Thursday, February 02, 2012

MST3K - Escape 2000 aka Escape From The Bronx aka Bronx Warriors Part II

There are those of us..well a few of us that really dig 1990: The Bronx Warriors and its sequel Escape From the Bronx aka Bronx Warriors Part II aka for some reason Escape 2000... however Old Man Robb could not resist the opportunity to watch this cult classic from the 80s with the commentary from the crew at MST3K..aka Mystery Science Theatre 3000...which i discovered via satellite tv at an old friends place eons ago and then thanks to the power of the internet i discovered them much later in the 90s and yes that dirty dirty dirty word i downloaded and watched them..well one after another and always managed to get a chuckle out of watching dude Joel and his robot sidekicks Tom Servo and Crow rip the ever living daylights out of a lot of bad bad movies...

Here is a better description of MST3K taken from Wikipedia:

Mystery Science Theater 3000 (often abbreviated as MST3K) is an American cult television comedy series created by Joel Hodgson and produced by Best Brains, Inc., that ran from 1988 to 1999.
The series features a man and his robot sidekicks who are trapped on a space station by an evil scientist and forced to watch a selection of bad movies, often (but not limited to) science fiction B-movies. To keep sane, the man and his robots provide a running commentary on each film, making fun of its flaws and wisecracking (or "riffing") their way through each reel in the style of a movie-theater peanut gallery. Each film is presented with a superimposition of the man and robots' silhouettes along the bottom of the screen.

Joel has no control over when the movies start, because—as the original theme song stated -- "he used those special parts to make his robot friends." He must enter the theater when "Movie Sign" flashes, because Dr. Clayton Forrester (and in later seasons, his evil would-be tyrant mother Pearl) has numerous ways to punish Joel/Mike for non-compliance, including shutting off the oxygen supply to the rest of the ship, and electric shocks. As the movies play, the silhouettes of Joel/Mike, Tom, and Crow are visible at the bottom of the screen, wisecracking and mocking the movie (a practice they often referred to as "riffing") in order to prevent themselves from being driven mad.

Basically the show does what me and my friend Barry did for yrs...find the worst movies that could possibly find and well..bury the living daylights out of them with a peanut gallery commentary..we used to drive our friends batty as hell with the point where well some of them just never came over anymore or rolled their eyes when we would pull something off the video store walls like some dubbed in kung-fu movie or slasher flick or bad sci-fi movie from the 80s...i think we were the king of the rewind..always the two who would notice a dummy being used..or a boommike knocking someone in the head...or bad dubbing..omg the bad dubbing was always a howl... we knew how to really pick out some doozies lemme tell ya! We started to sound like an R-rated version of those two old bastards from the Muppet Show!

I did last year do a piece on Escape From the Bronx for Robbblogs...the blog that NOBODY reads...well i start to wonder is what i wrote...

This slice of Italian cheese has the returning Mark Gregory and the bad dude from Buck Rogers...ummmm..ya Henry Silva....i remember when babbling on and on about Warriors of the Wasteland w/ the great Fred Williamson how the only flick the Italians saw for aboot five years in the 80s was The Warriors, Mad Max, The Road Warrior and Escape From New York...i swear i swear...

Oh ya and here are the official stats from IMDB..

The full death toll in the uncut version is 174. There are 110 killed in shootings, 40 in explosions, 9 by flamethrowers, 1 by stabbing, 1 off-screen kill, 4 unknowns, 6 electrocutions, 2 bashed in the face with a helmet and 1 face turned to red mush after being hit with a shotgun butt...

Enjoy the bashing of this classic folks...oh and don't forget to hunt down this and the superior original...

Not a sequel...but it's worth it to hunt down Warriors of the Wasteland aka the New Barbarians as well...can never have enough of that rockin Fred Williamson!