Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Marks, Ruminations and Other Stuff...

Hello there fellow Axemen, Axewomen, non-Axemen...whatever the F**K ya are. Well, after a few days abscence because of nothing but a steady rash of homework and working on assignment after assignment and other stuff, i have recieved some marks back! Well, first i recieved my midterm/ final examination mark back for Qualitative Methods and i made 85%!!!!?!?!?!?!?!!? WOW! Holy S**T!!!! Just when i thought that i was washed up, couldn't hang with the big boys anymore...that i should retire...well...here comes a mark that made me eyes roll out of me head!!! Then i recieved some of my marks back for my Discussion Questions and i made 95%!!! I was on fire this morning!!! Then i had my Seminar class at 12:00, just a short class today as i made 75% on my British-India project proposal! These marks today add up to a combined 85%! A mark of A...why am i not as impressed as i could be? Well, the Seminar one is worth 10% of my mark, but it is the first marks from that class, especially when me prof tells the class that the proposals were no where as good as they could be. I have to do an extra assignment for Qualitative Methods with, in my non-professional opinion, an absolute hottie...a red head. What could make a girl hot to me? Well, i kinda do like red heads...although it is usually not their hair that i am after...actually ol' Robbo likes a NICE GIRL...did everybody read that now? The girl has to be NICE ...and i do not mean boobs and bums and all that stuff, just have a good personality. I have made mistakes in the past, but anybody want to know a coicidence? Two of the girls that i had the unfortunate memory of dating were single child's...AKA, the only damn kid in their fammily, which also usually means that they have been recieving everything on a silver platter, are spoiled and have an EGO that flies all the way to the moon, i mean look at it, there are no siblings to be in competition with, and don't mention stuff like cousins, i mean them you can send away at the end of the day with their parents. One girl back in high school i remember to this day, spoiled rotten and leave it to lovesick ol' Robbo to fall for her..hard...anyways we went out for awhile and then she dumped me for a guy who looked like Meatloaf, who fancied himself as a rock star and could not get out of the 10th grade, people tease me about my lack of academic prowless in high school, but hey...i graduated and then went on to do alot of post-secondary education, anyways the next year she found out that almost all of her friends were my friends and it was just her and Meatloaf and all the food she could consume, i mean...she put on weight....ok, so i am not exactly anorexic, but damn...they usually do not remain whatever the hell it was the you were interested in in the first place! Fast forward to my years in the Tower and there was this girl i got together with shortly after Frosh Week...well...she had no friends during frosh week and had next to no friends after we broke up...Her and me high school no-so Miss Cool had alot in common, only child's, spoiled, and with enough pretend-luggage that Jerry Springer would probably kick them off the set! They always did the hard done-by routine that a younger and much stupider Robbo always fell for...then they went out with absolute LOSERS afterwards and i do mean LOSERS! I think Meatloaf sweeps the floors at a Taco Bell somewhere and George Steele is well...probably being a loser somewhere...we named the Acadia sweetie Moolah, because after first year...well, she looked like the Fabulous Moolah!!!!! (Thanks El Blinnico!!!) Well because of the Fabulous one....well Floor Awards became a treat for the next four years, the legend spread to two universities, the boys wrote and played songs about her and now when i do visit Tower, kids ask me about Moolah! Kids! These fellas were in grade seven during the forgettable affair! UGGGGGGGGGGGGHHH!!! Anyways, wow...what a rant eh? Anyways, my partner for Qualitative is a real cutie and is a really nice person, but probably has a boyfriend and is probably majorly UNAVAILABLE!!!! The real sweet nice ones are always UNAVAILABLE!!!! Anways i am going out for a walk, i am in Perkins and have been here since class was over early at 12:15, you all have a good one, i'll stop playing Ann Flanders for now....

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