Monday, October 18, 2004

Maniac Monday....

Well Robfans, or whoever the hell is reading, it is another distant Monday morning here at Perkin's coffee shop here on the AcadiaU campus. Well, the hockey Axemen lost yestersay 5-2 to STFX. I was there, but had to go because of the enormous amount of homework that i missed out on due to Homecoming. Oh well, Halloween is on the way and i am off that night, which also happens to be on a Saturday this year, who will show up this year? Man this take-home examination is killing me! What my prof calls, "The Boring Old Guys"....Comte, Durkheim, Marx etc etc.... Man, truer word were never spoken, but at least it will be in the proper sociological format... Plus we have to make our own my Research & Methodology mid-term is tomorrow night and i spent last night in the SUB until about 11:00 trying to get that right, most of the stuff- Post-Modernism, Feminism and other forms of research are starting to stay in the head, stuff like Positivism, Interpretive Social Science and Critical Social Science is hard stuff...mostly written by more Boring Old Guys...oh well, till next time, this is Old Man Robb going to go do some studying... :(

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