Friday, June 15, 2012



An epilogue is a final chapter at the end of a story that often serves to reveal the fates of the characters. Some epilogues may feature scenes only tangentially related to the subject of the story. They can be used to hint at a sequel or wrap up all the loose ends. They can occur at a significant period of time after the main plot has ended. In some cases, the epilogue has been used to allow the main character a chance to "speak freely."
An epilogue can continue in the same narrative style and perspective as the preceding story, although the form of an epilogue can occasionally be drastically different from the overall story. It can also be used as a sequel.


     My TESOL Practicum, as well at my education courses at Acadia U wrapped up earlier this week did it go overall? Well i scored an A on my course...Sir Robert Reid Hawley scored an A??!?!?! Suprised huh Sherlock? Well Robert Reid Hawley has been scoring an A ever since he re-started back at Acadia U in the fall of 2009-10.. sure the naysayers are out in full force now...saying oh you did one 3hr course at a didn't really earn it... its funny how these kind of people come out in full force when you do something well eh? People laugh at me cause i am quite different...i left at them because they are all the same..all fucking cookie cutter same.. we're all clones...They don't really know fuck all about you to be honest, they just go on situations from twenty or more yrs ago.. people like to harp on your past because they know fuck all about your present. It's like Jack Nicholson from that movie with Tom Cruise- "You can't handle the truth!"

At the end of the day, if they hate you....then forget them...not worth it...

    Anywho next week my final marks come back... so what is Old Man Robb to do? Do i rest on my laurels? No i have been applying and applying for jobs- ESL jobs in Canada...there was one as close as Mount St Vincent and others including one in Glace Bay. I am just going to have to take my chances.. but do i really want to go back overseas again? I do believe i have done my time so to speak, but if Canada has nothing to offer me in the way of ESL employment i guess than overseas it shall be. Some schools over there are nothing but crayon class schools where you could graduate with a degree in swimming pool management and somehow manage to grab an ESL job while other people stay in Canada and work for the man, for minimum wage... somehow it all doesn't add up does it?

  And applying for jobs...right place, right time is where one has to be...alot of time there is no feedback from some of these companies...making us sit and wonder..did they even look at it? Not qualified? Maybe a case of too makes bosses alot better when they have some incompetent dipshits around that they feel comfortable with...why? Because those people are not a threat to the status quo...they are just going to shut up and do whatever job is given them.. they are not a threat...they are not going to get promoted and are not going to take your position. And of course there is always nepotism- jobs granted to relatives or cronysim- jobs awarded to friends...i can think of many institutions that suffer from this ....they get jobs not awarded on merit...but awarded on who the hell they are...hell of a way to run things eh?

What do i want to do... been strange lately but i think Old Man Robb is burnt out a wee bit from observing classes and teaching classes.. i think there are times where i just want to be left alone..other people have a hard ol time getting that hint lately..let me tell you something and it is the God's honest truth...some people have a way about them..they feel if they nag and nag and bug and pester that i will give in and do whatever it is that they want...WRONG... dead wrong.. that just makes me push them further away... and when one pest goes away..another appears just like clockwork...a friend in need is a pest... i think some people just have a hard ol time just taking the proverbial hint that Old Man Robb needs a rest and now is just not the time to bug me because i am busy thinking about new things...

Well i think Old Man Robb has babbled on long enough aboot things today and i guess i have to go do an HONEST nights work...hard words eh folks? Have a good one...

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