Tuesday, February 14, 2012

550 Post!!!

Well well well bloggeronies...how about this? Yes Robbblogs has made it to its 550th post!!! What does Old Man Robb have to say about the subject? Well Robbblogs was started in Perkins back in the Sub at Acadia U when i was sitting there frustrated and having another cup of the ol brown water well..coffee and i was steaming about life and about how i was going to be interviewed about my year at Mount A for the school paper and the asshole editor that they had at the time refused to print the interview saying it was putting down other schools when in reality it was a VERY well written comparison piece about the differences and similarities between both schools and i at the time had a hard time believing that Mount A could keep winning the MacLean's Magazine award for best Canadian University overall...i liked my time there, well some of my time there...but i cannot believe that Mount A was better than Acadia U... call me bias, call me a weirdo or a jerk and or late for dinner...but don't take away my opinion...

Now of course before Robbblogs...there was just Robert Reid Hawley...in the beginning there was Robert Reid Hawley...

Cute kid eh?

What the hell happened? 

What has happened? Since this blog was started in 2004 i have had ups and downs, lost my Dad and had experiences teaching in both Japan and S Korea..some of it good and some of it bad...you find out what its like to teach in a place where its not a school, but a business..and NOVA was ran like a business..it didn't care about its students, all it cared about was getting $$$ off its students..the same as S Korea...all my hagwan cared about was making money off the parents of little children who threw their kids there after them being in school all day since 7 or 8 in the morning.. it was so disheartening for Old Man Robb that after i arrived back to Canada in 2009 that i decided to start taking my TESOL from the education department at Acadia U and so that i could be a legit ESL teacher and this summer is my practicum and im finishing the last of my three part course.. its going... going well.

Of course there are always those who oppose Old Man Robb... the pessimists who want to do nothing more than say things, usually now folks these things don't wanna say things to me face of course of course, no what they rather do is say it behind my back, to someone else and of course when Old Man Robb then has to go and hear it third or fourth hand. People get rather comfy behind a computer desk and not so damn much face to face. Is it the generation? Why be such a negative Nancy? Why? Can't think for yourself or have the imagination or the intestinal fortitude to go out there and get something done for yourself? No giddy up and go yourself? No some a holes just like to hide and talk a good game, but they become scarce when it comes time to produce...who cares if i am 40 frigging years of age? Too late? Over the hill? It's tough isn't it folks making all these kind of noise and to hear it from individuals who call me names like a has-been...interesting to hear it from people who can be called a "Never was"

So what i am asking is what exactly is a loser anyways? Well i looked up a few definitions on the good ol Urban Dictionary and this is what i found..ahem...which one of these is Old Man Robb?


A person who is extremely cool and happy with themselves, yet looked down upon for being different. Just because someone is a loser doesn't mean they are not cool. The cool part about being a loser is getting to admit you are one......Losers are cool.
or is it this doozy of a definition...

Apparently it's anyone who doesn't spend all his time and money at the bar every night, someone who doesn't feel the need to get laid every five seconds, anyone who doesn't make a million dollars a day, someone who's at home for more than two hours a day, anyone over the age of 12 who still lives at home with his parents, and anyone who's ever touched a computer or video-game.
"What do you mean you're not going out tonight? You must be some loser without a life!"
Ok folks...back to our regularly scheduled programming here...
All i can hope for it is when all of this is said and done and i am finished my practicum in July that i will be able to get something to do, if not it is pick up stakes and go somewhere again..but to where this time? Jeesh im running out of places to go.. if i was to go overseas again i would like to teach at a REAL school this time..someplace legitimate where i would be working with professionals, not amateurs and not ran on the cheap by some mom and pop ham and egger organization. So many people get fooled going to teach in what are called Mc-schools and in Hagwans and all the rest of the crap... a guiding hand would be nice..somewhere i hope the old Man is watching over me so i won't go somewhere idiotic again...

Well i have to get off here because it is a beautiful Valley afternoon and i just need to get out...perhaps pick up a ticket for this Sunday's Acadia Axemen-UPEI Panthers showdown at Acadia Arena...i cannot believe that UPEI has home ice advantage...never thought i would see the day that UPEI would have home ice advantage over the Axemen..i guess every dog has his day though.. anyways folks it should be a good one...


Have a good one folks!