Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Hello there bloggeronies and wormslime..what is a happening in your world? Well how is Old Man Robb's world? Not too shabby seeing as how i am not done Chapter Two in my Education 4683 Introduction to Linguistics course...of course Chapter Three is going to be where the fun begins, while it is a chapter on Phonology and understanding it better, it is the first chapter to have a first major assignment covering modules one to three...i will be tackling this head on in my usual manner after i have completed the readings and the module lesson of course....still nerves can kick in at any given moment, but even that is a given ...im mean WTF?!?!? Who ever thought that Robert Reid Hawley would EVER be taking courses at the education level...i mean ever??!?!?!

I did find module two on phonetics very interesting and there was a good question involving articulatory phonetics and how the teachers understanding of articulatory phonetics could be of use in the classroom..i replied that the concept of articulatory phonetics can easily be adapted into the ESL Classroom. The teacher can use the charts to show the areas of articulation of consonants and vowels to the students and what part that the sounds come from, whether it be the lips or the tongue, using charts will show how a particular sound is produced. It can be used for classroom activities using repetition of a certain word and having students say the words or working in pairs to say them as well. The charts can also be handed out to students and also a copy can be put on the walls of the classroom as a reminder to students as well. Do not simply tell a student that they are spelling a word wrong, especially to do it in front of their peers, which can lead to a student becoming more isolated and less willing to speak in the classroom.

What else is happening? Well me and Sir Blair went to the Axemen Vs STFX Saturday Night Lights Football game at Raymond Field..of course the Axemen were victorious..this time we actually got tickets for the VIP section..its not too bad despite the fact that you only have two beers to choose from with Molson being the sponsor, Molson and Coors..however it wasn't bad, the eyecandy was fun too, although a little bit wee too young for old coger but damn funny when two of them decided to take a stumble down the ol steps... LOL..it was nonetheless a good time...again esp with the Axemen winning..hehe

Oh yeah...my only question is this...where is the Axemen mascot and the Acadia Cheerleaders? I haven't seen them at all this Acadia football season...

Ummm...not those cheerleaders...

I think the biggest shocker of this weekend had to have been Mount A beating SMU...i mean when was the last time that happened? I had to check, it was during the 1998-99 season, my first full year at Acadia U...a 23 game winning streak for SMU which included a 105-0 trashing of Mount A around when was it...2000? 2001? I really cannot believe that SMU and STFX are both 0-3...a bit of rough going for SMU, their quarterback quit on them, a couple of ineligible players and of course Moncton snatching away the Uteck Bowl...i would like to see that columnist that was going on and on about keeping inter-league play with Quebec because AUS football is too predictable...now listen here son..never assume anything..it just makes an ass out of you and me...congrats to Mount A though on finally getting the SMU monkey off their back...

It makes me sick seeing the police get called into Enfield the other day because of some kids playing road hockey in the streets..its also sad to see everyone so riled up about a damn road hockey game over the endless amount of drug abuse, underage smoking and swarmings that happen right under their goddam noses...I grew up playing street hockey in the Passage, right in front of my parents house...let the kids play some damn road hockey, at least they are out of the house, off this damned internet, not texting or Heaven forbid..swarming people which must be really brave when its 12 on 1...road hockey is part of growing up in Canada, it is in our culture...in our blood and people who complained should find something better to do and get a life...

Oh yeah...the Whale is coming back to Hartford ..sort of..the AHL team known as the Hartford Wolfpack will be changing their name to the ...ready for this one..the Connecticut Whale...wow..now there is an ummm interesting name for a team if i have ever heard one..can't wait to see those uniforms..on the other hand...anyone remember the logo/uniforms for Hartford's farm team the Binghamton Whalers? I always got a charge out of the sideways Whalers logo...

Oh yeah Acadia Homecoming is happening in two weeks time up in good ol WolfVegas...lots of stuff happening, Sloan will be playing in the SUB, football against Mount A is what could be a game for #1 in the AUS standings, basketball, hockey, alumni BBQ (Wouldn't mind if it was a tailgaiting party before the football game...) and it will be Alumni Night in the Axe on that Saturday anytime after the football game... should be good, i have not seen Sloan since i went to Mount A back in 2003 and it will be my 3rd time seeing them...as a matter of fact it was ten years ago this year that i saw them for the first time in the SUB..heard they had played a show recently where they played or were going to play Twice Removed in its entirety...now that would be sweet!

Went to the NEW Greco Pizza/ Petro Can/Robin's Donuts today in good ol Middleton....good to have an alternative to Tim Horny's but on the other hand, they are going to need more than ten seats to satisfy the Middleton crowd who is sick of the bat-shit insane crowds at Middleton Tims...plus i don't see any Pizza Pretzels...are they a discontinued item at Robin's donuts now? I remember getting them at the ol Greenwood location and they were mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm awesome...

Now i've never been to a sc-fi convention..dunno if i should start but there is one called Hal-Con at the end of October at the Lord Nelson in Hfx...Mr Chekov from Star Trek is going to be there..the chicky who died in the first season of Star Trek The Next Generation who was also in Pet Semitary is going to be there and the dude who played Boba Fett...wait...have to look up his name...Jeremy Bulloch..of course they charge for autographs for bring some change, it would be fun to see the people dressed up and what kind of stuff the vendors would have at their tables...i would love to see a horror convention come to Hfx, no idea if anyone would go, but they always look like fun with guys like Kane Hodder (The REAL Jason) and Gunnar Hansen (The REAL Leatherface) appearing and from what i have heard and seen, always awesome with the fans...would be a cool idea and i think people would show up...

Finally i see that the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (Shame) has put out their list of 2011 nominees...now i am glad to see Mr Alice Cooper FINALY on his list and please give Mr Cooper his due...but again these bunch of hacks who make up this committee has again snubbed KISS!?!?!?! Why? I know KISS has never been the darlings of the media or music snobs for that matter, but OMG..they are icons! Not too many other bands have the following of the KISS Army...it was said earlier..KISS not getting into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is like Pete Rose not getting into the Baseball Hall of Fame....its ok because the fans know it...the people know it, in denial that they know it that they should be there.....

Have a good one folks!

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