Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Back to the drawing board...

Well, here i am...another night sitting here at AcadiaU in the Vaughn...holy S*** this place is humid! Every since my first year this place has been like sitting inside Mount St Helen's! Well, we had a non-marked quiz tonight in my Research and Methodology Class and well, i need work! Off the record, i made something like 12/25. THANK GOD IT DIDN'T FRICKIN COUNT!!! However i saw my prof afterwards and he gave me the lowdown on what to do in order to prep for next Tuesday. Next week is drawing closer and it will be a hell week of monsterous proportions! Tonight's class may as well have only lasted an hour, we had this real nice lady give us a presentation on how to use the library, however, i was in the mood for an examination review, not a lecture on how to use something that i learned while most of my classmates were in the seventh grade and being wallflowers at the school dance, much like i was actually. Tomorrrow i go to Halifax to pick up the folks and then i have to scoot back here to the Vaughn because i have a presentation for my Seminar class on Imperialism & Capitalism and i have to meet my partner here at 9 tomorrow night. Hopefully, Homecoming will be fantastic and then hell week will go real...real quick...Well, at least i get paid on Friday and only have to work Friday nite in Middleton from 6-11, this will of course make for a real S***ty pay on the 29th. Man people are loud on this floor! These two doorknobs with hats on sideways are rapping ...well...i think they are rapping,and whattya know, there are three girls over there just hanging off them and thinking they are cool magoos....whatta buncha horse hockey this is eh? Betcha their pimp mobiles do that shock thing like all those stupid rap videos/ Eddie Gurrerro's lowrider etc..etc.. i remember that i actually saw this Lebanese guy that we used to call, "Homey G" walking around using his laptop or in Dell's case, CRAPTOP, as a ghettoblaster! Hysterical, he played his crap late..late...late in the night and had a girlie attack because i played, The Beach Boys at like 12:00 in the afternoon..thank God it wasn't some Motorhead or something....i hope he is now rapping in the pen with some Swedish gay porn stars or something...oh well, another night and no women noticed me...well, then again look at those pictures! Gizzy is better looking than i am! Jean Chretian is better looking than i am! Dick Irvin! Bruno Gerussi! Anybody! The dork next to me at the library with an orange cut-off shirt and major BO is better looking than me!!!! UUUUUUUUUUGH...maybe i'll take up midget yoga or some hobby...this calls for some emotional punk rock.... Anyways, i have to get my reading done for Thursday, print off my report for my Qualitative Methods class and call it a night true believers! Tell then, see ya at the races...


  1. Anonymous8:18 AM


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