Sunday, December 12, 2010

Burt Reynolds Drink Recipe...

3/4 oz Skyy(r) vodka
3/4 oz gin
3/4 oz Bacardi rum
3/4 oz Malibu coconut rum
3/4 oz triple sec
1 oz cranberry juice
1 oz pineapple juice.
Shake ingredients in a cocktail shaker with ice.Strain into glass...

A Hard Road...

Hello bloggeronies and assorted levels of is Old Man Robb?!?!?! Well hmmm..we are at thirteen days before it is Merry XXX-Mass time and i am well ok...even got out to do a wee bit of Christmas shopping this weekend...and MY GOD you people are completely fucked...sorry had to say it...i used to so so so dread Christmas shopping...still do..i do feel the Christmas spirit or teen spirit or something like that but i don't feel the need to go to the mall (Like there is anywhere to REALLY shop around here anyways..) i never go to the G Wood Mall unless i really need somethign..i don't go there to loiter and hang out and all that good stuff...but omg even in New Minas it was wall to wall people and just's the time of year where every mom/ wife and husband push and shove their way through the local shopping i am going to continue my tradition of gift cards for everyone cause i look at it in this way folks, if people buy a terrible gift, they have bought it themselves...not yours truly!

Ugh the malls were terrible...was wishing Dawn of the Dead was happening in i couldn't get that darn lucky... and Momma went to Cajuns on the good ol Acadia U i know what i am getting for Christmas..mind you they should have had these for sale YEARS ago!!!!
Life at Andrew's is ok...its been a hard ol two weeks..but what isn't when your not ready at all..even though things were set up to be ok...but thrown off a bit..i know its the season of niceness and stuff but man still has to work and continue making $$$ otherwise...well ya know..forget it... i just want things to run smoothly..however there are always going to be difficulties and shit that goes wrong from time to time...or week to week or shall i say day to just glad i got some good workers and Mr Montalban to keep things interesting from time to time...

How is the ol linguistics going? Well it is i just finished my fourty-four page reading for Chapter Six about Syntax and i as soon as i post my answers in the discussion forums, i am onto Chapter Seven... 
Knowing a language includes the ability to construct phrases and sentences out of morphemes and words. The part of the grammar representing a speaker's knowledge of these structures and their formation is called syntax. Sentences are not random strings of words. Some strings of words that we can interpret are not sentences. We understand this, we recognize it as ungrammatical, we can fix this up to make it grammatical. To be a sentence words must conform to specific patterns determined by the syntactic rules of the language.

Grammaticality isn't based on what's taught in school but on the rules constructed unconsciously as children. Children acquire most of the syntactic rules of their language before they are able to read. Your syntactic knowledge tells you if something is grammatical. These judgements do not depend on whether the sentence is meaningful or not. Many sentences exhibit ambiguities with sometimes humorous results. For example look at this sentence...

“For sale, an antique desk suitable for lady with thick legs and large drawers”- The legs and drawers belong to the desk, not to the lady who would be purchasing the desk.

Yesterday a Guiness Record was set in Ann Arbour, Michigan as 113,411 people came to watch an outdoor hockey game between Michigan and Michigan State...i do like how one person pointed out that the attendance at this game surpassed the total combined season attendance of the Coyotes, Thrashers, and what i would love to see is the Axemen and say SMU play an outdoor game some about next year at either Raymond Field and or Huskies Stadium in Hfx?!?!? It would be great publicity for both AUS/ CIS Hockey...i know i know Old Man Robb stuff like this costs $$$$ but it would be an event to be seen...i don't think no 113,411 people would show up...but it would be fun!

Speaking of the is Christmas break time..but there are exhibition games coming up against U of T and i believe against SMU at the Appledome in Berwick...time to get some donair eggrolls and see some Axemen hockey in Berk! Huskies Stadium badly needs repairs, its press box was closed because of mould..the poor stadium was built in 1969 and is literally falling apart and what does Halifax do? It is so so so time for a new stadium in Halifax...look at Moncton and that beautiful facility that snatched the Uteck Bowl away...that snatched the CFL exhibition game must be found for an upgrade for Huskies Stadium..what if the health board steps in and says this place is unfit? Unsanitary for public usage? I think it is time for corporate backing like Laval has for its programs...get their names up in lights, heck Keith's could use a little bit of good publicity after their recent let's move the brewing out of province fiasco...Keith's Stadium..hmmm kinda got a ring to it eh? Sure not traditional...but those corporate dollars leading to more recruitment meaning cash all around, and with some promotion a nice new improved stadium...better facility equals asses in seats...

Had a McDonalds Egg-Nogg Milkshake the other day...the less said the better as it had to be the WORST Raunchy Ron's product i have EVER consumed in my life... after that fiasco the damn Shamrock Shake best be back on St Patrick Roy Day or whatever to soothe that one over...

