Monday, October 25, 2004

Halfway to Sanity

Good day true believers! Man this weekend was, both at the job and with the school work as well. Well, the Red Sox are leading 2-0, i do not care, my Yanks are gone (Insert insult here!) The Axemen split in NB this weekend and well...more I am trying to do several projects at once, my American-British Imperialism paper for Seminar, my participant observation for Qualitative Methods, waiting for my two midterms to come back...ugh! At work on Saturday the phones were not working, our store is about 10,000 yrs old (Middleton location) and needs work. Anyways, the phone lines severed and MT & T were only going today to fix the problem, this means we will have a late list that is out of this universe! I hate the late list, if you cannot bring it back on time...DO NOT rent the F***ing movie! That is my feeling on that i had to kick a bunch of goofy kids off the steps on Saturday night...why do people sit out there? Somebody told me that it gives a good view of the downtown area, but so does the bench out in front of the Save Easy. They moved the picnic tables out from in front of our Tim Hortons the other summer because all of the townies were sitting there and drinking/ litering/ loitering all night...and day. It was peaceful though with no phone, but the Interact was out and peolpe were FREAKING out....more complaints than the debate between FOOLSCREEN and WIDESCREEN!!! i cannot remember who said it, but anybody who wants to watch their favorite movies with the sides hacked off should have their licence to operate a DVD player revoked....Lives are over, can't dig $4.50 out of the pocket...but dammit we got these stupid cards...they use em to buy chocate bars, Pepsi, ice cream...ugh! Anyways my first class is over with...actually it was my only class of the day...i don't think my prof has marked my paper yet...he was wayyyyyyyy too happy. I have to pick up Richie from work at 4:30 and then i have to meet with my partners for my presentation on Cod tomorrow in Seminar Class and then the library...the overheated library for more and more and more mommy bought me one of those cooler/ lunchboxes so i don't have to drive back to Kentville just to eh? Anyways, hockey is still on strike and i has to do some work is i wanna party this weekend...later gators!

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