Friday, September 17, 2010

All I See Is Rain...

Hello there peeps..what is a happening? Well its been a whole week and it has sunk in and i have to say this...HOW ABOUT THOSE ACADIA AXEMEN??!?!? Whoooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Yes the naysayers were on me like stink on a skunk about the might SMU Huskies this and this and so lo and behold me and Blair made the trip to Raymond Field last Saturday...with first a stop by Joe's Food Emporium for an Axemen Sub and Keith's...which they served us in a Molson Mug...ugh...then we go to the game and this year the Axemen have premium seating for $19 where you can have your brew and watch the game instead of standing around looking like a spare dick at a wedding in a beer tent...well me and Blair were not allowed to get a brew on the other side and had to walk back around to the stands to the OTHER beer tent..loved the way the oh so tough dude said it "Your beer tent is over there" he might as well as went on like the bartender in Star Wars "We don't serve your kind here..." Blair laughed and laughed at me going on "Someone is going to get an Email about this!"

Anywho..the game happened, we stood in the OTHER beer tent and watched and well...yeah WE WON 17-7 which made me a happy little Robb because we are as of this moment #10 in the CIS rankings... of course we could only celebrate with Molson and Coors because that was the only TWO beers they had on hand...NO KEITHs for like the 20th yr in a row...blab blab because its the sponsor...lots of probably fairweather fans there too...they like to show up when we are winning...kinda like the hockey fans who don't show up anyways...must be nice for parents and student loans ...all that $$$ to sit in a dorm room and text and play video games..what a life...there was some assclown on the way in who said we were in the wrong line-up and that was the student line, that was all fair and good even though technically electronically and online i still am a student..then he said "Even though you want to be Acadia students"
Ah hem...
Listen here you little assclown..i was at this university and going to this university and probably going to class too while your momma was wiping your ass while you were watching Mr Fucking Rogers...i get disgusted when some of the younger generation have no frickin respect for those who paved the way for them... a picture of me with the first generation of Acadia laptops lays in the F'n Smithsonian, i have been an international teacher, awards at the academic level and there were no scholarships or handouts given to me..some punks...bring back Christmas expulsion for god sakes which they abolished around my first year and send some of these punks who embaress me because they go to my alma mater out on their frickin ass...

Rant over...back to our regular Robbblog programming...

Ok..back to my reality check..oh yeah...AXEMEN WIN!!!! Now they go onto play Bishops on the road..sadly Eastlink will be carrying the Laval-SMU game..but there will be a webcast available HERE

Oh yeah....Mount A beat STFX for their first win in a season opener since 1989...

Oh yeah...this pisses me off too by the way.... i was pissed off about Ozzy's short Halifax show in 08...but the fact remains that Ozzy had to play TWO nights in order to satisfy the demands of the ticket buying public in Halifax and there was still people who could not buy a ticket! And now the Ozman is touring Canada w/ the legendary frontman of Judas Priest Mr Rob Halford and guess what?!?!?! Like the just as awesome double feature tour of Alice Cooper and Rob Zombie there is NO Halifax just like Ozzfest this part summer when it had Ozzy, Motley Crue and Judas Priest?!?!?!? What the hell happened Halifax? Have we got no case of the rock n rolls? Some assclown tried to tell me Ozzfest would not have drawn here....well you emo sookybaby Ozzy drew 20,000 people over two nights, the Crue sold out in 2006 and Priest is a constant concert draw...i predict at least 40,000 would have been here on the Commons...except boy...there would not be a Commons left after that concert and Moncton of all places is the one with a stadium...JEESH...
Here are the tourdates for Mr Ozzy and Mr Halford....

Nov. 12 Victoria - Save On Foods Memorial Centre
Nov. 14 Vancouver - Rogers Arena
Nov. 16 Calgary- Pengrowth Saddledome
Nov. 18 Edmonton - Rexall Place
Nov. 20 Winnipeg - MTS Centre
Nov. 23 Montreal - Bell Centre
Nov. 25 Ottawa - Scotiabank Place
Nov. 27 Toronto - Air Canada Centre

So how is Educ 4683 going for Old Man Robb? Well truebelievers my first chapter is done like dinner and it was basically an introduction to the world of linguistics, had to listen to a lesson and then go to the forums and post answers to some questions..well it was alot of reading so Old Man Robb is really going to have to buckle on down if he is to do well in this class..there were some definitions to start, right at the basic core..what is language and one definition by Edward Sapir said that " Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols."
If language is defined as a system of communication, then language is not unique to humans. Humans can be creative, which is a characteristic not found in the communication system of another species.  Talking birds imitate sounds, but do not understand the sounds that they are always imitating. Birds, bees, crabs and spiders communicate in their own way, but the information passed is limited. Lingustics is also unique in how is it classified within academia, is it a science? Is it more related to philosophy? Linguistics is linked to a wide range of academics.