In news that makes Old Man Robb happy as peach pie, A Call For Submission is playing West Side Charlie's in New Minas on Sat night...darn good show when i saw them at the Capital earlier this year...would be more pleased if they did their cover of Motorhead's Ace of Spades again which last time resulted in a duet with Old Man Robb...well a partial duet.. they are also playing on Jan 22nd at the Dirty Touque (Top Hat) highly recommendded says Old Man Robb...
Speaking of Motorhead...the new album "The World is Yours" (Makes me think of Scarface) arrives on Dec 21st...just saying....also the other day it was announced that the next Judas Priest tour shall be their last??!?!!? Cmon many artists/ bands?!?!?!? Kiss...Ozzy...The a retirement a retirement in the music industry anymore?

Wonder what brother Blair got me for Billy Dee knows...

All this depressing news this week or well the last week or so eh? Iran and its nuclear ambitions...what's the price here? If Iran is to be prevented from spreading havoc and selling their nuclear weaponry technology around the world, its nuclear facilities must be taken out, and the sooner the better; the alternative is disaster for everyone...and all this crazy Wikileaks stuff...perhaps what Wikileaks has done is simply just prove alot of stuff was true over the just wasn't reported by the wankers in the media...the major problem here is that the Americans and others want to kill the messenger and not the real source of the leaks. Wikileaks did not steal these documents....someone else did.

Thank God the Metrodome in Minnesota didn't collapse during a frickin game...scary...

Anywho that is all for now folks! Have a good one!


Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Q&A With Robert Reid Hawley

I stole these off a friend's Facebook...thought it be neato to answer them myself as only i can...or something like goes...

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:00

2. How do you like your steak? Rare..
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? The Expendables

4. What is your favorite TV show? Hockey Night in Canada

5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Wolfville, NS
6. What did you have for breakfast? Coffee and toast w/ Kraft Crunchy Peanut Butter
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Lean Cuisine?
8. What foods do you dislike? Carrots believe it or not
9. Favorite Place to Eat? Joe's Food Emporium...Axemen Subs rule!

10. Favorite dressing? Ceasar
11.Would you go back in time to change something? Yes...yes indeed i would...

12. What are your favorite clothes ? T-shirt and jeans
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? to go to Montreal to see a Habs game
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? Stanley Cup

15. Where would you want to retire? Wolfville, NS

16. Favorite time of day? Night time is the right time
17. Where were you born? Lunenburg, NS

18. What is your favorite sport to watch? Hockey and Axemen football

19. Bird watcher? Hate birds...a rumor used to go around that the cafeteria lady at my junior high was shooting them on the roof for the chicken burgers on Friday's...

20. Are you a morning person or a night person? Night owl
21. Pets? Gizzy et Maggie

22. Any new and exciting news that you'd like to share? Im on Chapter Six of my Linguistics book...four more chapters to go...
23. What did you want to be when you were little? I wanna be Anarchy...
24. What is your best childhood memory? Growing up in the Passage
25. Are you a cat or dog person? DOG
26. Are you married? HELL NO!!!
27. Always wear your seat belt? Alyways...mostly
28. Been in a car accident? Yes...South Berwick in 1999...was going to Acadia U to finish a Poli Sci project...
29. Any pet peeves? Texting, people yapping non-stop on cell phones, TOO much CGI in movies, Celine Dijon, County music, rap music, chick flicks, ketchup on eggs or Kraft Dinner..and smoking...i fricking absolutely DETEST smoking..nothing worse than putting your darn lips on an ashtray..lazy people too..i know i am no saint and i do not pretend to be..but at least i friggin try at life ya know...working 36 or so hours a week and doing university courses...its not easy...but some wanna sit on their ass...not try...sad
30. Favorite pizza topping? Donair..You should try it at Billy Bob's

31. Favorite Flower? Guy Lafleur

32. Favorite ice cream? I Love Rocky Road
33. Favorite fast food restaurant? Taco Bell
34. How many times did you fail your driver's test? A few...finally got it in 1991
35. From whom did you get your last email? Some dating site that i quit...
36.Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? The Toy store in Ueno, Japan...

37. Do anything spontaneous lately? Went to the Top Hat for 30 minutes Friday bored and came home...
38. Like your job? It is a means to an end...
39. What was your favorite vacation? Family trip to New England in 1992 w/ Dad, Mom and my Sis...
40. Last person you went out to dinner with? Me and Mom went to the Lawerencetown Diner today
41. What are you listening to right now? Ted Nugent- Great Gonzos

42. What is your favorite color? Black
43. How many tattoos do you have? None...yet
44. Coffee drinker? Yes..too many today i think though...
45. Three things i am going to do tomorrow: Go to homework...annoy someone im sure sometime tomorrow...

