Monday, August 09, 2010

Subject- Robert Reid Hawley

Hello...well how are people now? Well how is Old Man Robb? Still a little befuddled by the week previous, last Monday to be exact..but that was then, this is what is up? Well a return to the Store Formerly Known as Andrew's for the next little while and this past Friday i picked up my new textbook entitled "The Study of Language" by George Yule for my upcoming course, EDUC 4683: Linguistics for Teachers which is being offered through the Acadia U School of Education..have to see my bank later this month and then i will be registered...i want to know why linguistics is relevant in teaching English, in the first chapter of the book there is a quote from Charles Darwin.

"The suspicion does not appear improbable that the progenitors of man, either the males or females or both sexes, before they had acquired the power of expressing their mutual love in articulate language, endevoured to charm each other with musical notes and rhythm"

People were using music to communicate prior to using language, not exactly that age old theory that our ancestors were a bunch of cavemen eh? This book, well this chapter is going to explore how language originated, it wasn't the human language that we are accustomed to...grunting...groaning...(Like Ron Jeremy...LOL) there is still speculation even today about what are the origins of language and how did it come is thought that primitive words were imitations of the natural sounds that men and women heard around them...bang, boom, buzz, hiss, bow wow wow, ouch...all this could be the beginnings of language origins.

So its been a busy weekend...all started really on Friday when i went to Acadia U to pick up, "The Study of Language" and Justin went...the poor Tower...i dunno..she is falling apart, im so so suprised the ol wrecking ball hasn't sailed through it Cutten (Sluttin Cutten they used to call it...) still closed? Does anyone know what happens at Acadia U?!?!?! Even the letters of the Tower are falling off...i finally did pick up a "Acadia Tower" t-shirt...only $12 and we did grab some grub at Joe's Food Emporium..this time i grabbed an "Old English Sub"....used to order those all the time back in 98..first year...wet behind the ears i was then... the dark days..the Moolah days...needless to say i've learned since then...or have i?

Of course now that i got the t-shirt and go to Cajuns and i see a Tower Hoodie...gots to get one of these too..

Ughh...the thought of that Moolah...

And yes i did get a lump in the old throat upon seeing the grad rings...lumps turning into anger...why? why would you backstab your family...the only real resource in this life you have left? Why Smokey as they call you, why would you do that? Why don't you come clean and just admit you did it? Would it get you back in mine and the family's good graces? No no probably not and never again..but at least we would have closure and you can go on with your pathetic life of lies and hanging with the dregs of society.. you are going nowhere in this life and you had it all...i repeat that once had it ALL... all the breaks and everything, i could have really helped you if you had let me... but wanna roll in the shit...well Smokey go roll in the is what you are good at...

Went to Digby Saturday and it was decent, Scallop Days and all.. parades are not really me cup of tea, but cause there was family involved i went to see...of course the Colonel could not make up her mind...personally i would have rather gone to the Passage Carnival, but i appeased the situation by giving in...should i really have? When does Old Man Robb do for himself? But rather than have an arguement i conformed..something that Old Man Robb usually doesn't do..of course why do what others expect you to do, go forward and burn your own path which is what i am doing with this whole ESL thing...i have people that tell me im never going to have my teaching licence...well i will have my ESL license, that is a guarantee that i make right here and now...
What is conformity? Take a look...

"Conformity is the process by which an individual's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are conditioned by what is conceived to be what other people might perceive. This influence occurs in both small groups and society as a whole, and it may be the result of subtle unconscious influences, or direct and overt social pressure. Conformity also occurs by the "implied presence" of others, or when other people are not actually present. For example, people tend to follow the norms of society when eating or watching television, even when they are at home by themselves."

"People often conform from a desire to achieve a sense of security within a group—typically a group that is of a similar age, culture, religion, or educational status. Any unwillingness to conform carries with it the very real risk of social rejection. In this respect, conformity can be seen as a safe means of avoiding bullying or deflecting criticism from peers. Conformity is often associated with adolescence and youth culture, but it affects humans of all ages."

"Although peer pressure may be viewed as a negative trait, conformity can have either good or bad effects depending on the situation. Driving safely on the correct side of the road is a beneficial example of conformity. Conformity influences the formation and maintenance of social norms and allows society to function smoothly and predictably. Because conformity is a group phenomenon, such factors as group size, unanimity, cohesion, status, prior commitment, and public opinion all help to determine the level of conformity an individual will display."

Corrosion of Conformity is a good band...just to let you know......old school...

Digby was ok...for awhile...still would have rather been up at the Passage Carnival...oh well always next year eh?

Oh yeah...the annual football Axemen "Red Vs White" game is on September 5th and free of charge to the if the Acadia Athletics would let me know what time the game is as well as when the Don Wells Hockey Tournament is, i would be all set!

Now Sunday Bloody Sunday featured probably the highlight of the week for Old Man Robb...i decided to check out the NEW Turkey Burger in Cookeville...yes a trip to the South Shore...well as far as Cookeville and well it is the Turkey Burger, but new that when you go inside and if you didn't notice the old booths, you would swear you were not at the Turkey Burger, so i decided to gamble and well...i ordered the FORK-LIFT Burger...which believe it or not..Old Man Robb finished!!!! Didn't eat the rest of the night... the service was great, the waitresses were pretty and very helpful.. was a wee bit of a wait for my food, but this aien't Burger King where it is have it your way, it is the ol Turkey Burger way of our way or else! Definitly need to go back again...there is something called a "Step-Ladder Burger" and that would be something else to see indeedy...

So this coming week there is MSW Wrestling at the Annapolis Valley Exhibition, Riverside Stage on Saturday starting at 6:30...its going to be different, too bad its not going to be during the Exhibition itself which would be really cool... but be interesting to see what kind of crowd is going to show up...of course April Wine is playing on August 20th....i keep telling my buddy Blair that the bouncer down at the bar down the street is a dead ringer for former drummer Jerry Mercer....only Miles Goodwin is left from the original band and only Brian Greenway from the bands 70s and 80s heyday..but it should be a good show, be the first time i will have seen April Wine in eons...

Anywho bloggeronies and various wormslime, that is all for now from Old Man Robb...going to have a nap of all things...have a good one...

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