Monday, November 29, 2004

I'm Changing, Arranging

Too busy is how i would sum up this entire last week cool dudes and foxy ladies. Well, my school work for this term, with the exception of my Quantitative Methods examination on the 9th of December is DONE! Whooooooooooo! I am in the middle of printing out my Annotated Bibliography for Quantitative Methods and i finished my take-home examination for Social Theory. It was assigned last Wednesday and we were to do 4/6 questions. I also worked alot this weekend, we have a new popcorn machine in our Greenwood location and our boss was really mad at me on Saturday for not cleaning it properly the night before...excuse me for caring oh so much after such a virant week of being in nothing but the Vaughn... Anyways i recieved my Christmas schedule for work to the start of January and hrs are not all that darn awesome, it is cause we have a staff of i dunno...a zillion people right now, but i just cannot go and take away hrs of people who have been working while i have been at Acadia.... hopefully people will want to go to Christmas parties and stuff and i will recieve some extra shifts.... Actually went out to the local bar last nite with a former co-worker of mine, it was...ummm...interesting to say the very least, it has a unique clientele..some ladies wearing shirts and tights that they should not be...i say if i can't wear it and make it look good on my fat ass, then honey bunny, you can't wear it....there was one honey in particular that was really cute, but man she was aiming for the stars...probably for the Junkyard Dog's twin brother that i saw there shaking his thang to the oldies.... Some bald dudes who were up dancing, alot with the Kim Mitchell look, as David Spade said on SNL, "It don't matter what is happening in the back, what matter's is what's on top...bald is in boys!!!" My old man says it's a "Solar panel for a sex machine" Either way, when mine does go, i am not going to try to hang on to days of old. Anyways what else, um there was an old couple making out on the dance floor, lots of real...real...real...captial S S***tty dance music being played..sounded like 70s porno music for S*** sakes..., i think the guy seated next to us sang in a Vanilla Ice tribute band or was FOUR BUCKS A BEER!!!! What the F***!!! No wonder i never go to this joint, my hometown bars...last time i was to our other establishment i got into a damn scrap back in the summer of 1996 and last night...ummm i see why people rent alot of videos, even though i find it to be a waste of a Friday and or a Saturday night, i mean if i did not work there, i would not be there...even though i have a rockin group of co-workers...and yes i was in a scrap wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in 1996 with some loser with another bad Kim Mitchell hairdo, he pushed me, he punched me first...ummm...i ended it...never saw him again...he had alot of the Mitchell hair to hang onto also....frickin out of towners...never learn eh? The greatest Cdn was on tonight on CBC...poor Bret Hart looks bad lately, i hope he is ok. The ex-bass player for Hole was really annoying, she was representing David Suzuki and came off as a real B**** to the other representatives. The Balls of the night award went to the lady whom i can't remember her name that put down Lester B Pearson and looked at the Cdn flagg and exclaimed, "It's just a damn flag!" Did anybody else hear that damn room of BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Man i miss the Middleton movie theatre, my beloved former theatre known as "The Capital" The first movie i ever saw there was "Problem Child" back in the summer of 1990. It was a grand movie theatre, complete with a balcony and $3 cheap nights and the occasional $2 matinee as late as 1995. All kinds of music acts played there, Christmas concerts etc etc.....anywho, this out of towner comes to town in 1996, buys the theatre and proceeds to rip out the stage, the balcony and split the cinema into TWO screens!!! Well, needless to say a year and a half later, the CLOSED sign was on the theatre door and the windows were nailed this damn wormslime gets to go to Bridgewater, pull some of the same stunts and volia!!!! Their theatre is toast as's to the Drive-in, located at Coldbrook and the about to re-open Acadia Cinema for keeping old school moviegoing alive! No small screen, in-door bullstuff there lemmie tell ya.... Hey! The Axemen are on a 3 game streak! Two wins and a tie, i wish wish wish i didn't have to work on Friday and Saturday so i could have gone to the Acadia Arena and witness in person the games between us, Dal and SMU...beating SMU last night would have ruled...and i guess since i am on the topic of university sport, congrats to Laval for winning the Vanier on Sat, i watched for a bit in-between doing homework in the dungeon and eating some le din din dde Kraft...nice to see the game out of the Skydome and somewhere else for a change, i think they should move it to random colleges and universities, ones with a football programme, just ot give all a shot at watching a game, instead of having it go back to the big, empty, lifeless, corportate run- S***dome every year, that place does not even give off the feel of a college game...why is there no tailgating parties at Raymond Field anyways? booze sold at games and this? C'mon, it is not the senior citizen league...does MarrROT have to just ruin everything?! I mean, let's be a college...gotta fix the rep gang. Anyways this is enough ranting and raving for me for one night so be well and grab a Colt and a smiley smile....lates.

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