!

Color?: Black

Pizza?: Donair

... Hot drink?: Tim's large triple-triple

Have you Ever done drugs?: What am i? Cheech?

had sex with more than one person in the same week?: What am i? Ron Jeremy?

fallen out of a tree?: Thought i was Superman...

Do you like Chinese food?: Yes..

like Sushi?: Not really...

want to get married?: NO

want more children?: NO BRATS

like the city or country better?: Undecided...

What is your least favorite place to go but you have to go there?: A few places...

Computer or TV?: Hmmm more to see on the computer

Baked or Mashed Potatoes?: Mashed

French Fries or Onion Rings?: OR from A&W

Egg Roll or Cinnamon Roll?: Donair eggrolls..mmmmmmmmmmmm

Clean desk or messy desk?: When its messy i can find everything

Is flirting cheating?: Not if your in another state..or province...

My dog/cat is....: shit disturber

I wish I had a....: medium double double

My biggest pet peeve is...: Cell phones...put em the f**k away for awhile...smoking too...ICK

My garden contains....: Eden

The website I go to every day is...: quite a few

time you tried drugs?: Had a Tylenol yesterday

time you were drunk?: Friday night...

Last time you were wet?: Now that is just perverted...

time you rollerskated?: At Wheelies in the 80s...

time you got a paycheck?: Last Friday
Do you floss?: Yeah

Do you use sunscreen?: Its winter silly...

What kind of shampoo do you use?: Head & Shoulders...

Do you color your hair?: Age grcefully people...no dye or rugs goi...ng on this head..when it goes it goes and im not gonna be Captain Combover or Kim Mitchell either...

Favorite kind of food?: Steak on the BBQ

kind of salad?: Cesar

Have you Ever given money to a charity?: SPCA

went an entire day without talking to anyone?: Yes

Do you feel energetic today or tired?: Both kinda...wishy washy

like your job?: Somedays more than others...

see yourself in your current job five years from now?: NO

What is something you have done to someone for revenge?: I can't tell ya here...

something that is bothering you right now?: All kinds of things...little things i let bug me...

Do you still have feelings for an ex but are afraid to share them?: NO

How often do you talk to your mother?: Often...oh there she is...

Do you ever loan money to a close friend or family member?: They just steal it...

The last present I got was a....: All kinds of Christmas stuff...

I need to eat more....: Feel like a Whopper...tried that Burbon Whopper...UGH...disgusting...

First time you really felt like a grown up?: Reading Playboy...

time you were in the hospital?: Tonsils out 1975

time you were late to your current job?: Never

Lasts thing you bought at a store?: Tim's large triple triple

time you bought someone a present?: Christmas..

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