Monday, October 18, 2004

Monday Night Robb

Well, back again! My day has gone fine, i completed two of my assigned four questions for my take-home Social Theory Examination. Well, i need to add quotes to the two questions, but they are done. Tomorrow is my Research & Methodology Mid-term at 7:00 (at night, not morning silly bean) I am nervous, but ok. I found out today that my buddy Aaron left MTA for STFX and is working there now, i had two former Tower alumnus on MSN today, him and my old pal Jamie. I think it is time for a ROAD TRIP to WolfVegas boys! Or a trip to STFX...or something...I traded in my bareboned Friday The 13th DVD's today because of my new Friday The 13th Boxset. Picked up my buddy Richie (another Tower already knew that) from his work experience place, we have plans for Halloween...shhhhhhhh! Wanted to get the car washed in Coldbrook, some bird pooped on me passenger window...but the car wash was broken ironic, i break down and so does the car wash...some girl started babbling on and on and on about Sunday shopping, no sympathy from Ol' Robbo as i have been working Sundays for oh...some 8 or so yrs....Hot damn i couldn't believe i paid $11.50 to eat at mealhall on Saturday!!!! What the hell is up with that price Marriots?!?!?!?! Way to treat the old Alumni...$11.50 for ol' TatorTot Casserole!!!!The search continues for Georgeous Glen, he will have to meet Robbo for the title soon....actually i asked one half of the PEI Connection on Saturday, before the night became a complete haze about another former Tower alumnus by the name of Nathan, who always wore a toque, drank alot of Molson and had the same damn WAyne Gretzky Titan Hockey Stick in his volvo all yr long! I remember this damn stick clocked me in the head about 1000 times that yr....Oh well, this week is going to get worse, midterm tomorrow night and take-home at the end of the week, go home, work....come back Sunday and then next week, more of the same old, same old. Anyways that is enough ranting by me, tell tomorrow Rock On!!!

1 comment:

  1. Well I do have the original recipe for tater to casserole on my comfidential mealhall recipe cd...maybe i'll let you see it sometime.

