Saturday, January 22, 2005

Nothing Gets Crossed Out

What a time we are having eh? Hello webslingers, it has been a few days and is frickin COLD outside! Who needs to use a fridge? My good buddy Eli up at Mount A used to put beers in the snow so that when he was coming home from the bar he could then pick up a few more wobblepops on the way, i am beyond happy that Grover, the Harper bossman responded to me request for March, and i'll look to see if i can put a few bucks away to make it a possibility. Well i have worked a good 14 hrs the last few days and i need a break, but it looks like we may be getting the snowstorm from hell tomorrow, oh and i have been placed on stand-by to work in Middleton tomorrow if the occassion should arise. How's about those Hockey Axemen? We are on another mini winning streak as we defeated the St Thomas Tommies (Tommy who? Tommy F'n Hunter?) 3-1 tonight at Acadia and back on Friday night at Acadia Arena we defeated U of M 4-3...too bad i had to work eh? Listen to the usual, "What if it storms tomorrow? All copies of Napoleon Dynamite are gone? What about those movies with the black bars at the top and bottom...who wants those? Are You open tomorrow? GOD people...get a new hobby eh?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! maybe some...You know, like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills etc etc etc...................) Anyways the Axemen are now 5-1-1 in 2005. Went to the Career Fair at the SUB on Friday, not as good as i had hoped it would be....i mean if i was a younger student it would have been great stuff indeedy, but let's face it, it is just not going to cut it working at meal hall or scrapping crap off Chipman/ Tower's walls or something. I think i am at the point right now where working for the university would be a benificial thing for both parties. I am experienced with dealing with the public, if they want a resume, i have one that is flowing, as a matter of fact, it was flowing so well that i had to trim it down in size, do they want recommendations or cover letters, then those can be provided. I just have to wonder if it is all about public image...i mean do i have to look the part as well? I remember when i was at community college we filmed a commercial, never mind that they never even asked me to be on the filming crew, it was the fact that they had already picked the two people they wanted to star in the commercial without having auditions for the role!?!?!?!?! I mean, at least be democratic, but that is the problem nowadays with decieving the public, the people at the top want to promote the beautiful people, the one's who do not have a hair out of place, a real Oily Bowhunk or some pretty girl who weighs in at 15 pounds and looks like she is on a starvation diet. Ok, so i have to lose a few pounds, but it is back to the status quo, the interviewer will state a lack of experience in a chosen field, but how is one to get that experience if the one in power constantly denies access to it? The Subway is now opened in Middleton, i cannot believe that we actually have a restuarant in Middleton that is now open at 2:00 in the morning! Wholly jumping monkey on a pogo stick! the way....that thing McDonalds is passing off as a sandwhich...SUCKS!!! Had one a while ago...ever eat something and think, hell i could make that at home!?!?!?! Well...they are wayyyyyy over hyped and another example of McDonalds advertising, i mean look at the one that the dork with the sanwhich board is eating away at? That f'n thing is huge! Go order one...Greenwood location...thing is about 2 and a half bites....i am talking White Castle welfare burgers small..... I think i want to go to the Superbowl party at the Axe, i was in for one (count em...ONE) wobblepop on Friday afternoon and i noticed there is a nice Budwiser leather chair/ comforter up for draw on SuperBowl Sunday...i think i shall be there dude.... there was a really pretty girl at the Career Fair on Friday that i noticed was looking at me (Ok...she probably thought i was kind of a freak...probably) I was dressed to the nines, had my suit pants and jacket on...and my Johnny Cash Shirt (My Dad calls it my Johnny Cash shirt) She is a really pretty girl, nice smile..kinda short...ummmmmm...ok so my descriptions to the blog reading audiences really suck...ok? Anyways she was in my Sociology of Work class that i dropped first semister...ummm...yeah i suck...think i am definitly going to attend the Axemen's game Vs Dalhousie Wednesday night at the Arena...what the hell happened to the hockey Tiger's this yr? I think they are dead last in the Atlantic...oh well, it does happen. I did pick up one of my favorite horror movies of all time on Friday, i was at Econo (I think that is the name of the place ....) Entertainment on Friday and picked up the original "Exorcist" on DVD for $4.95! What a steal! It is the infamous "Version You Have Never Seen" with Reagan going down the steps on her hands backwards...freaky stuff indeedy...we are getting the new Exorcist movie from last summer, me and Duncan went to see it, it was alright, but it cannot hold a candle to the original, don't get me wrong, i love a fun, cheesy, old school gory movie like anyone else...well kool kool people anyways...old Friday The 13th, Texas Chainsaw stuff..., but the new one was i dunno...bad CGI effects (worst thing ever to happen to movies....EVER!) bad...bad...bad...anybody when effects were good? Like in the 80s??!?!?!?!.., i haven't seen Electra yet, but friends are telling me that it too is really bad, many are comparing it to Catwoman...way to mess around with formula's these Hollyweird types..not everybody can be kool and Canadian.....Anyways that is enough ranting and raving like damned looney tunes for one day eh?!?!?!?!? It is time for some late night reading for the upcoming week ahead and then bed with a possible Middleton shift at Andrews...lates!

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