Tuesday, October 12, 2004

A very non-turkey day

Merry Thanksgiving...sort of...well the folks are still in Ontario, and my brothers are off doing their thing and here i am, still sitting in the metropolis of Middleton, doing my stacks and stacks of homework, i have a quiz tomorrow night and a seminar class tomorrow of which i still have yet to read the chapter....lazy me. Man, it poured today! Nope, it was just me, the dogs and Hamburger Helper for lunch and supper. Man did the Axemen lay a beating on Mount Allison or was that just me? Ouch! I feel for the boys at Mount A, i was there last year and the atmosphere at the games was one of excitement, despite the beatings the team took. Next week is the week from hell, two Sociology midterms and one take-home to do...the take-home is hard because it is about the theorists- Marx, Weber, Durkheim and the like and it is 500 word responses to the questions. Plus Thursday i have to hand in my Essay Topic to my prof, i want to do a paper on British Imperialism as compared to American Imperialism, i just need it not to be so broad and therefore it needs work before it is to be handed in on Thursday, add to this the fact that i worked 20 hrs this weekend, therefore much of my homework is pressed to the last minute and also i have to pick up me parents at the airport at 4:00 on Wednesday afternoon. Hopefully this weekend as stated before, Homecoming will make up for all of this worrying, scurrying and just plain crazy homework. Man i would love to see some of the old boys come back for Homecoming, it can be hard to see everyone, if they show that is. Maybe some old flames or wanna-be flames will show up, i hope to still hang out with ol' Richie and maybe we will down some wobblepop's or as me old buddy Duncan calls them, "Good Ol' Horns" One flame in particular i would love to see show up, i dunno if i would hug her or tell her to F*** off though. Me and a girl, who shall remain nameless had a fling, it lasted off and on, mostly through phone and internet after i graduated from Acadia, we had a falling out as we were very different despite our attraction for one another, one thing is that she is very religious and i am not. I do believe that there is someone up there watching over us, but it ends there, i do not force religion on my friends and i do not try to change their beliefs, many have tried to change mine over the years, tried to get me to attend church with them and join their Christian Fellowship and stuff and i repeatedly declined. Ok, anyways back to this girl, we finally get together one day in July, i pick her up at 3 in the afternoon, we go for a drive all over the province pretty much, hang out, nothing too much to tell, except a nice time with each others company, i drop her off at 7:30 PM and two days later, she e-mails me, tells me she made a mistake and blah blah blah and ends our friendship/relationship. What the F***? Her parents were mad at her? She is like what? 23? 24 yrs old now? And she sprung her beliefs on me again during the e-mail, i never responded, she challenged me to, to tell her off, call her names, write her hate mail...but i figured i was above doing that, that i was a better man, and friends of mine begged me to tell her off, or to let them tell her off. I am the one who is better off, without her. All kinds of piranhas out there waiting for my ugly ass...besides, wasn't that picy i posted below just frickin FUGLY or what? Ugh! Does anyone out there think i can find a g-friend with a face like THAT? Even Ron Jeremy is better looking that me! Oh well, enough of my ranting and raving, i am sure there is someone out there, probably on another planet, waiting to call me Yor and go drinking Colt 45. Anyways true believers i am out cause i have homework to do and Monday Night Football/ WWE Raw to watch.

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