Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Newest of the New...

Ok webslingers and assorted wormslime..here it is just as Old Man Robb promised...an update on what has been a happening in Old Man Robb land...

So...i have my tickets for Dropkick Murphys at the Forum, went to Hampton Beach, found the oddest house in the world in Hampton, went to the church of the Expulsion of the Acadians, tried deep fried dill pickles (they were ok) the Double Down (ummmm not that awesome) and a trip to the Turkey Burger in New Germany and watched my friend Justin eat a Stepladder Burger...went to the Northville Farm Heritage Centre, Haliburton House (the New Hockey Hall of Fame exhibit was not ready...) Fort Anne, the Annapolis Royal Generating Station (Which is the only tidal generating station in North America), Racers Rec Room in Lakeview (Which is only open for private functions..  too bad) and the annual Middleton Car Show...phew...

All done that for now...


The frickin riots in Vancouver...

I mean WTF?!?!? I hope these people that caused this mess realize they have ruined everything that Canada achieved at the 2010 Winter Olympics. People are saying oh these people are not true fans, hooligans etc etc...however i saw a lot of blue jerseys on the news looting, fighting and stealing shit from the stores as well...cars set on fire, people bloodies and beaten on the streets...to see this crap all over CNN and other news outlets...its embaressing as a hockey fan and as a proud Canadian and Maritimer to see shit flung at us by the media for what happened out there in Vancouver...the Canucks lost to the Bruins...that's it...that is all..they lost..how many other teams have lost game seven before? Lots...heartbreaking? Yes...but to go rip the shit out of your city makes one wonder....

Speaking of the Canucks...what happened? I never in my life have witnessed a team looking so unmotivated for a game seven in my entire life...the Bruins and i cannot believe im writing this as a lifelong Habs fan, deserved to win that game! What happened to the Sedins? The invisable twins is more like it..and i hope Luongo is not going to ask for a raise anytime soon...sure he was great at the Olympics..but he had a frickin all star team playing in front of him at the Olympics, not the Canucks...

Who should have played nets?


Oh well the season is over for now...

Have a good one folks!

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