Wednesday, October 20, 2004 is getting closer to the weekend...somewhat...

Well hello there true believers! Man ...that midterm SUCKED!!! I think if i make a C...i am lucky...maybe i just hallucinating or something...hopefully, cause all of these other people found it easy. Man i am a professional university student, i should be able to do good at 2nd yr classes, not sit there halfway through it scratching my head. Anyways, it is over, done with and was worth 30% so that is somewhat hard to swallow, but i have the annotated bibliography, which is to be done with sociological abstracts assignment to do, so that is where i shall try and make up the points. Man is there to be no Radio Station here or what? I haven't heard a word back from anybody despite leaving an e-mail address, contact, phone with whoever the hell is in charge upstairs!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?! Typcial eh? The one thing that Acadia has never, in my time here, has ever been able to get right is a college radio station, we have the advancements, we have the laptops, wired classrooms, but no station....what a crock of S***! the way i joined "Thunacme: The Unofficial Acadia Messageboard" last night (thanx to Lovely Linsay) It was fun and i did a few posts last night, look for me as Old Acadia on there. Man it did bring up the ever so-absent online Ath, you know i wanted to submit a story, i wanted to do a comparison piece between Acadia and Mount Allison and the Campus D****bag told me i could not, that it would be ripping into other schools, i wanted to rip into the difference in teaching man, not in the difference of schools, like always, a popularity contest or stupidity contest with everything. Somebody even said that on the website last night about ASU elections being like high elections, a popularity contest, i mean when i travelled to other universities, i used to get very defensive because you know what i heard? That we were a bunch of SNOBS! That is right, that Acadia was nothing but a bunch of White collar, Daddy's car driving, rich a-holes who made people felt alienated when they came to visit, i took offence to this, i was a campus tour guide during the 2001-02 school year here and those visitors only looked too happy to be here, mind you on my tours i also showed potential students where the Axe was, where this was and fed them with facts about when the then mini-mart closed, stuff the other guides didn't do, why? Because i wanted them to have a fuller picture of Acadia, that we were not a bunch of Richie Riches, i am not a Richie Rich (Or a Richie Ramone either!) I had to work to get here, pump gas, clean floors, work as a clerk, a manager of a videostore. Alot of students arrived here over the years, i know this because i stayed in Tower for 5 yrs and saw students who never ever picked up a gas pump in their lives, didn't know how to work the washer and dryers in Tower....etc etc...Acadia needs to be a place of opportunity, not a closed kliq of people. Someday i'll do an entire entry on here of do's and don'ts of university, maybe they can give me the special job of writing the student handbook, instead of publishing ones with pictures on them from five yrs ago......hey Bullen!!! this damn thing still exists!!!!. Anyways, i have one more question to do for my take-home examination for Social Theory and then i can finally go to to you later webheads! We Want The Airwaves!

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