Sunday, October 17, 2004

My Brain Is Hanging Upside Down

Well, true believers it has been a few days... Homecoming was ummmm ok, saw a few friends that i haven't seen for awhile, the PEI Connection and a few others, although every homecoming there seems to be less and less people. The Football Axemen won yesterday over STFX and the Hockey Axemen are of this moment leading STFX 2-1 going into the third period. I wanted to go to the beer tent at the football game yesterday, but i was denied because i did not have my Acadia Alumni Card, actually alot of people who were grads as far back at the 60s and 70s didn't have their Alumni Cards either and were denied access to the beer tent, nice set-up guys! The guy who won Cdn Idol sang yesterday at the football game, i haven't heard a worse O' Canada since Tom Cochrane butched it years ago at a Toronto Bluejays game.....i really hate that Life is a Biway song too.....or whatever the hell it is called. Stayed the night in Tower, curtesy of my old drinking buddy Greg who is the RA on 9th floor, i caught up with him around 1:00 in the morning outside the Axe, he gave the hot dog lady a $20.00 bill and asked her how many hot dogs it would net him. I went out to the Axe and then the Vil, the Axe was not bad, there was a bouncer who thought he was all that and a bag of potato chips, at least i think he is a bouncer. I was pretty intoxicated, i just can't stand tough-guy wanna-be's, there was alot of them last night who needed Mike Tyson circa 1985-86 to come over and clock em in the damn head. Love them new $16.00 pictcher's of beer. Still a few people i haven't seen this year, i think some are in hiding or then again, who want's to hang around with an old man? Yesterday did have a cool moment where i saw a floormate of mine from Mount A at the football game, he was in town playing in a basketball tournament and was on his way to playing down at the War Memorial, like i said before i enjoyed the people up at the Mount and at Harper, it was a combination of the little things that bothered me, things like bad teaching and in general, disorganization, or what i saw as disorganization, a Meal Hall that did not open on the weekends until almost 12:00, a campus coffee shop that closed at 4:00, just little things that seemed to peeve me off....then again we are not perfect here at Acadia either, how many people i can see (I am at the SUB by the way) walking by Perkins and wanting to go in and have a cup of coffee, you can go to Momo's and have a cup of java, but it is not the same things...the greatest mystery of all that NOBODY has ever informed me about is the AXE itself on Sundays, why is it never open? I used to only see it open on Sunday's for Superbowl, but that was about it...i see alot of people going by the doors there on Sundays, warm day, wanting a beer, plus the Sunday Night Football crowd, the WWE PPV crowd, the Sunday specials, i could imagine it now, an Axeman Sunday Morning Breakfest Brunch AKA Denny's....oh well, i do not know the answer, so everybody can still ask me and ask me and ask me, but in the meantime, i know where to go to watch my BIG SCREEN Sunday Football...(VIL) Well Friday morning i dropped a class, i really only need some 12 more credit hrs in Sociology to achieve my double major and i really did not need this the midterm was Monday night and i was going to so FLUNK the midterm, the review for the midterm was not well done and plus the prof is off doing her field work all week, so if i had a question, she was not going to be present in order to answer it, let alone have any office hours. I still have a bottle of Appleton's Jamaican Rum back home in my room, it may go down really well with these two midterms coming up, projects that i have yet to start and all kinds of S*** that i have to do. Anyways it is running later and later into the afternoon and i need to get a cracking at the homework, later to all and no, i am not an Animal Boy...

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