Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Reality of it All...

Hello bloggeronies and fellow wormslime..how is Old Man Robb today? Well he is just peachy keen i guess..a few things here and there i must babble on aboot today.. one thing is that i am just about ready to pass in my second assignment for Education 4683 which dealt with chapters three to seven of our lessons and our book, "The Study of Language"...no Old Man Robb is taking as long as Chinese Democracy (that's moody ol Axl..not Old Man Robb) but my educational endevours would have others think otherwise..but that is also the thoughts of assorted wormslime whom think that well what else does that old wash-up do but hang out in Middleton and at his job??!?!?! Sometimes im smiling on the outside ya know..but yet im fuming on the inside at the absurd stupidity of those who cannot comprehend or put two and two together...He does lots more than folks think...heck i've got folks on my FB who think im still overseas for shitsakes!!! Don't people keep tabs on other people? I thought that is what Crackbook was frickin for! LOL!

So yes my paper is almost finished and as a whole i have until the first of March to finish this whole thing and then onto the third part and then hopefully Old Man Robb will be able to do his observation and his practicum at Acadia U before the end of 2011...let's hope so...so what all did i say for this paper? Well one thing i was asked is how is the characteristic of human language related to the difference between linguistic competence and performance?  We must remember that linguistic competence is what we know about our language. Think back to my earlier statement about morphemes and what i said about Chompsky. We know how to speak, we know all of these rules even if we have no idea what these rules of language are. We use these unknown rules in our everyday lives. With linguistic performance, it is how you apply these unknown rules. We must always remember that someone's linguistic performance does not necessarily reflect their linguistic competence, especially when teaching ESL to new students unfamiliar with the rules of the English language, both spoken and written. A student may know alot of English rules in their minds, it is putting those thoughts across when speaking and or writing that sometimes things become confusing for them. It is the application of these rules that a student and ourselves must remember.

Whew...i hope that is going to go over well...remember i made 86% on my first assignment and i hope to continue that trend on my second...i had a friend who told me once that C's equal degrees and that is and was the wrong philosophy for Old Man Robb to have...cause all of these high ranking programs i would like to get into, for example the education program at Acadia U would not take me because of my overall marks, its too bad these institituions of fine learning do not look at what your doing now, what your sessional GPA is now as in 2011 instead of just trudging up ancient history and thinking wow...what a dummy this Robb is according to his marks back in oh....1998!

Anyways onto another topic...one thing i asked my prof about when i went up for the TESOL Seminar at Acadiau U is what is the CELTA program? CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) is an international TEFL training and certification program. Over 10,000 people a year successfully complete CELTA courses in 240 approved centers in 49 countries around the world. According to what i have researched, The CELTA is recognized by TESOL employers all over the world and also many overseas public schools, colleges and other employers. Im not going to get too too far ahead of myself, i am going to concentrate on the tasks i have at hand, but it is nice to think ahead sometime...it is offered in Halifax at the ILI- The International Language Institute...something to think about, that's all...

Ok..so how about those Axemen?!?!? Well Old Man Robb hung out friday night mostly at home and listened to the Axemen lose a tough one against STFX and then attended the game on Sat night to see the Axemen score a LONG OVERDUE win over SMU 4-2...it was a good game for those of us who attended, i just wish there was more of a connection on the campus between the Axemen and the student body, everyone seems to attend the football games...why not the hockey games? Is there something we should all know? Just my two cents and wondering why there is not a line-up out the frickin door to see a rivalry like this...

The drive home was pretty awesome as C98 had Dee Snider's "House of Hair" and lots of oldies including hearing Iron Maiden's Flight of Icarius which is a neat ol tune to hear after a hockey game when driving home, esp when the Axemen win...

Fly, on your way, like an eagle, fly as high as the Sun
On your way, like an eagle, fly as high as the Sun
On your way, like an eagle, fly toward the Sun
On your way, like an eagle, fly...

Of course i got home to see the end of a great Habs win over the Rangers and the Kings playing the Oilers and wearing these things!!!! Lets rock out like its 1976!!!

Speaking of events coming to Acadia, a student production of the Adam Sandler flick The Wedding Singer is coming to the Acadia Cinema from Feb 9th to the 12th...should be interesting...the film itself was a great homage to the 80s...i remember seeing ads for the Wedding Singer coming to the stage while i was teaching over in S Korea, its too bad i left S Korea before going to see it performed on the stage!

of course i missed this one in S Korea as well...would have been REAL interesting...

Speaking of things happening on stage @ the Casino in Hfx we have Classic Albums Live- AC/DC Back in Black in its entirety happening on April 7th...Now what kind of shows are these Classic Album Live's? Anybody? Anyone? Well i just dont wanna waiste $$$ to see a big ol cover band, its alot cheaper to go see Dirty Deeds when they come around these parts usually... however Back in Black is one of my fav AC/DC albums w/ Brian Johnson..imagine stepping into the shoes of Bon Scott!!! Quite a history with this one...my friend Jason ate the cassette cover on me...well chewed on it while we were arguing as kids...why he did this i don't know...and my ever loving brother did not believe me that Back in Black had sold that many albums...now as we speak Back in Black has sold some 49 million albums worldwide...that is the second highest selling album of all time and the highest selling album ever by a rock band...put that in your pipe and smoke it....

No Money for Nothing bans here...

This whole banning of that Dire Straits song from what??!?! 1985?!?!?!?! That is almost twenty five years ago folks...this is just someone wanting to raise a big ol stink and draw some attention and lo and behold they got it...Isn't it sad? How many times did i hear this song in the car in the 80s headed to hockey practice or to the movies or just going somewhere with my parents?!?!? Everybody knows the song is a parody of redneck views of the music scene at that time...so sad that one complaint can make the powers that be jump and say how high? Im glad to hear Q-104 played it over and over again...They ban this song and yet all the rappers can say what they want on the airwaves with the N word and ho's and all the rest? Gimmie a break!

This week i recieved an email stating that UCW is having a BIG show at the Halifax Forum on April 28th...now do they mean the Forum itself or the Civic Center next to it? Just curious that's all because i like the local wrestling scene and all..but what does UCW have up their sleeve? Are they going to try to fill the Forum? What kind of names are they bringing in for this show and are they going to tour the Valley? The Appledome is waiting for a big ol Wrestling show as well as the War Memorial in Windsor...

Remember the old days at the Forum? Not a show every few months or once a month but every fricking Thursday!!! Long live Grand Prix Wrestling!!!

Oh yeah by the way i ordered this one this week....Absolutely Perfect!!!

And i really really hope this is on the DVD...the awesomeness starts around the 3:19 mark...

Have a good one!

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