Tuesday, January 18, 2005

All We Have is Now...

Hello there webslingers! It has been a day, first off my craptop decided to break down last yesterday during our big ol honkin storm we had. Actually, i first spent a good part of my morning cleaning out my brother's drive way where i live in my oh-so- awesome basement apartment. He was at work, and since my sister-in-law's pregnant, it was just me and me alone cleaning the drive way the old fashioned way....with a shovel, it was surreal in a way, seeing all the folks with snow-blowers and ploughs, and me being so out of date, on the verge of a heart attack/ broken back...spending hrs cleaning out the driveway...my brother has boarders who live in his garage, but none of them lifted one red frickin finger to come help with the cleaning...so i promptly buried their car in snow...it looked like Mt F'n Everest by the time i was done...i could have added the faces, but i did not have the time. I came into the campus in some pretty crappy weather, the campus convienience store was open, the library was open...even my precious AXE was open....however...the Useless Support Centre was not....typical eh? I love the AXE n' all, but where are the priorities eh? There was no way that place was losing the Monday Night Football crowed, it is usually a good and profitable night for all parties involved....I went ot visit Richie Ramone and his girlfriend and we ripped some DVD's, including the Beach Boys at Knebworth: 1980. My old buddy Grover responded to my idea yesterday with a big thumbs up yesterday! If all goes well, including academics and my Dad's operation, then i will indeed hop the bus and head up for a visit with the Harper boys during the first weekend in March. I met my tutor today for the first time, she seems like a nice lady. The only drawbaack is that she charges $20 an hr for tutoring sessions. I guess i was not up to date with the going rates for tutors. I was told by a mutual friend that there is academic tutoring available through the ASU, i shall have to see...i do not really need the help with the math until March according to the class syllabus, i think our prof probably wants to raise the class average, i mean it was a brutal...and i do mean BRUTAL examination. He still wants me to pop in to see him sometime, but i image the meeting would prove to be more of the same stuff, different prof....i mean this mark is the only one holding me back now, perhaps if we keep on like the schedule promises to do alot of Qualitative Methods (which i scored an A in first term!) then perhaps i can score some good ol marks and raise that collective GPA up a little wee bit. Career Day is this Friday and i think i am going to dress-up tomorrow, ya know...dress to impress eh? Ok...a zillion comedians out of work and i am trying to be one... Mom and Dad are visiting my brothers this afternoon, they brought my niece some McDonalds. It is sad to see my Dad all doped out and sleepy like from his pre-operation medication, but if it is to keep him good until the surgeon can take that thing out of him, than i am all for it i guess. Anyways, i have some 50 minutes before me night class so i shall chitty chat later Webslingers.

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