There were thoughts given about lingustic competence Vs someone's linguistic performance..i know from teaching in both Japan and S Korea that someone's knowledge of English performance is not necessarily what is written down on paper or in spoken performance..there are many different factors. A student may possess very good skills when it comes to speaking a language, but it can be another situation altogether when that student goes to write an examination. A student can make grammar and spelling errors, but that is not a reflection of their knowledge of a language or of the subject matter.

What affects a student's performance in the classroom then? A student's performance can be affected by nerves, not only for a written examination but also a speaking examination as well, some people can know what it is that they want to say and are an expert in a subject area, but their speech is affected by nerves stemming from speaking in front of a group of people, say in a classroom, they have long pauses, words come out unnatural. The student knows the message that they want to convey to others, but there are factors unknown to those watching that are affecting the student's perfomance.

Gosh....Old Man Robb has work to do!!!!!!!!!!

However Saturday Night will be spent at Acadia Arena..the Axemen are playing host to STFX at 7:00 as part of the Don Wells Tournament..should be a good one i thinks.. been awhile since i've seen some Axemen hockey and well it is nice to have it back, i remember attending the Axemen Vs Dal last year at the Wells Tournament and well attendance was ...sparse to say the least and no i am not going to get into it again because it will be Saturday by the time i am done ranting about the lack of fan support..

And yes it is the DON WELLS Tournament...i caught heck cause i forgot the name of it and referred to it as the JAY WELLS sorry..

I want to go back to last Saturday for a second now...something that was on my mind and dammit i could not get the feeling out of me head...before the start of the game, we had the usual introductions and O Canada as it should be with the players and their helmets i know it has been nine years since it happend...9-11..hard to believe i was down at the Vaughn Library when the news came in, went to a friend's place and sat there in open mouthed horror as the Towers went down in New York...yes we know the story.. maybe im just old fashioned but i thought there should have been at least a moment of silence to remember and pay tribute to those who fell on that day...just some food for thought and something im not going to rant and rave about, but it would have shown a wee bit of class and shown..we have not forgotten...

The question of the day i want to know is who in Middleton now has the coolest vehicle in town?!?!?!

Oh! When i dropped my brother off the other day in Bridgetown i went to a local video store there where they seem to be selling off the majority of their stuff and Old Man Robb FINALLY got his mitts on a copy of National Lampoon's Animal House! Finally Bluto is on DVD at Old Man Robb's and yelling "Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbour?" It is sitting comfortably on my video shelf next to National Lampoon's Class Reunion...i remember the CHMA awards when i went to Mount A in 2003-04..there was an ass next to me that asked me about the name of my show..the legendary "Assume The Postion" and asked me where it came from..i told him it is from Animal House when Kevin Bacon (Before Friday The 13th even!) gets initiated...well he said is that some sort of teen comedy??!?!? My god what are they putting in teens Kool-Aid these days?!?!?! I thought it was a pre-req to see Animal House before going to wonder SAT scores are down...

Actually the most curious i ever was about a National Lampoon movie wasn't even a National Lampoon movie at all..there was a movie they used to keep in the XXX binder at the Dairy Bar & Video in the Passage back in the day..the mid 80s to be exact..well Old Man Robb never saw it, but yet always cracked up at this cover...wonder if anyone has ever seen National LamPORN's Frat House?!?!?!?

Oh yeah? I have to whine again about last addition to different beer tent's, no Keiths, no 9-11 moment of silence and so on and so on ...where was the half-time show...are we waiting for Homecoming for that? And most importantly of all..where were the Cheerleaders?!?!?!? I was waiting and waiting and waiting!!! There looks to be an awesome half-time show at Metropolitan Field in Lower Sackville on Sunday where Sackville High and Lockview are going to be playing in the 2010 Annual Kinsmen Community Bowl, but also Dressed2Kill..Nova Scotia's own awesome KISS tribute band is going to be playing the half-time show at the would be awesome if they could get them for an Axemen football game half-time show...

Ahh to dream of cheerleaders...sigh...

Oh well gang..going to do some homework..get ready to hang out with some friends for tonight, got some steak on the BBQ good and ready to go! Remember can always be worse...

Have a good one!


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