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Why You Shouldn't Teach English in South Korea

A friend had this posted on Facebook...this is all too too true for many teachers...

Silent Night, Deadly Night

Time to break out those Christmas classics...i remember living in the Passage in the 80s and seeing all this hoopla on the American news..loved the American news..esp the channel from Detroit that i used to watch Wrestling was like watching episodes of "Cops" and those awesome "Mel Farr Superdealer" commercials which had Mel Farr in a Superman cape babbling on and on aboot his great car deals...anywho back to what i was talking aboot...yeah on the news was going on about some B slasher flick that had a dude dressed as Santa and parents outside protesting and that the flick had to be yanked from theatres...of course young Robert Reid Hawley now HAD to see this flick...why? When someone would tell me you can't watch this movie or listen to some band (PMRC) of course i was like...hell yeah..bring that shit on! Lemmie see what all the fuss is aboot! I still have this one on VHS down in the archives...somewhere amongst "Yor: The Hunter From The Future" and "Up The Creek" (Still waiting for DVD releases for those classics.....ugh)

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Twenty Five Days...

Twenty Five days left till it's Merry XXX-Mass time again...Twenty-Five Days...Twenty-Five Sexy Days...Sexy...
Oh Well...time to dig out that ol VINYL again...

Monday, November 29, 2010

Cheap Trick- Takin Me Back

One of the greatest Cheap Trick songs NEVER to be in rotation on the radio..and was NEVER even played live until 1998 if you can believe that one true believers...CT hasn't been to Halifax since 1988...i think that situation needs to be rectified pronto...also me getting CT's Heaven Tonight on CD needed to be rectified as well...bought the vinyl at the Woodlawn Mall Flea Market back in the mid 80s...good times...

You're takin' me back
I remember it well
You're takin' me back
It's so easy to tell
You're takin' me back
I remember it well
You're takin' me back
A long, long, long time ago
A long, long, long, time ago

You, you let me down-you didn't think of me
I-i won't forget what you did to me-no
You were nice not to say it
Now my heart it's breakin'

You're takin' me back
I remember it well
You're takin' me back
A long, long, long time ago
A long, long, long, time ago

You, you thought that you- could make a fool of me
Don't don't be so sure that the fool was me- no
I held up i could take it
Now my heart it's breakin'

You're takin' me back
I remember it well
You're takin' me back
A long, long, long time ago
A long, long, long, time ago
A long time ago-a long time ago

A long time ago- you were breakin'
My heart- i never found all the parts
A long time ago-a long time ago
A long time ago-oh-oh-oh

You're takin' me back
I remember it well
You're takin' me back
It's so easy to tell

You're takin' me back
It's written on my face
You're takin' me back
It's so easy to tell- 'cause you're
Takin' me back
I remember it well
You're takin' me back
It's written on my face
You're takin' me back
I remember it well
You're takin' me back
A long,long,long time ago
A long,long,long time ago
A long,long,long time ago
A long,long,long time ago- o
You're takin' me back..

Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Beginnings...

Happy Sunday bloggeronies and assorted wormslime...what is a happening today? Well where does Old Man Robb start? Ever think of something like what is old is new again? Well it is true...tomorrow i take over on an interm basis the store formerly known as Andrew's....yes my manager is on maternity leave and i have been handed the reigns...for now...what a time of year to be given the reigns eh? Black Friday indeed.. well at least we don't trample one another like those from the States do in order to save $20..but it is black in a different sense in that i have not been in charge of Andrew's since Sept of 1998....12 yrs ago...i left to go to Acadia U on a full time it had come full circle..cue that song from Slap Shot...We gotta Get Right Back to Where We Started From... now the next few weeks will be HELL...but im ready and i can FINALLY get ahead on me Christmas shopping as well...

And yes folks...Old Man Robb's face was that shocked when got that phonecall Friday morning...should be an interesting first few weeks folks...

Where does this turn of events leave other events? Well as far as Education 4683: Introduction to Linguistics is conccerned i am over the hump as in i am into Chapter Six which deals with Syntax...i get done this and then there is only four more chapters to finish meaning that i can wrap Linguistics up by Jan..maybe early Feb...but i am thinking January, maybe take a week or two off from it and then start on Educ: Acquisition of Language.. maybe...let's finish Linguistics first ok? I went to a TESOL seminar the other Friday at Acadiau and it was very interesting, finally had a chance to meet my prof and share some of my experiences in Japan and S Korea with the rest of the few that did show up...well not too many showed up...but i wish i would have had me head on straight at the end of 2002-03, my graduating year from Acadia and i had gone to one of these seminars then and done the TESOL program then instead of now...but that was then..this is now and like Dad used to say, "Son it will all come out in the wash.."

