Monday, January 17, 2005

Suddenly Everything Has Changed...

Hello Webslingers...nope the snow has not come down yet eh? Well it was a week of news that i just knew that i was going to hear father went to the hospital again because of his food poisoning, which medically takes 30-45 days to leave your system, this was last Thursday night, his C-scan came in and he has another the exact same spot as last yr, except this time it is alot smaller, about the size of a Smartie and it is now contained and it will be removed on the 28th of this month. I can breathe a sense of relief that it was not in the lungs or anywhere else for that matter, Dad has been good to me in recent yrs, actually we always get along good, we have alot of the same character traits actually, he cannot stand seeing ketchup on anything except burgers, hot dogs and Mom puts it on her Kraft Dinner and he cannot stay in the same room...i mean he looks physically sick when people do this in front of him, same with my sister in law puts it on her teabuscuits...what the hell is that all about?!?!?!?!?! Plus me and Dad are the only two people in the house to agree with what to watch on the telly...nothing made after 1985 i think, many times we watched movies with Bronson, Eastwood, Lee Marvin, Lee, Chan, Van Dam, Segal, Norris and every other macho actor you can think of...hell i even watched a Hulk Hogan double-feature with that man of No Holds Barred (renamed "No Profits Allowed") and Suburban Commando (Which i saw with an ex along with Teenage Ninja Turtles II at the old Dodge Road Drive-In) . I was going to go to see the WWE at the Halifax Forum, but i elected to spend time at home until this afternoon when i came back to the campus. I instead went to the Axeman basketball game Vs SMU, which we won 70-66! Plus last night i sat at work in Middleton and listened to my brother's play by play of the Hockey Axemen absolutely crushing UPEI 8-2, we had a busy weekend at work...alot of people, mainly adults are still pissed that we do not have a popcorn machine...if the return of a damned popcorn machine would solve the world's problems, then i would have life by the ass eh? Well...i finally have a tutor for my Quanitative Methods class! I am meeting with this mystery person tomorrow at 1:00, hopefully i can get better at this math stuff and up my average, my average for last term, without this silly class, would have easily been an A-, now it is a silly B...not bad for a person like me whom was written off by MANY MANY MANY MANY people coming up through what we loosely called the educational system here in Nova Scotia, as well as formative yrs in Ontario and Alberta. I can still remember my kindergarden teacher in Trenton, Ontario sitting me behind the stupid piano cause i did not feel like participating in the pathetic games they make us play, like i dunno...i think pattycake was one of them, i was punished for wanting to sit in a corner and read for S***sakes! I remember reading editions of the Hockey News and other magazines, i remember just wanting to read..absord information, no other kids i knew watched the i was, a nerd...well, i thought i was a nenerd anyways, who played hockey till he was about 15 (another story, another time) played lacrosse (terribly i might add) and was on the wrestling team in junior high (better than lacrosse... not much...but a bit better) and i was the only one who watched the news out of all my friends...i remember last summer when the Kobe Bryant thing happened my own brother (the middle one who does not like sports) did not have any clue who Kobe or Shaq were....then again i remember when the Americans invaded Afghanastan after 9-11 and i told my brother to come to the television and witness the green screens of death...he was not interested in the least and told me i was disturbing his computer time...(probably looking at porn...) I still think the educational system, going by what my co-workers who are in high school tell me needs an overhaul, someone last week told me that there are courses, non-credit courses at universities that first yrs can take to prep them for university...HELLO!?!?!?!?!?! Should not they be taking that at the high school level ASAP!?!?! Well maybe ASAP at their grade 12 yr starts...teach em about the fact they are not going to be babied anymore, and that they will need to learn to meet new people, except for those ones who cannot let go, still wear their high school jackets and run home every waking chance they get to relive their memories of hanging around in the McDonalds parking lots...ugh...i come from smalltown Nova Scotia, your college/ university yrs while ya got em!!! Believe me....Friday is career day here at Acadia, i think it is being held in the SUB, so i will come home Wednesday after class, pick up me paycheck and come back up here for Career Day with a dress shirt, tie and dress pants on...think i will look good? No...ok...I have been trying to contact some of the old boys up at Mount A...i think i might go up the first week of March for a visit, if it is ok with the boys, just cause the teaching was the worst that i have ever had outside of a couple of phys ed instructors back in the day, it does not mean that i did not have a partying good time, you see it is all about trying to make the best of the situation that is given to i said before, if all had went well, i would have stayed, moved to the basement and done the walk across the stage at Mount A in May...but it was not to be...oh well...i did e-mail Grover, party man extrodinare up at Harper, i even said that i will bring the booze...anyways it is getting up there in hrs, no snow yet...hope the Tower alumnus that are currently taking in the WWE Show can get home safe if it is already snowing, anyways i am going to check me email one last time and then i am gone home to New Minas for the night...check back with y'all later....

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