Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Mumblings...

Hello folks and assorted wormslime...what is Old Man Robb up to? Well first thing is i completed my first assignment for Education 4683- Linguistics for Teachers and well...kind of a ball of nerves as it is the first assignment and im wondering all kinds of things...did i quote everything? How hard of a marker is my prof? Did i get to the point on my two questions? Did i say too little? Did i say too much? Now it is the part where i kinda sit back and wait..see how it went..i did re-tink around with my responses quite a bit before handing my work in... especially when it came to having my own definition for the word
"language" is a small example..

There are many ways in which the word language can be defined and in Module One it was interpreted in many different ways in the material according to the work of Chomsky, Lyons, Curzan and Adams and others. Personally, i would define the term language as something that comes natural to us as humans with everyday living. Language is a necessity and we need language in order to communicate with other humans and it is a world phenomenon, there are many different dialects and languages worldwide, but they all reach the same means to an end and that is communication between one or more people. Perhaps it is not entirely who we are, but language does play a major role in our lives and it plays an important factor in our need for survival in everyday living.

So what did Old Man Robb do on the weekend? Well i did attend the Middleton-WK game in Kingston as part of the 20th Annual West Kings Tournament.. it is hard to believe that some nineteen years ago in 1991 i was the announcer for the West Kings Kings as they were called back then and i announced the games at the 2nd, 3rd and 6th West Kings Tournament..i did like the fact that the game was fast paced, those 15 minute periods with no ice flooding between the 1st and 2nd periods added to the speed of the game...the only disappointment was with the 2-2 tie...would have loved to have seen an overtime period take place..i did pick up a Growl Towel..old school WK students would know what i meant and of course being Old Man Robb i could not resist a photo op...kinda reminds me of Teen Wolf...

Of course Saturday continued the smiles as the Axemen rolled over STFX by a score of score of 34-0.....sat home on Sat and watched it on the Axemen will play SMU at Raymond Field in a battle for first place in the AUS on Saturday..damn glad to see that the Axemen have clinched a playoff birth, it is this coming Saturday's game that will determine pretty much who plays who in the AUS playoffs this season. Im hoping i can make it up to the game, might be difficult seeing as the Bickel will have the car and trying to come up with alternate means of transportation might prove to be a tad difficult...

Of course besides the rap crap that was played i am liking the general improvement in the music at the games this year...i noticed Sabbath's NIB has been played on several occasions and one that has probably flown over everyone's heads at the game is the fact that not one..not two ...but THREE songs written by 70's British rockers Slade were played at the game- Cum on Feel the Noize and Mama Weer All Crazee Now by Quiet Riot and Run Runaway by Great Big Sea...would love to hear the Slade versions of these songs get played instead..esp Run Runaway which was one of the awesome vids i used to see in the mid 80s on All Hit Videos on WVII out of Maine...

In other news the Sony Walkman has finally been put out to pasture..the last shipment to Japan has been sent out..i remember my first getting it for Christmas in the Passage around 1987 or so...took alot of walks up and down Ocean Lee Drive, for walks to the store across from the white school while headbanging to some Iron Maiden or Twisted Sister or whatever i could get my hands on that week... a relic of the past that is finally joining its friends the 8-track and the reel to reel player in retirement...

Was nice to see justice prevail and see that disgraced Commander given two life sentences with no parole for 25 is scumbags like this that make me upset that in 1976 Canada abolished the death penalty...i know the doogooders say stuff about wrongful convictions...they should put themselves in the position of the families and friends of the murder victims, imagine they have to live the rest of their lives with this....we have a nation that is disgusted by the acts of Col Russell Williams...of Paul Bernardo...the three McDonald murderers from Sydney, Cape the cash from the taxpayers can keep these people in jail...what about the 25 years? Karla Homolka was let go and her and Bernardo killed her own sister for crying out loud! One of those McDonald killers has been having unescorted temporary absences for some time now...oh that is right they struck deals, they are no longer a threat to the public at large and are model sorry my mind boggles over this...makes me sick...

Well i did catch the highlights of the UFC showdown the other night between Brock Lesnar and Cain Velasquez...poor Brock was mauled pretty bad in defeat, but what is of serious interest to wrestling fans was the staredown after the match-up between Brock and the Undertaker..what was that all about? Would be something to see Lesnar return to WWE for a one shot deal at Wrestlemania against the Taker..but Dana White was quick to shoot those rumours Dana if Vinny Mac comes with the cash i just wonder if he would listen to reason...UFC and WWE could become pretty good pals in a you scratch my back, i scratch yours kinda way i thinks...

Come on..tell me you wouldn't line up to see this flick...

So the Edmonton Oilers are about to become the first Canadian team to have cheerleaders and people are up in arms aboot this...of course there are those do gooders who are out protesting this because they think it is sexist and that it is breaking the traditions of the game in Canada blab blab blab...i mean the game is ruined in some ways as it is...over expansion...Buttman who phoned that assclown fan that got the Canucks Ryan Kessler suspended this week...lucky he didn't hit ya pally! The Americanization of the game..too many cities that don't give a rats ass that they have a team and you have Hamilton, Quebec City and Winnipeg just longing for a team in their respective cities..let em have their cheerleaders, the game as i knew it is gone as it is anyways...

So Sat night i will be attending my friend Barry's and his wife's Halloween party...gots to say i love Halloween like Christmas (Which in itself is exactly 2 months away today...ick) love getting dressed up..serving or i should say scaring kids at the door, playing some flicks on the ol big screen telly..the more cheese the better.. and a party shall be fun..but before i go down i might check into the Capital Pub in town because on Friday night there is going to be some free testing of Keith's new Harvest Ale from 6:30-8:00 and there will be no charge at the door! Sounds good eh?  I was thinking of heading to Windsor after the Axemen game Sat night, but since i heard AC/DC coverband Dirty Deeds won't be playing due to a personal issue.. i figured might as well just head for home that night...on a side note i would not mind seeing the Capital book Dirty Deeds for a show..cmon Middleton needs some more rockin i thinks...

Before i end this ol long winded blog of mine for the time being tonight i have one piece of unfinished business..i have finally after all these years found proof..actual documented proof that SMOKEY IS THE BANDIT aka the original version of Smokey and The Bandit Part 3 finally exists...or did exist at one the original version of SITB Jackie Gleason was to take on the role of both the Bandit and Smokey..i guess when preview audiences saw this they were confused as heck and so the film was re-shot with Jerry Reed filling in for Burt... now over the yrs i have gotten a hoot out of watching Smokey 3 with friends and roaring at how badly edited the film is...but to see what they originally intended would be nothing less of awe inspiring i would imagine folks...cmon Universal..dig in the vault and lets see this monstrosity!

Anyways folks..that is all for now..have a good one!

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