Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Thinking...Mumbling and stuff...

How are things peeps and assorted wormslime?!?!?! Well Homecoming at Acadia U came and went this past weekend, went up..went to Joe's for an Axemen Sub and then over to exclusive VIP seats to see the Axemen take on the Mounties...well...we lost 20-7 and are not in first place anymore...these things happen as now we sit deadlocked with SMU and Mount A and the Axemen are back on the road this weekend to STFX to take on the last place X-Men... hopefully we can pull the fat out of the fire before we really get in a pickle...

     I've been burning the old oil on my first assignment for Education 4683: Introduction to Linguistics and one of my questions for my first assignment is "Have you ever made a “slip of the tongue?” And my response was that there are many examples of slip of the tongue, the one that i recall that i made was back in junior high school when i had to make a class presentation in front of my entire English class, nerves were setting in and when i started my speech i addressed the class as best i can recollect like this, “Hello my fellow students and Miss McCloud.” The biggest problem with this is that my teacher was married and therefore she should have been referred to as Mrs McCloud, who promptly corrected my mistake in front of the entire classroom.

    What happened in this case was a very accidental mistake in speaking, i will be the first to admit that nerves played a major role in this misstep on my behalf as this was one of my first ever presentations to a classroom by myself. I knew that my teacher was married and she thought this was a case of me trying to be humorous to my fellow classmates who laughed at my mistake. Perhaps it was a case of the mouth moving before the brain could react. It was a small mistake that could have been made by anyone who was nervous talking to a crowd of people.

   My mistake with my classroom speech harkens back to the phonological rules, it was something that just happened rather than something that should happen. According to my hidden knowledge, i knew my teacher was a Mrs, not a Miss. This much i knew, however being nervous about speaking in front of some thirty people in a classroom and having my teacher grading me brought on a psychological effect and caused me to make a quite accidental slip of the tongue, while not as entertaining as maybe a “Spoonerism”, it seemed to cause unintended humour amongst my fellow classmates. By the way, Spoonerisms are words or phrases in which letters or syllables get swapped. This often happens accidentally in slips of the tongue. The pic below is an example of a spoonerism:

Now the big reason for me taking these courses is to eventually find a job with a decent school and teach ESL..or mostly means the same thing. I did contact one such school or i should say recruitment organization and they provide English language programs for corporations, residents and public schools of Japan...yes Old Man Robb would like to go back to Japan...this corporation offers terms that run from September to December/January and April/May to July..of course one would have to pay their own way over, but there is reimbursement for up to $1000.00... and locations include Tokyo, Saitama (Where i lived before..) Chiba, Kanagawa, Shizuoka, Aichi, Fukushima, Tochigi and Yamanashi. The BIG catch is that i need to have to TESOL Certification by the time i apply...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...decisions..decisions...

But Old Man Robb...why Japan? Well because it did not end the way Robb wanted it to that is why..i feel like i have something to prove and besides i was kind of a hermit the first time and there is lots left that i wanna see in Japan. Get a teaching job here? Well there are a lack of teaching jobs and some of the ones i see online i think "Buyer Beware" would be a term i would use for some of the ESL jobs that i see available in BC and Ontario...of course getting a teaching job here is probably not in the with any job here there is the glass ceiling, where i may be qualified or beyond qualified for that job, i am stopped because of hidden politics.. alot of other places suffer from the politics of the old boys club, or you are so and so's brother or sister so you must have talent...suffering from a serious case of nepotism, favors given to people with no regards to any merit... there are always hidden factors keeping one from a job...then again some factors are probably as obvious as anything...

Despite the Axemen losing, the weekend wasn't too too bad...before Saturday's game we got to go to the new arena in Berwick, The Appledome..i know they are calling it the Kings Mutual Centre...blah...doesn't that sound boring??!?! Appledome sounds way cooler, of course me friend Blair thought it was going to be in the shape of a dome or apple..LOL..anyways we had a mini tour of the facility and got to meet Bruins legend Rick Middleton who was very kind and posed for some pictures with us..he made mention of coming back with the Bruins Alumni to Hfx and i mentioned and he gave a nod of approval that the Bruins oldtimers should play a game against some locals in this nice new facility that we are standing in...i guarantee the place would be packed! From there on in we went to Joe's and i promised a friend that i would not have Scotsskins cause she would be i didn't and oh yeah..stopped into the legendary Market as well and after the game headed up Kentville way to see some Pumpkin People...of course Old Man Robb's camera died on him...just as he was about to pose with Pumpkin People KISS!!!!?!??!?! :(

And i knew i should have attended Friday night's game...WK vs CK at the Appledome drew some 1300 people to the game..first game in the new arena..that has to be some sort of record for Valley high school just wondering if Kingston and Middleton are going to want new arenas the way CK beat WK 5-4 via way of the shootout so it sounds like a good time was had by all and this weekend is the 20th Annual West Kings Hockey Tournament by the way too...WK Vs arch rivals Middleton at 3:00 on Friday afternoon...

Of course when i saw this news a couple of nights ago i thought time had frozen...over in London..Axl Rose and Duff McKegan renuited and were on stage together for the first time in oh some seventeen years or so!!! Can a Guns n Roses reunion happen? Well Axl said he will never share the stage again with Slash in this lifetime and i hear the feeling is mutual..but man oh man..this gave a glimmar of hope! I mean Izzy was on stage with Axl in 2006 and Steve Adler chatted with Axl that same summer, supposedly burying the hatchet...cmon boys..get together..the fans would love to see it..and i GUARNATEE the $$$ from a world tour would be out of this world...

And yes Shannen looks HOT in a GnR t-shirt...VA VA VOOM!!!

Finally a funny sign i saw the other day..i do not know which country this originated in, but i picture describing a MacGuyver Barber Shop!!! This would not have looked at all out of place in S Korea when  was there..of course when i was there i never saw the infamous HITLER bar either...i was suprised to see this, but then again i don't think the owners nor some of the would be patrons would have much of an idea Hitler and the Nazis were or the atrocities that they inflected on many..i think they saw an idea for a bar and ran with it...I don't think there is a big attraction in S Korea to Nazi politics, but a facination with the fashion so to speak..personally i think they need a new interior decorator....

Anywho that is all for now..working in a few hours at the store formerly known as Andrews! Have a good one folks!

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