Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Everything is Now...

iWhew! Long time eh peeps and various wormslime....which only means one thing and one thing only..Where the HELL do i start? Well today i sealed the deal with the bank and therefore i am headed back to good ol ACADIA U!!! Yes Old Man Robb is back for his 900th year with AU and taking EDUC 4683: Linguistics For Teachers and eventually later on this year i shall be taking EDUC 4863: Aquisition of Language. So Friday i will be hitting the register's office like old times and then wait for the course to go online. Who ever thought going into it that Old Man Robb's CURRENT GPA would be a 4.0...that my GPA for 2009-00 would be 4.0??!?!?! WTF?!?!?! Yes it does my heart good to see those magical numbers...but can Old Man Robb keep it up? To be continued true believers....

What else has been happening? Besides being back at the Store Formerly Known as Andrew's? Well let's have a peek shall we? Starting almost two weeks ago i played Laser-Tag for the first time in me life..what do i think? I Think the people to Roody Poo's or whatever its called better get their Laser-Tag game fixed! I shot Justin some 30 times and never got a single point...its a conspiracy against Old Man Robb i tells ya! That and everything in their arcade was OUT of ORDER and i do mean EVERYTHING...

Meanwhile there was this lovely game to remind us of probably the most famous sinking in history and the most annoying movie in history which i NEVER saw till i was stuck at a friend's house one night and the most annoying movie theme song in history which embaressingly was sung by a Canadian...

To think...SEGA profited off this...sick...

It was a fun evening topped off by hot sauce browsing and donair egg rolls in Berk!

The next night was MSW in Lawerencetown on the eve of the Exhibition...i kinda think that the card should have been held during the Exhibition myself, alot of people just didn't have the $10 to spare, however one thing that MSW didn't really play up was the fact that kids under 12 got to see the show for the crowd was not what it could have been...the kids enjoyed it and that was the main thing, im glad they wrapped it up a little early though because the sun was starting to go down and you can't darn well wrassle in the dark...

I will say that this has been quite the week for odd happenings and see things that come around, go around, some real scumbags in the world..including that lady who claimed she was dying of cancer, but yet the whole thing turned out to be a hoax..what the hell?!?!? She doesn't deserve jail, she deserves 100 hours community service in a terminal cancer ward working with terminally ill cancer patients, maybe that would beat some humanity back into her..jail is too good a punishment for some people, like some who are out and walking again around about being a glutton for punishment...then again Old Man Robb recently thought he was in big trouble...what was it a case of? Karma my friend..karma has a way of coming back and biting some people square in the ass...yes some do deserve what they get, most of the time they get away with being the losers that they are while the rest of us suffer through life....

I could go on and on you many years have i been at the education game? I sound like a broken record, but cmon now...years at Acadia U, Mount A, teaching in Japan and S Korea...time and time again applying for jobs, getting turned down and basically right back where i started from, but with one thing that is different and that is knowing that the ability is there to make the grade, but sometimes the grade gets ignored...i was told point blank that there are really no bursuries or scholarships for part-time students like myself and i could have made an A++++++++++!!!??!?!?!? And when i do look every one of them has an excuse, a crutch of some have to be this and you have to be that in order to qualify for one of our bursuries and or i don't want to put down anyone or anything, but what happens when im not female, a minority or related to someone who graduated in 1900?!?!?!? Im sorry that is just the way it is and it is easy...very easy to get disgusted with the way it is and maybe that is the reason why you have so many people going postal now and flipping out....i look around and i see my contemporaries being rewarded, maybe some of them were in the right spot, right time or just knew the right person's ass to sniff...what happens when you don't kiss ass? And yet there are other people who you know were basically the Darth Vader of teaching, not a teacher but a weeder to weed people out who did not fit...people of authority who took that authority and misused it time and time again and what do they get? Promotions....its enough to make a decent person sick...
And that my a rant...

