Sunday, June 20, 2010

New Confessions...

Hello bloggeronies! What is new with Old Man Robb? Well recently i had another interview and volia! After eons of trying (Well since like ummmmmmmmmm...May) i was given an offer of employment and this week i am to be phoned and told when training is to start., oh and it shall be EIGHT weeks of training and then they will tell me if i am to stay or to hit the road... so hopefully it shall be stay and so for the rest of the summer after they tell me when training starts in July i shall be living again in the Kentville area for the first time since 2004-05 and if all goes according to plan, then i shall be moving into an apartment in the Kentville/ New Minas area...pictured below are some of my previous apartments in Japan and South Korea...small is the word to describe those...

The best news about all of this? With the extra $$$ i can start the second part of my TESOL course at Acadia U! Just think about it...Robert Reid Hawley is just TWO credits short of being a licensed ESL teacher...Robert Reid Hawley with a teaching certificate?!?!?!?!!?!? The mind boggles doesn't it true believers? And it is enough to put some crow in the mush of some of my biggest critics...some close, some not so close...i've been beating the odds and rising from the grave for so long now after various wormslime have been writing me off? Why? Jealousy? What do i have that you do not possess? Guts? Testicular Fortitude? Maybe if people think outside of the box once in awhile they would not have those petty jealousies....

Went to see the A-Team the other night...good flick as long as you didn't think about it too much.. so many remakes and stuff, went to see the A-Team over Karate Kid...should have called it the Kung-Fu convinced Jackie Chan can only do overseas movies...his North American flicks stink... i guess the A-Team had a couple of cameos, too bad they flung them in after the credits...Hollyweird weirdos...its going to have a hard time making back the $100 million the flick cost them...funny how much $$$ Hollyweird spends on this stuff, but like many say Hollyweird is out of ideas, this is an example of that.

Why did my Habs trade Halak?!?!?!?! What does Carey Price have in his possession that keeps in Montreal?!?!?! This has to go down as one of the biggest boners in Habs history, i mean just as bad as giving Leclair and company to the Flyers in 94 and Roy to the Avalanche in 95... they better have something good up their sleeve over the summer or lots of fans are gonna be ticked off...wait...they already are ticked off...This is more proof that team owners are not very strong in the hiring GM department...i hope to god this does not come back to bite the Habs in the ass...

Saw a couple of pics the other day, reminded me of my time in Japan back in 2007-08..i taught at the NOVA located in Kita-Senju and this was basically my route from NOVA to the train station where i would catch the train to Yatsuka where i lived...what i also found neat is that alot of people seem to have found the Sunny Diner which was located on a back alley in Kita-Senju, i remember the workers were very talkative and the platters were huge..let's just say you never left the Sunny Diner hungry, that is for sure..

Wish all these people would stop referring to soccer as football...jeesh...what's next?

Middleton is getting a Robin's Donuts/ Greco Express...this will be a five minute walk over the hill from my place...what does Old Man Robb think? Well this morning i went down to Tim Horny's and the line-up was all the way out to Eisner's!?!?!!? I parked the car, went in and got my Tims within 4 to 5 minutes, went out and the same people were waiting in their cars/ trucks whathavveyou... if anything i hope it is a sit-in and has a drive-thru so that Timmy's will stop looking like an afternoon at the stock-exchange...

Went to UCW wrestling at the Gloosecap Arena in Canning last night...was sweet to see Raven, Charlie Haas and Bushwacker Luke in action, the only thing i didn't care for was that Hacksaw Jim Duggan was advirtised and wasn't going to be joining the tour until tonight in Tinginish, PEI...other than that it was fun...they did dress one wrestler up as the Ultimate Warrior..calling him OWN- One Warrior Nation...just wondering if all kinds of Warrior clones are going to pop up all over the independent wrestling scene just like how there are like 1001 Doink The Clowns...

Well its national news by now that the entire University of Waterloo Football team has been suspended for the 2010-00 Football season..mixed reaction..sure suspend the nine or so players that were caught, but what about the rest of the team? Supporters? Fans? Is this really fair to them? Many are going to bail out on Waterloo and go to other universities..i must much steroid usage in going on at the university level? Not fair that many are being punished for the sins of a few...

Anyways folks that is enough Robb ranting for awhile...have a good one!

PS..take the Rooster's advice...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:51 PM

    Im suprised there are no fake "Undertakers" on the independent wrestling circuit...or are there? The "Underfaker"..
