Saturday, August 28, 2010

The Final Curtain...

My note that i wrote on Facebook today...just thought i would bring it over here for your reading pleasure...or displeasure...anyways enjoy!

Well folks tonight is it...the final wrestling show ever at the famous Berwick (Berk) Arena..have to work tonight at the Store Formerly Known as Andrew's so on one hand i wish i was going..on the other hand i went to the Windsor War Memorial Community Centre on Thursday night in and watched UCW there instead to make up for it. It's going to be a historic night as the greatest wrestler to ever come from the Maritimes, Leo Burke will be on hand to say goodbye to the fans who have been showing up for the last six decades to watch wrestling in Berk.

That is what im getting at as i write this...the fans who bother to show of my BIGGEST pet peeves must be the people who say something that they like no matter what it is- wrestling, hockey, football, knitting classes, lawnbowling, fooseball tournament and just never get off their asses and come out and support something, esp local and events at the local level like high school hockey or the hockey that is being played at the university level. I have been watching some great hockey up at Acadia U for the last twenty or more years since we moved from the Passage and despite TWO national championships and scores of first place finishes, i see rows and rows of empty seats...

Why? Is it the generation? A generation too dependent on this great technology? Is there a generation too caught up in texting, twitters, Wii games and generally not leaving the house and enjoying what is out there? I love technology as well, don't get me wrong but as you can tell by my photo albums that i like getting out as well and lots of people when i tell them there was a fun wrestling show up in Windsor, Berwick, Canning etc etc they say ohhhh man im going to the next one! And what happens? Zilch...never see them there...Why? Its just something i would like to know..

Like i said this doesn't apply just to something people might laugh at like wrestling, it applies to local bands playing their hearts out in the bars and pubs around the Valley, the great museums we have in town like the McDonald Museum and the Train Station Museum, if we do not go support these things, we will not have these things...could you imagine the Axemen going because of poor attendance? Maybe not at football, but at hockey? Look at all the universities that cut sports programs and one of the main reasons is POOR miss out on many things too...for WWE fans, many might not know this but sometimes you see wrestlers starting out, im glad to say i saw Edge & Christian at the start of their wrestling careers back in 1997 at the Berwick Arena wrestling the legendary Rick Martel and his partner Don Callus (Who was also in WWE as "The Jackyl")

Who trained Edge & Christian? Leo Burke the Maritime Legend making his last appearance at the Berwick Arena tonight, if anyone is looking for something to do tonight, go see a living legend say goodbye to the fans...grab some donair egg rolls at the Pizza place down by the arena (Getting old...cannot remember the name of the place...jeesh) be lots to do around here soon enough with Axemen football and then hockey starting up...what i would love to see are the places packed...don't know what it would take...99 cent beer night? (Yeah right..against the law now) Anyways Old Man Robb is done babbling for now...have a good one...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    hi, new to the site, thanks.