Took a trip to  Wolfville and to the Famous Joe's Food Emporium to see my friend Lyndsay and her Hubby who were down from Ontario and to meet their two twins...nothing like sitting with some Acadia Alumni in Wolfville's most famous spot to grab some grub..and i say that in all due respect to the Anvil w/ their famous Anvil Burgers.. had to grab an Axemen Sub and chat for awhile about old times and friends...they want me to come up to Ottawa because there is a sci-fi convention coming up and Sir ADAM WEST aka THE REAL BATMAN is going to be there in person...very tempting, but with my $$$ tight and my focus on my ESL, i might have to decline :(

Then it was onto Exhibition week and well April Wine which drew the largest crowd ever in the history of the Lawerencetown Exhibition, some even had the size of the crowd to be around 10,000 which means there is still quite the following for April Wine..which some people did not believe..i kind of got the idea one day when a dude with a New Jersey license plate asked me where the exhibition was so he could go see the show... a good show that started late, i felt kinda bad for the sound dude at the end when the speaker blew and well Brian Greenway blew his stack at the sound dude by throwing his pick at him and mockingly playing air guitair to the crowd...also heard Myles Goodwin was his usual self too....anyways they played the songs i came to hear, "Sign of the Gypsy Queen" "Tonight is a Wonderful Time to Fall in Love" "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwnitte" or whatever its called...a good show nonetheless...

Plus i got to see Obama being given away by a carnie as a prize...only at the EX i tells ya..

I did get out to see Piranha 3D the other night in New Minas at the Empire...OMG did that bomb its first week or what at the box office? A combination of all the dudes still going to see Sly and company in the Expendables and plus being a hard core R probably didn't do it any favors and lots of people probably saw it as being a B flick..which means it was right up Old Man Robb's alley...lots of old school actors in it too like Christoper Lloyd and Richard Dreyfuss..well blink and you will probably miss Richard Dreyfuss...Jerry Connell stole the show...never thought i would ever see a movie with a severed CGI penis....ever...however the effects were fun, lots of practical effects too...check it out...and check out the 1978 original if you ever get the chance...cheese central...but such good cheese at the same time...

This of course was followed up by a solo Sunday drive to Wolfville and Windsor...what is it with Old Man Robb and Wolfville lately? Just cannot see to stay away lately..for some odd reason.. anywho..was a late afternoon drive and finally went in the Tangled Garden on the outskirts of Wolfville..worth the $3 to go in, lots of weird stuff made out of wood, wooden men and rock displays.. they sell jam in the front, but a little too expensive at around $ matter how good it is homemade.. but worth it for the jaunt around the garden..

Of course in Windsor both Dill's Farm and The Hockey Hall of Fame were both closed, but i took a pretty sure Mr Dill's farm is not open to the public when it is closed at 5:30, but yet there were no no tresspassing signs, however Old Man Robb was not taking any chances and calling home to say im in the Windsor clink just because i wanted to see some pond that they say MIGHT be the first place hockey was played...and well im always used to the hockey hall downtown being closed...

So what is in store for Old Man Robb this week? Well all weekend should is pretty much gone with three straight night shifts at the Store Formerly Known as Andrew's with Mr Montaban there to entertain me about shows from 30 years ago like Matt Houston, The Dukes and TJ Hooker..blab blab blab... however tomrrow night i shall be at the War Memorial in Windsor and watching some UCW Wrestling, Leo Burke is going to be there in person as well as some Pint Size Brawlers from Spike TV...should be good times and the action is awesome there at the War Memorial, always right in front of you...

One last thing before i end this long winded blog is that recently there has been the steroids issue with the Waterloo football team and recently a player from The University of Windsor and The Axemen being banned from playing because of testing positive for roids. Mixed emotions on this one...Esp with Roger Clemons and what is happening with roids in the States...Has the sports world become as corrupted as the business world with a win at all costs attitude? So much that one has to do this to compete? How many more are out there on the juice? Vince McMahon and the WWE and pro wrestling in general have gotten away with steroid use for long as professional athletes are paid these out of control salaries, alot of young people will continue to pump themselves up on these roids to become bigger and get their shot at the pros, no matter if it is pro football, baseball and or even professional wrestling and who is to say there are guys in UFC and stuff that are not on them? The NHL? NBA? Something has got to give...perhaps Clemons and his lying to Congress about his steroid usage will shed even more light on this nonesense....maybe someone can step in and do something about it once and for all...

Now and not least the Axemen will be taking in the field in how many more days? Drumroll...17 more days after tonight and it is the home opener against SMU and after last years 2-8 season im quite ready to see some improvement happening..i already have the day booked off and the bbq is coming with me this year to Raymond Tailgaiting banned? I never see anyone doing it and it is the tradition of all traditions at football games...hell will it be another year with NO KEITHs at the Acadia games either? No Keiths? The Pride of Nova Scotia? SHAME SHAME SHAME!!!! Anyways folks, im quite tired and i've ranted enough tonight i thinks...have a good one...

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