Monday, November 22, 2004

Simple Disobedience

How y' all doing? Man i am finally finished my British-India report for Seminar and my Participant Observation report for Qualitative Methods. I finished British-India last night at 10:30 while watching the Grey Cup out of the corner of me eye. Man, this means i am basically done two of my four classes, i have to present what i found in Qualitative methods and Seminar is done except for other people's presentations. I had to borrow twenty bucks from work just to make it back to Wolfville this week, i am bad with money, i blew alot of it me first term. I dunno, it seems like having a good time is a priority, but yet i have always (at least in the Acadia yrs) managed to be able to have my work done on time. I talked to my Qualitative prof this morning and she was ok with the fact that my report is now twelve pages instead of ten. She told me that peoplpe were messaging her looking for extensions to their papers...what the F**K is wrong with people? Extensions? Good mother of all mankind you have had since October to finish a 10 page report...a 10 pager?!?!?!? Man that is something that maybe, with prior research, could dbe done in a weekend, maybe three to four days....some people. Man it is 31 days exactly until Merry X-mas...actually when speaking to an ex this weekend, she mentioned that the first porn she had ever seen in her life was at my parents basement back in 1991! 1991! Man that is a liffetime ago! It was a porno called Merry XXX mas! and it featured a midget as a perverted elf! Who needs Will Farrell when you have midgets?!?!?! This flick was 10 times as comical as Elf would ever want to be. The Hockey Axemen lost again on Friday night, this time at the elegant Forum in Halifax to SMU. Man, if i can go back before 1991, back to was June of 1987 that i went along with me buddies to the very first WWF card in Halifax at the Halifax Forum, the main event was Randy "Macho Man" Savage vs The Huckster...i mean the Hulkster, Hulk Hogan...the place was sold out...i mean sold out! They even sold all of the standing room tickets and scalpers were outside having a field day! It would take another sixteen yrs for the Hulkster to return to Halifax, i was there again...but the nostalgia of the summer of 87 was missing somewhat...a friend of mine, when i conversed with him in September remembered Macho Man flipping out in the dressing room area and grabbing some poor fan because the guy flipped him the bird or said something to Elizabeth (Macho's manager) Ahhh...the old days. Anyways, i have to get a movin on me Quanatative Methods paper, it is an analytical bibliography and while i have the notes, i need to put them in if i can get a crackin this afternoon on it, i will be quite ahead of the our take-home examination for Social Theory is being distributed on Wednesday...people are already e-mailing me for the notes...i will help them out, becuase for some strange reason after all of these years, i am still Mr Nice Guy...i dunno why...but i am...but if they are paying to go here, i mean...we do pay through the nose to come here, then at least go to class, i at least sobered up enough to attend classes, most of the time...but c'mon, these are the prime years of yer life you are wasting by laying in bed and being sick from drinking yer guts up the night before...spending the entire night on MSN and ICQ is not an excuse for missing class...profs don't buy that one much...and if you are going to waste time, why not stay at home and i dunno, work at CO-OP or Petro Can...or something like that instead of taking up a bedroom in residence that could be home to a good student. I knew or sadly knew a guy in res that had a reality he should have taken his ass and went home at Christmas time...i dunno if he was stupid or if it was part of an act, but dammit all he wanted to do was bully smaller students, knock on doors at 3 Am in the morning and generally pull down the spirit of the floor...i remember one of the students wanted to give him a floor award that said, "I'm Fat, Lazy and Stupid", but it was he whined about everything, would play jokes on people, but flip when someone played one on him, never share his booze, but yet be there for a F***in handout whenever someone else had one, was a complete follower, had an average i think of 0.0, never went to class, andd committed the cardinal sin of trying to tell his elder students of how to run their lives......he should be a poster boy for Dumbasses Anonymous or something like he gave me the finger everytime i turned around, because he had nothing else original to say, nothing to add to our floor...i wished for him to walk off a plank or something...mean to wish S*** on other people, but man...stay home, we all need gas station attendants to swipe debit cards or take my $20 for gas in the morning...i know i ranted in earlier blogs about white collar taking over univiersities, but man if blue collar students want to still have a spot, then start giving IQ tests to incoming students or something. Ok...enough ranting, i am off to eat me Hamburger Helper and immerse myself in some textbooks, then i am going to pick up Richie from work, eat more Helper and stay in the Vaughn until i deem that i can leave...anyways webslingers lates!

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