Saturday, March 19, 2011

Commando Killcount

One of my 80s favorites from back in the VHS days...always wondered why this never got the sequel treatment..

And NO Robb..that was NOT Freddy Mercury Arnold was scrapping with at the end...ok?

Life at 40...

Well it finally happened true believers and assorted wormslime...

Old Man Robert Reid Hawley Esquire has turned 40 as of this past Tuesday...

40 yrs of age...this man pictured below...


How did this guy get to be 40?!?!?!?

Anywho that is what was this week's big do i feel at 40? Have i accomplished everything there is to accomplish in this world? Yes and just took me a little longer and im not really done yet..i haven't peaked yet.. im getting there believe me, but this stuff just takes time, but like Dad used to say it will all come out in the wash.. it was nice to see lots of people wish me a happy bday and well others didn't..either they forgot or well..they just didn't...some somehow someway still stay on my Facebook, i should really clean that thing up someday shouldn't i?

I will never turn to the darkside...Leafs suck

Still lots of work to do..i am now two down, one to go with my TESOL..waiting till summer to start it up again, in order to qualify for my practicum i have to be presently enrolled..that is the major reason for taking a couple of months off..besides it gives me a chance to save some $$$...but it is being done the honest EARNING free free rides silver spoon stuck in me yam here like other folks who just have everything handed to them on a silver platter and don't appreciate the little things as much.. to actually have to work for something means something...

There is much more to Old Man Robb than meets the eye....sure i've come full circle...sure im working at Andrew's..but i am still hungry..well not hungry in the gimmie some Forklift Burgers..(Well just one of those will do) but hungry in that there is much more to accomplish.. how will i feel going into that Acadia classroom at the age of 40, not to sit and to take notes, not to give some powerpoint presentation, but to actually be at the front of the classroom and educating students while being graded on it...i guess im not the person who people really think i am...and you think you know me..some of you pigeonhole me..think you know all that there is to know..
There is more to me than sillyness ya know...

Personally i wish i had celebrated at Abdullah The Butcher's House of Ribs...someday i will get there..its on the extended bucketlist...

Yes i will accomplish my goals..folks..age is just a number..that is all it is..many people still do great things at later ages, sure i might be getting some grey hair..but i still have all of my hair.. sure im not exactly at where i wanna be in life..but its really is..i just wish people weren't so quick to write off other people, but they have their own agendas, and their lives are so dull that it is easy to put down others, why? It makes them fell important...its too bad those people get to stay in this world and the good people like my Dad have to go... i wish he was here now..hope he's proud of me :)

Anyways folks its a nice Saturday...time to get out and do something..have a good one!

Sunday, March 06, 2011

It's Me

After a bit of time away...Old Man Robb is back...sounds like a trailer for a bad 80s horror flick eh? Well...what has been happening bloggeronies and assorted wormslime? Well my course Education 4683...

Is over...

I made A-

What does this mean to Old Man Robb Hawley?

There is a whole range of emotions to tell you the honest truth...i feel glad i can go onto my next course which will be Education 4863: The Aquisition of Language...then when i am past that, perhaps in the Fall i can do my practicum where i will observe over 10 hours of ESL classes and teach 10 hours of classes...then i will recieve the Acadia University Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages which is accredited by TESL Canada... scary...very scary..but i do accept the challenge...
This time i am not going to take a loan through the bank, i am going to save up my money through working for the next two months, well hopefully two months as i have to pay to renew my driver's licence by or on the day of my birthday and or i won't be driving at all... perhaps it works out because i have to be enrolled in Education 4863 in order to take my practicum... so perhaps it all works out.

Ooops...i said the word birthday didn't i?

