Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Beginnings...

Happy Sunday bloggeronies and assorted wormslime...what is a happening today? Well where does Old Man Robb start? Ever think of something like what is old is new again? Well it is true...tomorrow i take over on an interm basis the store formerly known as Andrew's....yes my manager is on maternity leave and i have been handed the reigns...for now...what a time of year to be given the reigns eh? Black Friday indeed.. well at least we don't trample one another like those from the States do in order to save $20..but it is black in a different sense in that i have not been in charge of Andrew's since Sept of 1998....12 yrs ago...i left to go to Acadia U on a full time it had come full circle..cue that song from Slap Shot...We gotta Get Right Back to Where We Started From... now the next few weeks will be HELL...but im ready and i can FINALLY get ahead on me Christmas shopping as well...

And yes folks...Old Man Robb's face was that shocked when got that phonecall Friday morning...should be an interesting first few weeks folks...

Where does this turn of events leave other events? Well as far as Education 4683: Introduction to Linguistics is conccerned i am over the hump as in i am into Chapter Six which deals with Syntax...i get done this and then there is only four more chapters to finish meaning that i can wrap Linguistics up by Jan..maybe early Feb...but i am thinking January, maybe take a week or two off from it and then start on Educ: Acquisition of Language.. maybe...let's finish Linguistics first ok? I went to a TESOL seminar the other Friday at Acadiau and it was very interesting, finally had a chance to meet my prof and share some of my experiences in Japan and S Korea with the rest of the few that did show up...well not too many showed up...but i wish i would have had me head on straight at the end of 2002-03, my graduating year from Acadia and i had gone to one of these seminars then and done the TESOL program then instead of now...but that was then..this is now and like Dad used to say, "Son it will all come out in the wash.."

However when i do complete (And i will complete it...) the Acquisition of Language i then in the Fall will have to complete a 20-hour practicum that includes supervised teaching practice and classroom observation, i will get to teach my own classes, but what makes me nervous as hell is that i will be teaching my own classes under the supervision of experienced instructors and OMG...imagine if you had told me this some 20 years ago when the old Robb (Then the Young Robb...or younger Robb) would have said go play in traffic that this would happen....that the possibility is it is an improbability...that Robert Reid Hawley will be teaching his practicum on site at ACADIA UNIVERSITY....Robb teaching an Acadia classroom...a dream come true after all these years of being two steps from the move?!?!?! Yes...nervous? don't even wanna know....

In news that makes me happy...the Axemen are on a two game winning streak and are now second in the AUS next to UNB...i could not afford to go to the two home games at Acadia Arena this weekend...instead it was old school..listen on the radio.. the Axemen have one more road game this week against SMU at the fabulous Halifax Forum and then they are off for Exams and Christmas break... of course with having more cashflow in the new year thanks to Andrew's, Old Man Robb will be able to partake in some more Axemen games, including their exhibition game coming up at the end of December against U of T and in the new year their home game that will be played at the new Appledome in Berwick...

And while i am at it about university sports i guess i must say congrats to Laval on winning the Vanier Cup 29-2 over Calgary yesterday...they only started their football program in like 1995-95...yet Laval keeps winning and winning Vanier Cups like no tomorrow...why? Well while most other CIS teams have a budget of 400,000 for their teams...Laval has a budget of $2 Million frickin dollars, five full time coaches and their spring training is in can make a the players play junior college football in Quebec for a couple of years before playing for the average age of their players is like 23 yrs of age...this is a dynasty folks...i heard someone make a comment that perhaps Laval is too strong and should make an application to play in the NCAA...just a thought...

Now that im done with the sports talk...onto a serious subject folks and it is one that Old Man Robb must simply address...the scary situation with S Korea and N Korea scares the beejesus out of me...i must admit it...Kim Jong Il is a scary mofo...he is perhaps on his last legs and i get scared that he wants to go out with a bang...yes i know he succeeded to his son..but like Castro he is still the man who pulls the strings on the the US and S Korea are having joing exercises with the USS George wondering if they should hold long has this silly war been going on for? Some 60 yrs? What we don't need is an international incident...what is needed is for the States, S Korea, Japan, Russia and China to sit down and work something out...China is the key player here...they are N Korea's only and i mean ONLY friend..they feed N Korea...if they cut N Korea off they will starve and N Korea is already starving....China is the real player..they control what N Korea does...settle it diplomatically...not with bombs and all that because an ugly situation can only get uglier...

Keith's it...but OMG people went bonzo gonzo about alot of Keith's production moving to other breweries...Montreal and i believe London, sure it will taste the same folks...this right here is people's Nova Scotia pride showing..and i have it as well..when i first got home from Japan in the summer of 2007, the first thing i did at the Toronto airport was go and have a Keith's at the airport bar at oh 12 S Korea i missed having a Keith's as well...people in NS should realize that Keith's that is brewed on the East Coast will still be brewed in Atlantic Canada...its pride and identity folks and we don't wanna lose any of what we percieve as our identity...fears of Keiths losing its taste...not to mention the layoffs at Keiths brewery in are being lost all over NS...Larsens in Berwick the other week is a prime example...people with wives and children to feed and getting news like this before Christmas...if people do not have jobs...they cannot buy beer...i think Mr Keith would be rolling in his grave at the thought of his prized ale being brewed somewhere the expense of people being laid off and losing that taste ...decisions ...profit and change screwing over tradition...

In other news...i really wanna try the new SCOTCHOS at Joe's Food Emporium in Wolfville...nachos and Joe's famous Scotchskins together...mmmmmmmmm whatta combo...perhaps while Christmas shopping this weekend eh? Its gets tough though going to Joe's...Axemen Subs... Donair much to choose every Monday night is now Spaghetti Night and its only like what? $2.88 a plate? Good stuff...

Perhaps something that tastetastic will make me start listening to cassettes again... cassettes someday will make a retro comeback like the 8-track and vinyl has..why? Cause what is old is cool again and its like i said in another post that an old friend told me...who wants to look at your collection of CD-R's?!?!?! Nothing as cool as looking through your friend's collection whether it be on vinyl or whatever...way more character than looking at a blank CD-R with the artists name scribbled on it with a sharpie that is for sure...

Well before i go because im working at Andrew's at 6 tonight i have some milestone's of sorts to get out of the way...this is post 475!!!!! Amazing eh? Another 25 or so posts and we will be at 500....and i have tied another Robbblog record as this is my 119th post for 2010 tying my record set back in i believe 2006 of having 119 goes folks...well i have some stuff to do...have a good one!


  1. Anonymous10:19 AM

    It not absolutely approaches me.

  2. Anonymous3:35 AM

    The author is really cool. But some of the commentators are just posting stupid words.

  3. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I confirm. It was and with me. Let's discuss this question. Here or in PM.
    Merry Christmas! :)
