Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Im Back...

Hello there bloggeronies and assorted wormslime...well it's been long time eh? What has Old Man Robb been up to lately? Well another Christmas has come and gone..it is the fifth one without Dad...they say you get used to it, but really you never really do, its like a giant shadow and an empty void in the household no matter how many people you fill it with.. but it was nice..had one day off and that would have been Christmas Day itself as i had to work Boxing Day and no Mr Montalban that is NOT a day where people sit around and watching boxing...got lots of nice stuff for Christmas including my Tower hoodie, a McFarlene Bobby Orr, lots of clothes and a Don Cherry bobblehead...lots of stuff indeedy...

Of course leave it to good ol Blair to come up with a definite Old Man Robb Christmas present...

Not even too much happened on New Years...got some JD and my new Bobby "The Brain" Heenan DVD and sat home..didn't feel like going out anywheres and i was NOT going to pay to go to the Capital..i do hear that it was packed, but i was not going to pay some $10-$15 bucks to go downtown..cheaper to drink at home, no cold walking home..no stupidity or friends puking every two seconds or people remembering something dumb i did twenty yrs ago and wanting to scrap over it and no listening to a bunch of regurgitated shit dance music all night..nope i was just fine where i was at...

However just before Merry XXX-Mass i did make my way down to the Capital with the gang from Andrew's except for Mr Montalban who thought that brunch would interfere with his routine of loitering at the corner store every Sunday...besides i had to explain to him that brunch was a combination of breakfast and lunch..and that Danny Trejo was not in the movie "50 First Dates" w/ Adam Sandler..that was Sandler's asskisser Rob Schneider... anyways the brunch is good and credit is due for having a JAWS poster by the can...

Just a week before Christmas i decided to take my big ol Andrew's pay and do all of my Christmas shopping in one big swoop! Of course i did and more and then went to WolfVegas to celebrate with friends at Joe's and i wanted to try the new Scotchos- a mix of Scots Skins and Nachos...mind you the waiter brings me regular ol Scots Skins..i didn't mind because i was hungry as hell..but i still want to try the Scotchos...

And how is my linguistics class aka Education 4683 going? Well i just finished Chapter Seven last night before the Canada-USA game and only three chapters left (The course is supposed to wrap up in March) shortly i will be working on my second major assignment...however last night asked the question about grammar and its usage in the ESL classroom..can my understanding of grammar be applied in the classroom and what would i use? Descriptive or Prescriptive grammar when teaching my students? When thinking back on my own teaching experiences overseas, more often that not i used the descriptive grammar with my younger students, but leaned more towards a prescriptive approach with more advanced learners. With the first time students it was a way of showing the ways that we actually use the English language in everyday usage. I was not overly concerned with correctness as long as the general idea was there and descriptive grammar was a good way of keeping things simple.

I found that my older students were much more concerned with the proper usage of the English language, some were of almost high school age and wanted to know English, what to say and what not to say and in that order. Therefore, i used prescriptive grammar to show the proper rules of English and how to form proper sentences. Using prescriptive methods was much too confusing for the younger students, but worked fine with the more older and experienced speakers of English.

If i was a kid again..i would have wanted this for Christmas!!!

Only the Championship belt of one of the coolest bad guys of all time!!!

I went to a couple of Axemen games over the break...the first was against U of Toronto in Exhibition action and the Axemen won big 6-1..mind you U of T is like in last place up in Ontario...the Axemen did do a nice gesture by giving some 300 Larsen's workers free tickets for the game because i shudder to think what the attendance would have looked like without it! However last Sunday was a different story as the Axemen got to play a home game away from home at the Appledome in Berwick...it was nice to see a FULL house watching the Axemen for a change even though we lost to SMU 6-2... that reminds me this Sunday is the Valley High School Hockey League's All-Star game at the Appledome as well...
And how about Team Canada at the World Junior's in Buffalo? Well we beat the Americans yesterday and now face the Russians tomorrow night...I think Gary Buttman should look no further than this tournament itself and realize that hockey is Canada's game..forget your silly American expansion Gary and wanting that big American TV contract cause guess what? It is NEVER going to happen...the NHL is not the NBA (Although people forget that basketball was invented by a Canadian...shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!), NFL and Major League Baseball to Americans...you are just waisting your time and your $$$$...put some teams back in Quebec City, Winnipeg and give Hamilton a team and just forget about all of these fancy smancy dreams you have...

The family is all gone to the South Shore today without me...sigh...my day off too...no Turkey Burger for my today..double sigh...

I was kinda saddened to see the news yesterday that the Hockey Hall of Fame in Windsor and a lack of volunteers...i guess if more volunteers don't come serve on the society's board of directors, the board will disband and the museum will close..that in itself would be a setback..for the Valley and for Windsor itself..the museum is a major draw for the town of Windsor..one of the good things they are doing is looking into moving the museum into the Stannus Street Rink which is currently being used as a storage space..now think about this..Windsor has the OLDEST arena in Canada and it is used as a frickin storage space..that arena should be declared a historic site! It must be preserved! I hope it works out well for them...

Oh yeah...the Montreal Canadiens Alumni team is coming to Sackville, NS for a game on Feb 23rd at 7:00...why Sackville i dunno..then again they did build a nice arena a few yrs ago...its too bad that Wolfville or Berwick with the new Appledome couldn't have gotten the game for one of their facilities..should be a good one as both Chris Nilan and Claude Lemieux are confirmed to be playing for the Habs..wonder how full the penalty box is going to be?

If your really bored..go to FACEinHOLE.com http://www.faceinhole.com/
I became a member of KISS and Sabbath back in 83...holy coolness eh Old Man Robb?

With 3D movies being all the rage in Hollyweird and everything and every piece of crap that comes outta there these days like Yogi The Bear and now the Green Hornet (Wonder what Mr Lee would think of this?) being put in 3D i've got to wonder..where does it end? Now 3D televisions are becoming the new thing...i think it is going to remain a fringe product...not just because of the recession, but also because the technology is not ideal and its cost for everyday folks is just not practical...3D is getting absurd as it is...we have George Lucas wanting to whore out his original Star Wars trilogy again and transfer them over to 3D as well...what's next?

Now Phobe Cates in 3D??!?!? I could handle that...  ;)

Have a good one folks!

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