Thursday, April 29, 2010


Hello goes things? Well today was a day of change for Old Man Robb..why a change? Because it was time that's all...lets just say enough was enough and i decided it was time for a change. I guess i just enough of coming home early at night, spending night after night and pissing people off while they were trying to enjoy their private time...just not healthy to be somewhere anymore where one moment you are the hero and the next minute you are the goat and to blame for everything going to hell... getting off a sinking ship? Perhaps..but this does give me time now to reflect and re-charge the batteries so to speak...don't worry the plans for my next move are afoot as i type this and this gives me time to work on education and do some things that need well...doing...

Of all days perhaps to do this eh? Well i must admit that one year later i enjoy my freedom..i guess Old Man Robb is not a follower, not that he ever really was ya know? A loner? Perhaps some, but more or less i walk to the beat of my own drummer, no not Ringo, but i like to do what i want to do when i want to darnwell do it and not have it dictated by him or her or them or whoever.. all im saying is that i like deciding to choose my own path in this life and i will not have that path led.. it was a dumb thing i did back then, but yet i sit here a year later and life has gone on...

How's about those Habs eh? Well thumbs down to all the naysayers which means i might as well give a good ol thumbsdown to myself while i am at it...i hoped we would give Ovechkin and the Caps a good run for the money, but i never imagined that the Habs would be standing triumphant and the Caps would be headed to the golf course..i imagine that Buttman is wild that there is not going to be an Ovechkin Vs Crosby showdown..and i am shocked that everyone in Montreal didn't tear the city apart...remember 1993? I have the gut feeling as Halak goes, the Habs go...i hear people talk...about names of the Habs Halak..young goalies who led the Habs to upsets..Ghosts of the Forum? You decide...

So Friday night me and Blair and my brother's step son went to go see some MSW action in Windsor at the good ol War Memorial...some good action happening... including a coffin match where the coffin broke halfway through the match! They were selling wrestling masks at the souvinear stands..however they were like $30...they even had a BLUE BLAZER mask...i guess its ok ten years later, but darn.. anyways it was a fun night, sometimes i disagree with little things like charging kids $5 for a picture with their favorite wrestler, but i guess that is how the boys make money. It was a fun night out and i hope they come back because the War Memorial is one of my favorite places to watch wrestling...

So Sunday Old Man Robb headed to Hfx and checked out the Boston Bruins oldtimers taking on a local Halifax squad for charity. It was neat to see players from yesteryear such as Brad Park, Terry O'Reilly, Reggie Lemlin and Ray Bourque whom im convinced coould still play in the NHL...the only bummer besides all of the empty seats at the fabulous Forum was that the only people who could get autographs were people who paid $$$ for a VIP ticket....that and the security guard who looked like Tony Soprano who came out and promptly told everyone who was not VIP to basically get the F*** out...kinda sad to see little fellas..esp this one little guy whose Bruin jersey was way too large for him with his hockey cards walking with his head down and his dad's arm around him... just made me shake my head i guess...images in my head of meeting Gretzky back in 81 and him not stopping till every kid had an autograph... i think they should have done like the Axemen did earlier this year and what i saw the Harlem Globetrotters do and that was invite everyone down to the ice and sign away...just my two cents...

I must admit i liked the PA announcer's outfit..kinda reminded me of a cross between Don Cherry and Jessie "The Body" Ventura...

From there on in i travelled over to the Keiths Brewery and i FINALLY had my tour of the brewery...quite the tour, the ladies on the tour were dressed in 18th century garb and it was neat to travel back in time and see the building of Mr Keith's dynasty.. plus you get free samples of Keiths near the end of the tour which made everyone on the tour pretty the end of the tour where you walk down Mr Keith's hallway where supposedly he used to roll barrells of his brew to old pals..that was kinda creepy i gots to admit...

Of course Old Man Robb had to take a photo opp with Mr Keith...

Of course NO trip can be topped off without an ending visit to...drumroll...

Darn good stuff glad it has not changed much ovver the years..used to so awesome to head to before a night at the Sackville Drive-in or coming from the big fleamarket that was also held at the drive-in..of course time changes the good stuff like that and that big ass corporate Superstore sits there..however the Chickenburger still delivers and there is still the jukebox inside...well a CD jukebox (Wouldn't one with 45's have been rad??!?!?)..lots of oldies inside it..Stones, Beatles...NO Beach Boys..however Jan & Dean had to do...

Well with my freed up weekend what to do? Tomorrow is already occupied and im looking forward to it...but there is the matter of a well..well known remake about to hit theatre's tomorrow..yes dudes and foxy ladies tomorrow Kelly Leak is playing Freddy Kruger in Platnum Dunes remake of "A Nightmare on Elm Street" how will it fare? Robert England is not Freddy? I hope the producers at least gave him a cameo...PD's remakes are sometimes hit or miss...and other news tells me that 1980s Mother's Day has been remade and is looking for a Hollyweird that out of ideas? I mean come it the raping of the flicks of my childhood/ teenage renting years? Its like there are no new ideas anymore... just makes me kind of shake my yourselves a favor the the original Nightmare, Friday The 13th, Texas Chainsaw, Dawn of the is spookier? Scarier? Which one makes you look under your bed..the one done on a budget under 5 bucks where the filmaker is going to try harder to get bang for your buck or the latest CGI crapfest which really doesn't even look real to Old Man decide...

I mean what is going to be remade next?

On second thought..i would probably watch a remake of "The Clones of Bruce Lee"..cause maybe those effects would give us three Bruce Lee's who actually resemble one another...

And yes...CGI SUCKS...


Of course Sunday is UCW Wrestling in Canning..sadly Jake Roberts is not allowed across the clue why..its too bad as he was a major selling point for the tour..but nonetheless we still get The Honkytonk Man, Bushwhacker Luke, Highlander Robbie (Not me) Doink The Clown and Rocker Marty Jannetty..this should settle the old school wrestling fans and it will be interesting to see some of them back in the ring again..

The other dates on the tour include...
Friday April 30th: Springhill, NS. 7:30pm
Saturday, May 1st: Trenton, NS. 7:30pm
Sunday, May 2nd: Canning, NS. 7:30pm
Monday, May 3rd: Barrington Passage, NS. 7:30pm
Tuesday, May 4th: St. John, NB. 7:30pm

Now before i go there is something that is on Old Man Robb's nerves and i got to spill the beans so to Malcolm X's killer is being released on parole...and i mentioned a blog ago about Karla Holmolka already having been it really fair that both these people were able to obtain college/ uninversity degrees while behind bars for murdering people? And who paid for those degrees? Us the taxpayers..that's who.. is it really fair that people like me have to pay back zillions of dollars to our government for my university years and if i don't pay have some assclown on the phone calling 3-4 times a day to try and bully me? But yet killers take a walk from prison life after taking a life and they get to have a fucking degree on top of it? At NO charge to them?...oh yes i know what people will say..that people earn a second chance..but really what is fair? Besides looking into who gets a pardon, things like this should be looked into as well.... done for one night...have a good one...

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