Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The year so far...

How has 2012 been so far? Let the picture do the talking shall we?


Well Well Well..

Old Man Robb has gone glow bowling...went to Halifax..the Passage.. visited the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic and saw the Titanic display, saw a tribute to the Halifax Explosion, ate at John's Lunch for the first time since the 80s (It's still damn good too!) saw the legendary Deep Purple while everyone else was watching Superbowl and some old lady perform the half-time show..saw the Acadia Axemen lost a heartbreaking AUS opening round playoff series to UPEI, especially in game three when we outshot them, came back from a three goal deficit only to lose in double overtime...then just last week Old Man Robb returned to West Kings for the first time in years to see a play he had a minor role in exactly twenty years ago in 1992 at West Kings called "Bye Bye Birdie" it was my first time walking around the facility in eons..counted three pics of yours truly still on the walls...including my 1992 grad pic which was a humdinger... 

That is what i have been up to...

That and school...

Old Man Robb has slipped a wee bit but feels is is recoverable...well my marks have slipped into the seventies and i am not too happy about it..let's not make excuses now..Old Man Robb has become too complacent.. too used to marks in the eighties and well i have let little stupid things distract me..things that have no business distracting me whatsoever and well Old Man Robb is now not going to let those things distract him from his ultimate goal..this is what it is all about...going back into the classroom at Acadia U but not as a student sitting in a classroom, but as a TEACHER at the front..for at least ten weeks i will be able to claim until i am old and gray that i in someway and somehow got a chance to teach at Acadia U...would i have thought this the first time i walked across that campus back in 1989/ 1990? HELL no!!! It took a lot of hard work to get to this point boys and girls and assorted wormslime...it took a hell of alot of nights and days in the books..amongst people sticking their finger on the end of me beak and telling me im no good...people who haven't spoken to me like a human being since the 80s saying that im no good...piss off assclowns i am good and ive come a long way...believe it or not...

Believe it or not the assclown pictured above used to be me twenty years ago... the same assclown that people believed would end up doing nothing...no encouragement whatsoever and the only person that did offer it and never gave up offering it was my Father...what i would do to have him around nowadays.. he didn't even have to say anything.. just that look, the quiet encouragement from that man was enough..just his being here would be more important than knowing what to say.. i often times wonder how different would life be if he was here today, i know i know..sometimes a wish is just a wish, but i just have to be patient, have confidence and believe in myself which can be a hard thing to do sometimes..it's like people are just waiting to see me fail ya know....

I hope your watching over me old friend...

Ok...in other news...

There is a secret plan afoot for my ten week practicum at Acadia U this summer..since my time has been significantly freed up i shall have some time on my hands this summer in order to concentrate on my practicum and well if all goes according to plan i might be able to spend that ten weeks in Wolfville! Yes yes yes Old Man Robb would be at Acadia U full time for a short time for the first time since the Tower days... well even the 2004-05 school yr i lived in Kentville and while i did have the ol Suzuki Tracker (RIP) it just wasn't the same at actually being able to live in good ol WolfVegas... and no please people do not get ahead of yourselves now..i be there to work...playtime will be limited and well...it really will not be happening all too much to be honest.. this will be Old Man Robb in familiar surroundings such as the Vaughn Library... preparing for my teaching days and probably finishing off my present Open Acadia course- Education 4863: Acquisition of Language. so there will be little time for the usual Old Man Robb antics...

It will be that...and hopefully not as pictured below...

Have a good one folks!