Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Still Tired of Waiting...

Well how goes things on the teaching front for Old Man Robb? Pretty much non-existent.. no let me rectify that.. non-existent more or less describes what has been happening since i last updated on this topic. However it is not for a lack of trying true believers and other assorted wormslime. Yes Old Man Robb has been working on has been frustrating at times believe me... i am just wondering if i have been chasing a nearly impossible dream and sometimes it is like gasping at straws when trying to find the positives in a situation like mine... the frustration of the unemployed ESL teacher.

I looked into a job teaching ESL- English Second Language in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia. It was listed on Indeed Jobs and i had to look into it.. however the closing date was given as being November 20, 2012.. we are past that... yet the job was still listed. Lo and behold to non-amazement from Old Man Robb the job had been filled, yet the lady was nice enough to still grant me an interview.. looking for tutors for students in Yarmouth and in Digby.. alot of gas just to tutor a few times a week.. but she says she will be sending me paperwork to look over.. well that interview was Friday and im still waiting for that paperwork to arrive via e-mail.

I should be used to people saying one thing and doing another.. perhaps this person just simply and purely forgot to send the paperwork.. and maybe she ohhh conveniently forgot.. that happens too folks. They think i will simply forget about it.. nope i have yet to do that.. and the powers that be in this province wonder day and night why they are losing the newer teachers to other places.. well it is not too darn hard to figure it out that we are leaving because well some of the jobs are not there.. the other reason is the incompetence of others.. and lately i have been finding alot of incompetence where there should be professionalism. Its called getting amateurs to do work that should be handled by professionals.

Then there was China.. well a friend of a friend who knows someone in the know... if that makes any sense at all i don't know found a job for me... well they tried to help.. help is always appreciated in these situations you know. Anyways what attracted me was that the school as ran by North Americans and not by some greedy corporate assclown or mom and pop Hagwon looking to screw a teacher over... the other attraction was of a free flight over to China... only South Korea really offers the free flight anymore.. Japan schools did yrs ago but changed their policy when teachers would come over only to take off on the schools... not even show up to training.. but this was China w/ a free flight.. i was intrigued.

However it was not to be... only looking for those w/ a bachelor of education. Something that Acadia U denied me back in 2008-09 when i was denied admission to their education program. It's too bad they deny a teacher like me who took classes at the education level... and yes the TESOL classes at Acadia U are listed as education classes and guess what? I never in the last few yrs of taking those classes had a mark below an A-.. that is pretty damn good.. esp for someone like me whom had been out of school/ university for four yrs teaching in Japan and South Korea before taking on the TESOL Program offered through Open Acadia.

I wish them luck finding quality teachers... i really do... those with those bachelor of education degrees usually get snapped up by the schools around here. That leaves other teachers like me whom are wishing to get their break kind of in the dust. You have these high standards... your school and these one's i see from Alberta and British Columbia whom want teachers with five yrs of ESL teaching experience... you try and raise the bar so damn high.. how do you get this experience when no one is willing to let you come and get this experience? How do you get a bachelor of education when they base you on the person you were years ago when looking at your marks... they don't look at how well you are doing in your present with a current average of a 3.0 or so... just how shitty i was the first few yrs when i was drunky the clown...

However i will not give up trying.. i have sent resumes off to Fort McMurray in Alberta where they are looking for ESL teachers... there were other groups interested in China and even Thailand... but again it is where i would have to pay for a flight on over there and i don't have the spare $$$ for a flight to go teach there and i don't want to go begging to family just to be able to go. Could always go back to South Korea, but they pretty much take anyone and i do mean anyone... a free flight over.. but at what cost? Alot of broken promises and some arsehole of a Hagwon owner whom will try to can you before your twelve months are up...

Just wondering if it was all worth it the last few yrs of my life folks... was it worth spending over $2000.00 to achieve a TESOL Certificate/ practicum from Acadia U? Was it worth it sending away (And paying) for my TESOL Nova Scotia and my TESOL Canada Certificates? When is enough enough? Should Old Man Robb throw in the proverbial towel and just say fuck it? Get a haircut and get a real job?Im sick and tired of being sick and tired....  Sometimes lately it has been hard to keep focused on the positives and just spending time dwelling on the negatives.Time will tell folks... there are just frustrating times right now... hoping for something better..

Have a good one folks

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