In nine days someone i know named Robb Hawley is turning 40 yrs of age...did i really think i would make it to 40?!?!?!?!? With some of the things that have come and gone in this life, some of the awesomeness i have experienced as well as some of the bs i have endured both in the past and currently... what does one wish for with a milestone of a bday? For the status quo? For the Jeep i have always wanted? Van Halen to play my bday just like Spicoli's in Fast Times at Ridgemount High? Wishing my Dad was here to talk to and to hear some of his wisdom? Hell i didn't even think i would reach 30 at one time...heck i didn't even think i would pass high school at one time..or hold down a job...or graduate university and or see the world like i have... i have much to be happy for..despite having the 24 hour flu for the past 24 hours and well..pretty much wiping out the weekend..

However...there are those who like to keep others down..make them feel like shit...why? Is there some discrepancy is your lives that make you feel better when you make others feel miserable? Some reason why you must make others when they feel happy all of a sudden feel shitty? There are those of us who truly believe that they know everything and yet know nothing at the same time. Really...what do you really get out of it? I think some love the power surge that they get from instigating arguements. I know i am a better man..i am above getting in the mud and slinging..but cmon for fuck sakes... there are certain things i am glad that there is a time limit on...for my sanity and for the sanity of other people...

The above also goes for Charlie Sheen, Moammar Gadhafi and a few numerous others...will Charlie Sheen last the rest of this year? And so much turmoil in Libya with Gadhafi losing much control of his own country... the world is a wacky place i tells ya....

Cheer up...the Shamrock Shake is back...

So what else has been happening in Old Man Robb's world the last few weeks or so?

Well went to see the hockey Axemen's last home game of the regular season..a loss to UPEI, before the game was fun as me and ol Blair went to the Mudcreek and had Axemen Burgers and to the closing CD Plus in New Minas and well Blair cleaned out the place while i grabbed a couple of Alice Cooper's stranger albums- Zipper Catches Skin from 1982 and DaDa from 83..both which i had long ago on cassette (Remember those?) after the game despite the losing effort the Axemen honored their commitment for an autograph session on the ice..all the kids loved it and it was nice to see athletes give back to the fans...

I might have to finally get a Blu-Ray Player...

I took in the annual Pans All Star Game against the Maritime All-Stars up at Acadia was fun as there was an Alexender Ovechkin impersonator by the name of Alexandra Overchkin, the refereee was known as Ravishing Ricky and one of the coaches was Ron Cherry, the "brother" of Don... lots of fun...i wish they had done an autograph session after the game like the Axemen had done... but that is besides the it was the only time i had ever seen a cop car get stuck on the ice at Acadia Arena...

It was quite an emotional series last weekend against UNB... the Axemen lost the first game 4-0..and then lost game two after what? Four overtimes? Axemen goalie Kristopher Westbloom stopped some 77 shots which must be some sort of record and the Axemen won the third game and narrowly lost game four by a score of 3-2...nothing to be ashamed of at all... however what is sad to me was the attendance factor... due to work i could not get out to the games.. but where was everyone else? I saw row after row of empty seats....what is the deal? We had the #1 team in the east in here playing us two games in a row and we came close..darn close to defeating them... just makes me shake my head when i think about it that's all...

Can't wait till next year...

Can't wait for the UCW show at the Halifax Forum on April 28th..besides Jerry Lawler and Ted Dibiase, Brutus Beefcake has been added to the card..

Last weekend was another one that was quite was my first trip to New Ross Farms since oh...the 2nd grade...which means some 30 years... pretty nostalgic to see how they lived all those yrs ago... i really enjoyed the one room schoolhouse...hopefully those won't be back in style by the time i get to teach... my only gripe was they need to get some salt or sand on the was pretty slippery walking around out there...

It was also my first visit to the Foxhill Cheesehouse...a wee bit on the expensive side, but they do have free samples and you do get a peak into how the cheese is they have bottled milk..something that has not been seen for eons...
Finally tried the Scotchos at Joe's...they were ok...

Ended the afternoon watching the Axemen defeat Memorial...last night on Eastlink i watched the Axemen pull a major upset over CBU only to fall to defeat today to Dalhousie...they will still get a chance next week at the Final 8 at the Metro Centre

I think that is going to be about it for now folks...finally over this stomach bug thingy and back to the grind tomorrow...have a good one...