Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Empty Experience

Long time no blog! Well naysayers, i am back and in Perkins working on homework like you do not beleive! For those out of towners, NS was hit with a power outage the likes of which i have never seen and we were without power for a good day and a half in Middleton. It was like a state of emergency in the old hometown, people were lined up at the two gas stations like a mile down the road, Needs was jammed with people and so was the local CO-OP. People's moods were changing from being ok with all of this to well..pretty snarly by Monday. ...we were lucky to have a wood stove, a kerosene heater...i had filled up the Jeep on Friday and stocked up on groceries on the same brother made me nearly hit the ceiling when i was wondering about school and had phoned my old advisor to find out about Tuesday, he said " Why the F*** are you thinking about school now? Who cares? ...well D***head...i care! I have spent more money (well not really my money) going to Acadia and Mount Allison than you will earn in the next 20 years, i care because it is my future, or whatever the hell i have left of a future if i cannot make the shut the hell up...ok enough ranting about that...Oh...i had to work on Monday night in Greenwood, from 4:00-9:00, but we only had half our power and no computer, i feel bad for my manager as she had to enter everything into the computer that we had written down and our ice cream has all but melted in the Greenwood store and i think it has to be disposed of. The Middleton store managed to save their ice cream. Classes resumed today and my 45 minute presentation in Seminar on British-India has been edited down to 30 minutes, this means i will have to throw out some of the stuff i was going to present, so that means i will chat for 15 minutes and then ask questions for another 15 minutes, so that is not so darn bad. While waiting for my yearly flu-shot in Greenwood on Saturday, i read the Macleans Annual University Rankings, again we came in 3rd, behind STFX and Mount Allison. Well, i have never attended STFX, i have an ex who lived in a residence that was ran by nuns and would not let males (even people's Dad's) into the dorm rooms and had a one hour visitation time on Sunday's...yay! Let's all head back to the middle ages! I hope it has gone co-ed! As far as Mount Allison is concerned, well i agree with their ranking over Acadia as far as extra-curricular goes, Mount A had a way of making people feel more welcome than Acadia does, Acadia can be a cold place, the rich and the poor do not work well together, we have a lot more brown-nosers here (AKA...Campus Douchebag...) and like i have stated before, if you are a frosh and 18 and single, then get used to alot of lonley nights sitting in residence, becuase i used to remember hanging out with the kids in the lounge and then once 8:50 or so hit, it was down to the Axe or the Vil and they were left to hold the bag basically, no cable in their rooms...i remember us splicing the cable my 4th year, we had paid enough to come here, or so we thought and we basically decided that we deserved a little extra, i mean we were dying eating Marriots or mari-ROT as many called it...yummm...dreams of tator-tot casserole and spinich turnovers! Anyways we lost the Acadia Theatre in 2000 (although it is re-opening) Radio Acadia died in 2001-02...we just started to run out of things to do and last year at Mount Allison, i was welcomed into the fold by the people at res, i mean i was welcomed in at Tower, but once Frosh week in 98 was over, so was the smiling faces from frosh leaders, the old gang on 3rd was treated as if they were an alien species (blue collar) At Mount Allison we had the open liquor policy, cable in rooms, CHMA - who also was featured prominently in the magazine, one of the best college-radio stations in Canada. However, Mount Allison does not have some 4,000 laptops to purchase and has therefore has the budget to have concerts and other suprises for students, like the residence party my old res Harper had last January, i mean could you imagine them doing that here? Selling tickets and it is enforced by security, it was fun! There are downturns though, having cable in your room can lead to less floor unity, sitting around in the lounge on a snowy Saturday with your buds watching football and some crappy b-movie like Sleepaway Camp or something, playing games like table-top hockey and having a few wobblepops, but on the other hand, having cable in your room stops fights over the stupid television, we had one guy that we should have called Mr Spock one year because all he did was watch science-fiction shows and hog the lounge, along with the guy whose entire in-bred family lived in our res, who hogged the lounge watching MY VCR! Every year brought a new TV lounge hogger...go to F***ing class losers! Ever notice that alot of the lounge hoggers flunked out? Or that their tv shows of choice sucked worse than anything that came before it had ever sucked? We called Mr Spock the captain of the USS CRAPPY TELEVISION!!! Babylon 5 and Jag...uggh that boy watched really really S***tty tv. The one thing, in my opinion only, that Acadia has over Mount A is the classroom experience, i found my profs at Mount Allison to be cold, uncaring and looked like they were just there to get a check and like the Flintstones, punch out at 4:30 on Friday afternoons, now i am told that they have a great science program up there, but i am not a scientist, so i do not know, i remember e-mailing profs at Mount A and it always came off as if i was bugging them on their personal time, especially the lead A** know who you are! I never seen anyone hide behind the system like this guy....and i really do miss most of the guys and girls in Res up at Mount Allison, you made me feel welcome and wanted, but now that i am back at where i feel comfy, back at old Acadia U, i feel better. I do have to touch on the Football Axemen's loss on Saturday to SMU, i feel for the seniors, last time playing for the ol' red and least nobody dumped horse manure on your front lawn on Sunday, there is always next year. I did see a blog about a girl i liked many years ago, we stopped talking due to the fact i moved away, she believed some silly made-up rumors about me and we were both really immature at the time, i am happy for her i guess she recently married and still seems to look pretty and very happy, i do not feel the need to drop her a line as we have both moved on with our lives, again she looks happy and i am mostly happy with my life as a professional student. My Mom always bugs me about being single, but i am happy this way, no heartbreak...i won't have no more of it....anyways enough blogging smogging for today, i have a presentation to brush up on for tomorrow's seminar class, i have just got to finish up those two major term papers for the 23rd, pick up Richie at 4:30, eat my fabulous TV dinner for supper and then down for a date with the Vaughn Library till ummm...closing time...should be a real wingdinger so i shall chitty chat...bitch about life later on.

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