Saturday, March 19, 2011

Life at 40...

Well it finally happened true believers and assorted wormslime...

Old Man Robert Reid Hawley Esquire has turned 40 as of this past Tuesday...

40 yrs of age...this man pictured below...


How did this guy get to be 40?!?!?!?

Anywho that is what was this week's big do i feel at 40? Have i accomplished everything there is to accomplish in this world? Yes and just took me a little longer and im not really done yet..i haven't peaked yet.. im getting there believe me, but this stuff just takes time, but like Dad used to say it will all come out in the wash.. it was nice to see lots of people wish me a happy bday and well others didn't..either they forgot or well..they just didn't...some somehow someway still stay on my Facebook, i should really clean that thing up someday shouldn't i?

I will never turn to the darkside...Leafs suck

Still lots of work to do..i am now two down, one to go with my TESOL..waiting till summer to start it up again, in order to qualify for my practicum i have to be presently enrolled..that is the major reason for taking a couple of months off..besides it gives me a chance to save some $$$...but it is being done the honest EARNING free free rides silver spoon stuck in me yam here like other folks who just have everything handed to them on a silver platter and don't appreciate the little things as much.. to actually have to work for something means something...

There is much more to Old Man Robb than meets the eye....sure i've come full circle...sure im working at Andrew's..but i am still hungry..well not hungry in the gimmie some Forklift Burgers..(Well just one of those will do) but hungry in that there is much more to accomplish.. how will i feel going into that Acadia classroom at the age of 40, not to sit and to take notes, not to give some powerpoint presentation, but to actually be at the front of the classroom and educating students while being graded on it...i guess im not the person who people really think i am...and you think you know me..some of you pigeonhole me..think you know all that there is to know..
There is more to me than sillyness ya know...

Personally i wish i had celebrated at Abdullah The Butcher's House of Ribs...someday i will get there..its on the extended bucketlist...

Yes i will accomplish my goals..folks..age is just a number..that is all it is..many people still do great things at later ages, sure i might be getting some grey hair..but i still have all of my hair.. sure im not exactly at where i wanna be in life..but its really is..i just wish people weren't so quick to write off other people, but they have their own agendas, and their lives are so dull that it is easy to put down others, why? It makes them fell important...its too bad those people get to stay in this world and the good people like my Dad have to go... i wish he was here now..hope he's proud of me :)

Anyways folks its a nice Saturday...time to get out and do something..have a good one!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:03 PM

    Your such a talent Robb! All kinds of good things will come to you because you have waited for them..don't listen to the naysayers, they are jealous and FULL OF SHIT! Just be you and the rest will take care of itself! :)
