Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Hello and long time peeps and assorted wormslime! Well Old Man Robb was stricken recently with the stomach flu..but due in part to the Bickel, Premium Plus Crackers and Canada Dry Ginger Ale i am now back from the dead so to speak, lost a shift at the store formerly known as Andrew's and worst of all got me behind in me linguistics homework!!! However this week has all made up for this as i am now back to work and as far as the education stuff goes it is business as usual.

What is happening with Education 4683? Well i just finished Chapter five which was on Morphology and morphemes and i am just tackling Chapter six which deals with Syntax. An interesting aspect of the chapter was on college slang, which is in itself a source of new words and employs alot of different word formation processes. Now it has been some oh...eight years since i lived in the Crowell Tower but i can remember some of the slang like...Hella- This is an adjective, the definition would be that you are hella cool or the game was hella good. Think of the word hello with the o replaced with an a, instead of meaning hello as in saying hi, the definition and the meaning totally changes or Playa- This is a noun and it is slang for a person whom dates many different people at the same time, usually without the other person knowing it. The er is dropped in place of an a..a new one i heard in recent years has been Crackbook..It defines a person whom is addicted to Facebook and is consistantly checking their Facebook account. The word blends crack+ book and drops the "Face" part.

Yes yes i still wish Ozzy was coming to Halifax...sorry Heart fans im not too excited and i don't wanna pay top dollar to see a Pink Floyd cover band play the Metro Centre no matter how close to the real thing they are...Ozzy and Halford...why why why?!?!?! Well i hear several things..Hfx is out of the is an inconvenience...just sick of the excuses...Ozzy had to play TWO nights...TWO nights due to high demands for tickets last time he was here in Halifax in 2008... and to hear about the set lists he has had so far on tour...Fairies Wear Boots, Iron Man, Shot in the Dark, Rat Salad, Killer of Giants...its like he is finally playing some Sabbath songs besides Paranoid and rediscovered the Ultimate Sin album...ugh...wish i could see and i don't mean some bootleg on Youtube....

I have also heard of Crack Texting which is when you sit for hours texting back and forth with one or more people about nothing just for the sake of texting. It is as if you can't stop, you need it, just like texting in itself is one of my pet peeves...why have conversation? I had dates ruined by texting..all they wanted to do was answer texts..their cellphones went off so much..i mean whothefuck has a Celine Dion ring?!?!?!? Cellphones and texting infuriate me on a daily basis...they make people into shitty drivers, or those who cannot go ten fucking minutes without that damn thing going off or having to frickin text someone..and don't get me going about those Bluetooth things...looking like morons walking around talking to yourself...would love to see these people turn these frigggin things off for a day...just to see how lost they would be...

The Expendables arrives this week...going to grab an advance copy from the store formerly known as Andrews...yeah there are some benifits eh? Well this is a man's man movie...if a dude doesn't like this flick they should just surrender their man licence...

Yes yes i infuriate easily these days... i had someone ask me the score of the Axemen-Huskies football game the other day and i was almost like don't you read the paper? Front page! Of course i have had people tell me that the news is boring and that watching the news is boring and so is reading it...idiots...of course it might be boring but you know what i think is sad? Not being informed about the world around you...that is sad..
Anywho yeah...the Axemen lost...SMU won again after losing like their first 3 games of the season as was like you know it was written in the script, spoiling things for the Cinderella teams from Mount A and Acadia who had to actually play in quite the mudbowl up at Mount A while SMU sat back...i get scared folks...i get scared cause i think of the decision makers at Acadia U and the money that is put aside for programs like Football and i wonder if they ever think well gosh...SMU is just going to win anyways...and i get scared they are going to pull the plug... not saying they will...but i wonder if it goes through their mind...esp with universities strapped for cash and hiking tuitions the way that they do...

Perhaps she can console me...

Speaking of which...the 20th Annual MacLean's University rankings are now out...and yet again Acadia U plays second fiddle to Mount i went to both...and im sorry..i have lots of friends at Mount A, i enjoyed my year there in some aspects...but in other sorry i do not see how Mount A beats some things they do but they are so small and trivial and well it does not make that big a difference but it does...i was so used to going and doing things on the fly at Acadia U and at Mount A i found it was wait on me..wait on this, wait for this to be open..i mean the library closes at 10 every night and does not open till like 2 on Sundays...the meallhall didn't remain open all day..closed from 1-4 and then strictly after 10 and on the weekends not open till 11 or so...what about us early birders that wanted to get to the library and get cracking on the books...nope nope nope and i found my classes were not all that awesome, profs not warm..cold and distant and well when i see these rankings it makes me scratch my head....

And back to TESOL again...on Friday at 2:00 there is a meeting at the BAC in room 132 for all of those interested in the TESOL program that is offered though Open Acadia. Now Brother Robb is not going to go all preachy on ya all..but i would encourage students to attend this general meeting..why? Well there are alot of people who do not know what to do with their lives after university...i didn't but i was a victim of circumstances, personal circumstances with my family and my Father.. i wanted to be there for my Dad and for quite a few yrs after i felt like i was playing catch-up with my mistake was not getting my TESOL opens alot more doors for teachers...students have to be warned about companies in Japan that are going to dick them around and about Hagwons in S Korea that are owned by profiteers, not educators who will chew you up and spit you out in the blink of an eye...

Oh yeah...if i ever get to going to Alice Cooper's bar/ restaurant called Cooperstown and getting one of these damn hotdogs called "The Big Unit" Who's with me?

On a lighter note i quite enjoyed the WWE's Retro RAW on Monday night...always good to see a few faces from the is also sad also because i remember when alot of these guys were part of my Saturday morning routine in the 80s... get back from hockey practice, make some hot dogs, see if any friends wanna come over and watch Vince and Jessie call the action and watch a bunch of nobodies get their heads handed to them by King Kong Bundy, the Iron Sheik and others... a more innocent time for sure..wasn't going to spend the afternoon playing computer was up for some road hockey in the tennis courts next to EPJH and or something else me and my pals had cooked up...this actually meant getting out of the house kids...scary thought eh?

The hockey Axemen are currently sitting 3rd in the AUS standings...went to see them play St Thomas last Sat with Brother Blair...had to park at the old arena...thought it was going to be a sell out but other things going on such as soccer and people well using their pass and parking there all darn day caused us to park elsewhere...good to see Axemen in the middle of the pack and making overtures towards first place which is currently held by UNB....

Nope...Old Man Robb didn't get to try KFC's Double Down and now its gone and the McRib is not being sold in Canada...sigh...however what is interesting is KFC in Japan...its a big deal... i arrived in Japan in Jan of 2007 and i was told i had just missed the Christmas Season...big deal? Well people in Japan flock to KFC for their annual Christmas Eve dinner..Many Japanese even make reservations for their "Christmas Chicken" ahead of time. People line up at their outlets to pick up their orders.. I just hope KFC hasn't told the Japanese that the Colonel is Santa or something like that...

Oh add this to things Old Man Robb would like to get for Christmas...yes i do read fine and thank you..and about the greatest hockey movie of all time...disregard those sequels..they suck...

Yes folks all for now...later!

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