Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Lost in Thought...

Hey gang! What is a happening? Well Old Man Robb is getting closer and closer to having his education course complete.. Chapter nine is on Intercultural Communication and there are some great points made about the english language and why people feel it is necessary to learn it. Social and economic globalization has made necessary the use of an international means of conversation in the world- English is the language of international conversation. In 1985 it was estimated that the number of people using English was one and a half billion. 75% of the world's mail is in English...There were some parts later in the chapter that dealt with do's and don'ts in the classroom and i found something that i could relate to in many ways...

It talked about having a student is always sick/ lethargic and does not seem to even try to learn what you are teaching him. Think about your student's background. Perhaps they are experiencing culture shock, they are in a new place with new people and food. It is considered a honeymoon because they are in a new culture and everything is exciting and new, however they can start to feel rejection, negative feelings, regression- thinking about their home country, become isolated and escaping from a world that they do not to be in. Perhaps they will recover and while finding things strange, they are comfy. There is reverse culture shock when students go home and find everything is backwards. You need to talk to your student, identify the problem and make them comfy.

Not so much in S Korea, but in Japan this is how i felt the first little while i was there... i remember becoming quite frustriated with NOVA holding back my pay and in many ways in Japan i felt alone because teachers came to work that day and they would go back to their apartments, many of the female teachers had boyfriends back home as well as some of the male teachers had girlfriends and in some cases married. This made me felt well..kinda like a stranger in a strangeland and so the first little bit there i spent quite a bit of time at internet cafes instead of exploring this exciting new land i had around me. Add to that frustriations at work as well with student complaints for talking too fast..but its that non-confrontational culture they have there too...alot of student's would not tell me to slow down or you speak too fast...they would complain to the staff, teachers were basically held hostage..curriculum in those kind of schools? Like S Korea there is no curriculum, the only thing that matters is cold hard $$$ and of course i would be thinking things are going great...awesome...only to get a complaint about a student being unhappy...except it would be April and the student complained the last week of February...never could catch a break...

It was a decent little weekend around these to go catch some UCW Wrestling action on Sunday many times can you that you have seen a line-up outside the doors for independent wrestling action in the Maritimes the last few years? Not too darn was too bad about Jake Roberts not being allowed across the border, but we still have Honkytonk Man, Bushwackers, Highlanders, Doink The Clown and Marty Jannetty...Mr Jannetty signed an autograph for me or him and Leaf Cassidy (Al Snow) when they were the "New Rockers" it was a good night...that is me and Jerry Neville from AVR pictured below...its also the last time i dont bring extra batteries to the matches as i ran out well before the main event...oh well it was a fun night out.

Of course the next card is rumored to be in Berwick at the fabulous Berwick Arena with more WWF legends in attendance...

Of course i had another trip to Pearle's with my Momma...i think that before i go next time we are going to have to phone in our order...line-ups are crazy at this time of year..of course for good food it is always a good thing to wait..good things come to those whom wait.. but just food for thought i guess...of course a good friend told me that he saw lots of activity at the Turkey Burger down in New Germany and upon investigation the new owners are going to be giving it a make-over, but are re-installing the old booths to keep a bit of that original flavor and are keeping some of the more famous items off the menu... can't wait to see for myself later this summer...

Yesterday was Star Wars Day in the United States...ok..seriously guys..go outside and TALK TO A FRIGGIN GIRL!!! Star Trek fans...see previous sentence...then again talking to girls aien't like dusting crops boy...jeesh..
Another friend told me about another site recently and peaked Old Man Robb's interest...the site is called and sadly for old farts like me i fall past the cut offf date...kinda unfair if you ask me..kinda like saying who cares if you have experience and all that stuff, we just want people aged for guys like me there is no going to the USA, England, Ireland, France, Germany, Austria etc etc...however what did peak my interest is that there is no such limit (According to the website) about going to Old Man Robb has lots of bills and lots of wormslime are after him for his $$$ but i do like some of what is the pay is only about $500 a month, but that is because you room and bills are taken care of for you, and i read that you can live quite comfortably in China off $500 a month...the other thing i like is that you can decide on going off on either a five month term or a ten month least with a five month term you can decide if you didn't care for it that you were only out five months... but the cut-off date for signing up is May if Old Man Robb decides that is what he is doing, he best hurry up...
They said that "Only Nixon can go to China"....i would like to dispute that notion somewhat...

Something as a Habs fan i would like to address is something that happened back in Game #2 which the Habs won... Sid The Kid grew frustriated after taking some punishment in the corner, broke his stick on the ice, glare at the ref and chuck his stick in the corner like a brat who got the puck stolen on him in house league.. just laugh at some of the temper tantrums that he takes from time to time.. ..if that had been some jabroni player playing for the Habs or the Pens he would have went to the box for unsportasmanlike conduct or delay of game...but the league as always has two sets of rules, one for its stars and one for everyone is not something written in stone, but just damn obvious...someday he is going to have his head down and some big defenceman is going to take his head off Scott Stevens style guaranteed....same goes for Matt Cooke and a few others of the Pens...

Picked up the Iron Man 2 soundtrack the other day...well the whole thing is AC/DC...kinda like a greatest hits album with alternating Bon Scott and Brian Johnson vocals...lots of tunes you didn't expect to hear either like Guns For Hire, Evil Walks and If You Want Blood in addition to the classics like TNT, Highway to Hell and Back in Black...if nothing else it makes a good summertime driving album for old dudes like me...just think if they have more sequels all they will have to do is dig back into the AC/DC archives for more material...

Speaking of AC/DC..a great tribute band by the name of "Dirty Deeds" is playing Memorial Park in Kentville on May 28th with a few other bands...saw them with Dressed2Kill last year..its free and alot of fun... felt kinda sorry for Kim Mitchell because he was playing outside of Boston Pizza and in a tent for $30....but i weighed that over a free concert..there were a few hundred at KMs show and a few thousand at a free show...cover bands sometimes get a bad rap, but if you emulate well like D2K does and put on a good show and play some fan favorites and mix in a rarity or 2 then its all good...i know this weekend if i have some extra $$$ i might go to the Seahorse and see this...

Of course before i go i was fooling around with an application on Facebook for Bud Light's NHL Yourself! Photos...i will leave them with you true believers...have a good one im outta here!

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