Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Hawleyween!!!

Good day bloggeronies! What is a happening on this rainy Sunday? Well it is Halloween and Old Man Robb is stuck working at the store formerly known as Andrew's this evening..looks to be a pretty uneventful one although i am sure Mr Montalban will keep me quite entertained...

Well the Axemen are in the AUS playoffs...but that game yesterday..oh my my my...its a disappointment in that our season at one time looked so promising but sure enough as if there was a script SMU came back this season to finish 5-3 on the season and have first place overall in the AUS..which means they have a bye next week while the Axemen travel to Mount A to take on the Mounties...which also means that the Axemen will have had to play an extra game and if and that is a big IF we get past the Mounties, then the Huskies will be nicely rested and waiting for us or the Mounties...a big ol week off...i agree with the ideas for AUS expansion, why get the rest? I think with Moncton having a nice new football stadium that they should be looked at for entry into the AUS..who else? Who's about UNB? Perhaps Dalhousie who played in the AFL this season with UNB and Moncton and won their first football game since 1976-77...i think it is time for an AUS football expansion...

Well i am still waiting for my mark on my first major assignment for Education 4683- Linguistics for was handed in on Monday. The next big step for my class is chapter four and it deals with Morphology...what is morphology? Morphology is the study of the formation and the internal structure of words. When we look at words and their structure, we are looking at morphology. The parts of these words are called morphemes which is an element rather than a word; while some morphemes may actually be complete words, other morphemes are not words at all. A morpheme is the smallest meanigful unit in language and the meaning of a morpheme with a given form may vary, depending on its immediate environment.

And of course Wednesday is my first online class for Education 4683. I did the same thing for last years class which involves going to a link and using my headphones with a microphone and a webcam to communicate with my professor and some of my fellow students. During Wednesday night's class we will be discussing the first assignment and i guess my prof will be answering any questions i have.. i always feel like a goof on cam and what im always afraid of i guess is messing up in front of a group of people, saying something stupid so i will always do all this research like two days before a cam session with an online classs and come to find out i didn't need to do any of that at all becasue the sessions usually last about maybe an hours time.

Its been an interesting week...had a friend who didn't know whom the Great Pumpkin was...had the Great Ring theif message me and tell me all kinds of BS about having lie detector tests given to him and basically asking me for a favor or two...hmmmm..must be getting close to Christmas time..what is there for the Great Ring Theif? NOTHING!!! Well we all know that the Quaid's are crazy and i thought that Randy was playing a role on those Vacation movies! Love the one about how him and his wife think that there is a Hollywood conspiracy to kill him and other stars to take control of their millions...they should party with Charlie Sheen... naked, drunk and trashing your hotel room is no way to go through life son..

I also cannot believe that it costs $60 for a 20 inch pizza in the luxury boxes at the new Dallas Cowboys Stadium..oh ya and that is just a plain pizza toppings...the rich will spend for it too..that is the sad thing..the day will come where the average fan cannot go to the stadiums to watch football because of the sorry shape that the Amercian (as well as Canadian) economy is...the rich get richer and the poor well..get poorer..i know luxury boxes draw big name money from big corporations and stuff like that..but man.. get a grip..i heard it is $40 for parking there too.. sad state of affairs..while Jerry Jones laughs and counts his millions...

Wonder if anyone is handing out KISS M&Ms tonight? Anything for a buck eh Gene Simmons? Then again this is the man who had ideas for a KISS KASKET!?!?!?!?!!?!?

On a more serious glad that perv Graham James was picked up at the airport by Canadian authorities this week...put this perv in the pen where he belongs as a matter of fact i hope they ship him off to Kingston..the boys up there will know what to do with him..good riddance to trash. I think everything's just gone to hell in a handbasket..I mean we have a gal from Cow Bay where i used to live as a youngin killing her boyfriend and dumping him in a quarry in Mount Uniake..i don't know what is wrong with people.. then again do we really know the whole story yet? Pizza drivers in Halifax getting shot and killed, hookers getting wonder im getting afraid to go to the Halifax area these days...

Did hear about a rock n roll urban legend this week that i had no idea was true..i guess in 1980 some sleazy promoter thought it would be a good idea to put Deep Purple back on the road..except there was no one from the mark II Deep Purple line-up or even Deep Purple mark III in the band...just the lead singer, Rod Evans of the band from 1967-70 before they became big...well acccording to legend, fans immediately flipped out when the band hit the stage and almost every stop of the tour the band was booed off the stage, had beer bottles thrown at them or worse at a show in Quebec City, the audiences were tearing seats out of the ground and hurling them at the band....soon the real Deep Purple sued and the charade was stopped... and no one seems to know where Rod Evans has been since 1980...strange...

On a side note, i listened to Deep Purple's Last Concert in Japan CD off and on during the week...hard to get used to a Deep Purple without Richie Blackmore or Ian imagine what the fake Deep Purple reunion of 1980 was like...of course before their reformation in 1984, Gillan did record and tour with one of my favorite Black Sabbath guilty pleasures..Born Again...would love to see this line-up of Sabbath reform...

Went to Barry and Michelle's Halloween party on Friday was fun, i got out the Jason costume which i have worn on Halloween every year since like ummmm..1983 and it was good times, i was going to go to the Capital Pub and check out the samples of Keiths and the Keith's Girls, but time contraints did not allow for that..Barry was dressed as the devil and Michelle was Betty Boop..but i kept referring to her as Joan Collins and Barry was referring to her as Jamie Lee Curtis everytime her wig was off...hehe..of course they got some incriminating footage of yours truly which has yet to my was good times had by all..

Oh yeah...there is a campaign underway to immortalize rock legends Lemmy and Slash in their native city of Stroke-On-Trent. A Staffordshire University graduate wants to erect statues of the two legends. I knew that ol Lemmy was from over there somewhere but I had no idea Slash was from the UK! Anyways this would be quite cool to see if this happens...wonder what ol Axl would think of his former buddy Slash getting a statue? Alot of people, including myself have joined the ol Facebook campaign, so like i said if it didn't happen, i would not be suprised..if it did..that would be all kinds of awesomeness now..

Anyways folks..going to have a power nap, walk the doggies and get ready for my BIG shift at the store formerly known as Andrew's...have a good one!

Oh yeah kids...always remember...

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