Thursday, October 14, 2004

Distant Early Friday Morning...

Hello there true is late! All i did all day was study and try to get ready for midterms next week. About two weeks ago the ol' Craptop crashed and i had to get it fixed, anyways i have been playing catch-up and man, it is hard. I i took my Research & Methodlology book and started from scratch starting at around 3:15 this afternoon. We have to know the first five chapters from the book and i got to half-way through chapter 3 before calling it a night at around 9:40 tonight, it may sound like alot, but i also went to KFC at 7:00 and then hit the books again at 8:00, plus i also drank alot of coffee in-between. Man, in my Seminar Class today things were a little tough, i had to present the last chapter in my text, it was basically on George W Bush and his reasons for invading Iraq, it also dipicted the Bush Cabinet as waiting for a Pearl Harbor, as in 9-11. That kind of appalled me that they would be waiting for a catastrophie in order to gain public support for future endevors and that the Bush Cabinet had to sustain momentum after Afghanistan, therefore they turned their attention to Iraq, with a keen eye on Iran and North Korea and what is lurking behind them, the figure of China. The text made it sound like the Americans want to be in a strategic position to control the world militarily and through oil, economically. What is even sadder is that there was a part on one of the pages where Jerry Falwell expressed the view that 9-11 happened because of God's anger at a society that tolerated abortion and homosexuality. Man, like i was disgusted with reading this....anyways, other than that, my day was ok, i recieved an A- on my Observation paper for my Qualitative Methods class and i went to both the Axe and the Vil tonight, big ol' WolfVegas Pubcrawl eh? Met alot of ol' buddies at the Axe as it was the, "Crave for the Shave" and all proceeds were going to cancer research and down at the Vil was the Rugby Team party, so there were lots of women there, lots who didn't bother checking me out and stuff (Check out those pics of me...YIKES!!!) Anyways i am off to the sack as it is work tomorrow in Middleton from 6-11 and then Homecoming, oif which i have now heard there is a BEER TENT!!!! Yay! Anyways this is Rock & RoBb Radio signing off...stay tuned over the weekend for more Robb & Roll.....

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