Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Little Things...Due Dates and other Stuff...

Hello! Another day in the lovely SUB, lots of stuff happening, got a 5 page paper due on Thursday for Qualitative Methods that i forgot ALL about, trying to finish my chapter on Qualitative & Quanitative Methods for my Research & Methodology Class tonight and as well as changing my topic around for my Seminar Class, i am now doing British Imperialism in India as my BIG paper (24 pages....yikes!!!) At least i now have a topic that is both historic and relevant to the classroom material. So i spent my night at the Vaughn Library from roughly 5:00 last night to just over 10:00 doing my three page proposal for class. Then i went back to Kentville and fell asleep watching WWE RAW...it sure isn't like it was in the old days...some six or seven years ago...if that can be referred to as old days, then again i am old...kinda quiet here at the SUB, well at Perkins it is anyways, if i had a phone...i would be soundboarding like you would not believe! My presentation on Cod went ok, we had to present on Left and Right Wing politics and that true believers is a tough old topic...somehow it got onto the topic of mailorder brides...from Russia! Plus it is very confusing with the definitions and stuff...George W Bush- should be Far Right, but yet is tagged as conservative and Tony Blair and Bill Clinton were tagged as being “Centre-Left”- even though they slashed welfare programs and promoted financial speculation. I guess Right Policies include privatization of public enterprises, cutbacks in public sector services, weakening of the labor unions, undermining of job security and social welfare and support for past and future imperial wars, while Left politics is the traditional terminology used to describe the two ideological poles of a political spectrum in a society, especially in a democracy. Wheww...that was a toughie! Anyways this is so not getting my homework done, so to a few hrs of homework i go and then to go home, make supper and then back for me night class and then tomorrow...just one class.....listen to my new favorite song on the way home...it is by a group called Woolworthy and it is titled, "Wallflower", actually the tune is about two years old, but it sums up the feelings and angst felt by us guys (well...me) who think we are never going to have another girlfriend...later gators and don't forget to study.

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