Saturday, May 08, 2010

Friday The 13th/ Mother's Day= Holy New Jersey Terror Duo...

It is hard to believe that tomorrow May 9th is the 30th Anniversary of the release of the original Friday The 13th...May 9th, 1980... As Joe Bob Briggs said it best, "That is the day that red meat came back into the American diet" Sure the original Friday was a rip off of the original Halloween blueprint..but to me it was the scarier of the two...actually the original wasn't even the first Friday i ever saw...that would have been Friday The 13th Part 3..which was sadly not in 3-D..we were moving from Edmonton back to the Passage in the summer of 1983 and staying in Holiday Inn's which came with HBO..after a rainy afternoon which meant not really leaving the hotel and watching Grease 2, the original Clash of the Titans and Rocky III little Robbie was supposed to go to sleep...but between G2 and the Clash was an ad for a movie...with a big dude in a hockey mask... needless to say little Robbie liked hockey and had to see this with my Parents asleep next door and my brothers fast asleep...Robb turned the tube back on and first watched a cult film made in Canada called Humongus...

Was a pretty cool flick..well for the summer of 83 it was pretty cool...still not out on DVD (Who got the rights?) and probably remake fodder waiting to happen...

Now here was the main show up at a cabin with a barn where Jason is hiding out nursing his wounds from Friday 2...personally i think the big guy just wanted some alone time and these punks and three bikers who i used to tell kids were Gordon, Susan and Bob from Seasme Street showed up and were screwing Jason killed a fat dude named Shelly and took his hockey mask...the original Part 3 was in 3-D and i downloaded (yes please forgive me movie gods...i never thought the damn thing would ever come out on DVD in 3D) the 3D version a few yrs ago...was much better than the current Cashamount...i mean Paramount 3-D dvd...

Anyways it wasn't till a few years later in the Passage that i rented the original Friday from the Dairy Bar in the Passage down by Lloyd's...i remember being like..whoa...wait a minute? Where's Jason and SPOILER...Who is this old lady killing everyone? WTF?!?!!? Anyways the original Friday was a spooky flick and had lots of was also released the same day as the Shining which sorry Jack Nicholson i fell asleep watching and really that flick as classic as it is could lose an hour or so of its running time believe me... when the original Friday came out critics had a field day...Ebert went as far as printing Betsy Palmer's (Jason's mama) name so people could write to whenever someone stands in front of me...especially as a kid and says you can't watch that...that scary movie is bad or you cannot listen to this band..they are Satan personified, Dammit...that made me wanna watch the movie or buy that album even worse!!! What was so naughty that i couldn't watch or listen? The unknown always makes one more yeah critics and artsy fartsy's talking about how rotten Friday was made me want to see it even more...

Which brings me to Mother's Day..which was shot across the same lake as Friday The 13th up in the woods of New this was a film critics and actually alot of people HATED..but once i saw past the films nastyness...there was alot of social commentary on the state of the American family and consumerism and people's obsession with goods.. i remember one of the brother's in the movie naked Ike grabbing a helpless victim and stating "You take a look around...we citified!" (Civilized)..At times the characters are scary, the next minute they are cartoonish eating Trix Cereal out of swill buckets, their bedroom decorated with action figures and a Big Bird clock...Plus Ike & Addley argue all the time (Punk Sucks...Disco's Stupid...) and their entire Jason's is surrounded by their Mama who yells at them through a bullhorn during a hysterical training sequence..

Of course last year Friday The 13th was remade..well more like rebooted and this year Mother's Day has been remade..except it don't really look like Mother's Day...just another bunch of teens picked off bad tv shows and magazines and their Mother played by the hooker from Risky Business..remakes/ reboots run Hollyweird because well...Hollyweird is out of ideas and since the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre did so well in the summer of 2003 it has been remake central...while indy/ new filmakers with fresh ideas have to sit and cool their heels while waiting for their big break...imagination is thrown to the wind while the Micheal Bay's of the world laugh hysterically to the bank with moviegoers hard earned $$$ and last week's remake/ reboot/ reimagining of A Nightmare on Elm Street did just that... oh these hacks..i mean Hollyweird filmakers... i guess its time for Jason, Pamela Voorhees, Ike, Addley and their Mama to be resserected and find these wormslime...what do i know? Im just a moviegoer...gimmie some more remakes/ reimagining and reboots and the wheels on the bus go round and round...

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