Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Oh So Wonderful Wednesday...

Hello again true believers! Yet another afternoon here at Perkin's enjoying a coffee, listening to tunes... only two stamps away from my free coffee! Lots of lovely ladies around, too bad they all brought their boyfriends n stuff. I have to drop off me parents Van at 2:30 as my brother has been elected to pick them up at the airport, i guess i am not cool enough to pick em only class of the day was spent talking about Emile Durkheim and my take-home examination for my Social Theory class. I had to send notes to a foreign exchange student today via way of e-mail, but she has been to every class...very strange. Now the rest of the week is good ol' friend of mine, Old Man Russell has added me to MSN, he works at Mount A now and went to Kingstec and lived in Tower with me for about close to four years. He remembers many of my exploits including my Clothesline from hell to a pumpkin in Seminary House back in 2001-02. Anyways, it is a shot blog today as i have to down this now-cold coffee, go get some groceries, go to Kentville, meet the folks, go home to Middleton, get the Jeep and then head to the library at 9:00 tonight in order to prep for my class presentation tomorrow at 12:00...whew! Later on gang...

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