Friday, February 11, 2005


Hello webslingers, hangers-on and whatever the hell else ya' all wanna call yer selves!?!?!?!?! Me father came home yesterday, he is way skinnier now, but in good spirits, i was weary when i saw him yesterday with his weightloss and all, but after supper he was in fine form, watching the Action Channel, shuffling through magazines and newspapers and just generally glad to be home, it was his b-day this week and the family will be together here on Saturday. Applying for jobs this week, found a real good one while rummaging through the Employment Center at Acadia, applied, re-worked me resume and when requested to do so, i spent three hrs yesterday writing a cover letter, i had not written a cover letter in a long time and it was hard trying to find words that would fit, i was told to give hard reasons, not just say that i am in it for the money...well...i wonder if alot of educational institutions are just in it for the is funny, all the time i was ever at Acadia, living up in Tower and stuff, the office would notify me once in a while about dollars, the most they would ever say it, "You can't enter room draw!!!" Then i would go down, sign an extention agreement, go to room draw and no more would come of it, our front office is pretty good in comparison to others, need print-outs? Just tack it on your bill! One time i did not have enough for me books in my first full yr at Acadia, the front office gave me some credit until i was paid, which was that week so it worked out fine. Other people's front office, like at MTA...not so nice, i remember them phoning and phoning me some five times per day in November of last year, "Where is our money!??!?!" Where is it?" They threatened to take me out of classes, disconnect my phone, cut off my internet...and they said it in the rudest tones possible as well... then it was all worked out and then i went in and some pencil necked geek with an old school WWF Undertaker tie told me that i won't be back here next term unless i have money...blabber blabber blabber.... I am glad i wasn't back! Very glad! I made alot of good friends at Harper and in classes at MTA, but my god...the front office people do not make you feel welcome at all! I should have seen the writing on the wall when my very first tour of the university, my tour guide who could have passed for Martin Short's gayer younger brother became very cross when learning i was from Acadia and promptly told me that Acadia was the reason that all the exchange students were leaving...sad eh? It is like comparing restaurants- McDonalds has the better french fries and atmosphere, while Burger King has the better burgers- but have that reputation where you always think that a rat is going to run across the floor...back around 2000-01, me and my old Tower buddy Paul went there with me Father's old Tempo and used the back of our hockey Axemen tickets (buy one Whopper, get another one free...) and honest to god, a buncha fries and other stuff went on the floor and they scooped it all back up for future usage... what do you tell budding university students? Go to Acadia if you want the better classrooms and learning experience from great profs, but expect to come accross a very large SNOT brigade in the student body, except for the good buddies you will make in res and in class etc etc...Go to MTA if you want a great party, lots of friends and friendly people generally everywhere! However...prepare for the classroom experience, i can speak for arts only...i guess the Science program is good... prepare for the classes to be under par, and for Darth Vader to be on the prowl... told ya webslingers, can't have it all! I went to a Dalhousie Seminar Wednesday night at Huggins Science Hall, actually it for for their 20 month MBA program, the presenters were really nice, there was a blonde there with an awesome smile that i was making googly eyes at...probably thought i was a stalker... i dunno if that particular program was my cup of tea, but it does produce alot of jobs and so i filed it away for future reference.... there was alot of good treats there though, they had those "Hello Dolly" squares that my friend Jamie always used to steal from Wheelock... ... sat in me buddy Lindy's Maritime History class the other day...only words to say...BORING...BORING...BORING... we sat and drew pictures and wrote stories like me and Dunker did back in the day... Some of the Tower boys were there, they asked why i do not visit as much anymore...well boys, i always seem to get the impression that you don't want me there...i dunno why.. a friend of mine said the other day its probably because you don't recieve any e-mails, messages, invitations to go up and that i why you don't visit as much... nobody likes to be somewhere and feel like they are a burden to other having a crazy uncle that visits, everyone tolerates him, but breathe a sigh of relief when he leaves to go home to some Wild Turkey and passing out in his row boat somewhere inn the South Shore... i dunno, just don't feel wanted... i thinks i like to remember Tower for the times i had there, but it is not really my Tower anymore.... as much as Little Mike loves to still yell out, "TOWER KING!!!!!?!?!?!?!!" from atop the hill..............My Quanitative Methods midterm is on Tuesday night and i am just a fretting, what are the options here? I don't like math like Brett Hull does not like to backcheck, it is like i have stated a million zillion times until i was blue in the face, if i had wanted to take math, i would have taken business or has no place in the arts. Why are arts students art students? Because they all hate the living F***ing sight of a math problem!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I have a couple of options though, a girl who i sent homework to says that if i am havivng problems with the material i can study with her on Monday night, the only problem is that i might have to skip Sociology of Education in order to do so....that may be the best option... Hopefully all will turn out well..Charley is finally marrying Camilla...ugh...damn Royals, ripping off the taxpayers of England...i know i am no Brad Pitt...but check out the poc of this couple?!?!?!?!?!.... yikes!!!! I finally...finally got me hands on the DVD of "Ramones RAW"!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!? I was at Wal-Mart of all places...chatting it up with the babe who always does all of the promotional stuff at the Axemen games, then i wandered into the audio/video section of the store, looked through the musical DVD's...sorry gang, but nobody is going to cough up $39.99 for "Saga, Styx or Lynryd Skynard 2004 tour DVD's"....anyways i was on me way out when i noticed it sitting out of the corner of my eye... Anywho, after driving home on Wednesday night and arriving in Middleton around 9, it was the quickest i ever flung a DVD out of the packaging and into the DVD player, it is basically a whole lotta cam footage taken by their 2nd drummer Marky Ramone during the last 10 yrs the band toured the world, there are alot of personal moments and bizarre ones as well, including their tour bus being attack in South America and being mobbed by fans in places like Japan, there is concert footage inter spliced with these moments and it was well worth the $19.99 i paid for it...there are alot of hidden eggs on the DVD that i have not found yet...however...the best part of the entire DVD...something that i would have paid $19.99 for it alone was in the bonus section, a forgotten concert called, "I Ramone" which was shot during the "End of the Century" tour of 1980-81 in Italy in a park behind the Vatican...where the pope lives!!!?!?!?!?! Guess he did not want to see the show... Anyways this concert had in the vaults of an Italian television station for two decades after its one time only broadcast on Italian television!?!?!?!?! It was shot on film, including backstage footage of the then-young Ramones! It was sad to see Joey with his ex girl Linda walking in the trailer out back, knowing that a year later she would leave him for Johnny and the Ramones would never ever be the same again..... Anywho, i have to work at 6:00 in Greenwood and i just has to get at me home work, so lay back, enjoy this vintage "Pointed Sticks MP3" i found and watch out for commies...lates!

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