However when i do complete (And i will complete it...) the Acquisition of Language i then in the Fall will have to complete a 20-hour practicum that includes supervised teaching practice and classroom observation, i will get to teach my own classes, but what makes me nervous as hell is that i will be teaching my own classes under the supervision of experienced instructors and OMG...imagine if you had told me this some 20 years ago when the old Robb (Then the Young Robb...or younger Robb) would have said go play in traffic that this would happen....that the possibility is it is an improbability...that Robert Reid Hawley will be teaching his practicum on site at ACADIA UNIVERSITY....Robb teaching an Acadia classroom...a dream come true after all these years of being two steps from the move?!?!?! Yes...nervous? don't even wanna know....

In news that makes me happy...the Axemen are on a two game winning streak and are now second in the AUS next to UNB...i could not afford to go to the two home games at Acadia Arena this weekend...instead it was old school..listen on the radio.. the Axemen have one more road game this week against SMU at the fabulous Halifax Forum and then they are off for Exams and Christmas break... of course with having more cashflow in the new year thanks to Andrew's, Old Man Robb will be able to partake in some more Axemen games, including their exhibition game coming up at the end of December against U of T and in the new year their home game that will be played at the new Appledome in Berwick...

And while i am at it about university sports i guess i must say congrats to Laval on winning the Vanier Cup 29-2 over Calgary yesterday...they only started their football program in like 1995-95...yet Laval keeps winning and winning Vanier Cups like no tomorrow...why? Well while most other CIS teams have a budget of 400,000 for their teams...Laval has a budget of $2 Million frickin dollars, five full time coaches and their spring training is in can make a the players play junior college football in Quebec for a couple of years before playing for the average age of their players is like 23 yrs of age...this is a dynasty folks...i heard someone make a comment that perhaps Laval is too strong and should make an application to play in the NCAA...just a thought...

Now that im done with the sports talk...onto a serious subject folks and it is one that Old Man Robb must simply address...the scary situation with S Korea and N Korea scares the beejesus out of me...i must admit it...Kim Jong Il is a scary mofo...he is perhaps on his last legs and i get scared that he wants to go out with a bang...yes i know he succeeded to his son..but like Castro he is still the man who pulls the strings on the the US and S Korea are having joing exercises with the USS George wondering if they should hold long has this silly war been going on for? Some 60 yrs? What we don't need is an international incident...what is needed is for the States, S Korea, Japan, Russia and China to sit down and work something out...China is the key player here...they are N Korea's only and i mean ONLY friend..they feed N Korea...if they cut N Korea off they will starve and N Korea is already starving....China is the real player..they control what N Korea does...settle it diplomatically...not with bombs and all that because an ugly situation can only get uglier...

Keith's it...but OMG people went bonzo gonzo about alot of Keith's production moving to other breweries...Montreal and i believe London, sure it will taste the same folks...this right here is people's Nova Scotia pride showing..and i have it as well..when i first got home from Japan in the summer of 2007, the first thing i did at the Toronto airport was go and have a Keith's at the airport bar at oh 12 S Korea i missed having a Keith's as well...people in NS should realize that Keith's that is brewed on the East Coast will still be brewed in Atlantic Canada...its pride and identity folks and we don't wanna lose any of what we percieve as our identity...fears of Keiths losing its taste...not to mention the layoffs at Keiths brewery in are being lost all over NS...Larsens in Berwick the other week is a prime example...people with wives and children to feed and getting news like this before Christmas...if people do not have jobs...they cannot buy beer...i think Mr Keith would be rolling in his grave at the thought of his prized ale being brewed somewhere the expense of people being laid off and losing that taste ...decisions ...profit and change screwing over tradition...

In other news...i really wanna try the new SCOTCHOS at Joe's Food Emporium in Wolfville...nachos and Joe's famous Scotchskins together...mmmmmmmmm whatta combo...perhaps while Christmas shopping this weekend eh? Its gets tough though going to Joe's...Axemen Subs... Donair much to choose every Monday night is now Spaghetti Night and its only like what? $2.88 a plate? Good stuff...

Perhaps something that tastetastic will make me start listening to cassettes again... cassettes someday will make a retro comeback like the 8-track and vinyl has..why? Cause what is old is cool again and its like i said in another post that an old friend told me...who wants to look at your collection of CD-R's?!?!?! Nothing as cool as looking through your friend's collection whether it be on vinyl or whatever...way more character than looking at a blank CD-R with the artists name scribbled on it with a sharpie that is for sure...

Well before i go because im working at Andrew's at 6 tonight i have some milestone's of sorts to get out of the way...this is post 475!!!!! Amazing eh? Another 25 or so posts and we will be at 500....and i have tied another Robbblog record as this is my 119th post for 2010 tying my record set back in i believe 2006 of having 119 goes folks...well i have some stuff to do...have a good one!