Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Learn to Listen, Listen to Learn

Helllllloooooooooooooo Webslingers!!?!?!?! Long timo, no bloggo! Well gang of millions, there will be no NHL season eh? It was cancelled today me peeps by that ol' wormslime Bettman, too bad he wouldn't have the press conference in Toronto or up in Montreal in front of all the canteen workers, ushers, zamboni drivers etc etc who are feeling the sting of this damn lockout and have families to look after and have bills to pay. What kind of fricking league is this anyways? Look, i'll tell you this right freaking now, there is no way that the NHL is every going to be over with the majority of sports fans in the United States of America....ever...listen Bettman, i know that is what you want, it is what you have been chasing with all of this senseless expansion into the southern states and the moving of teams from Winnipeg and from Quebec City...(along with Hartford, they probably just wanted to be rid of the old WHA teams...the only one left is the Oilers...) but listen to me is not going to work...just suck it up. Besides, should'nt there be a new comissioner by now? Maybe Wayne Gretzky as many others have suggested, or even Bobby Orr...someone who is a damn good spokesperson for the game, and what of the legends that we have left like Messier, Lemieux and Yzerman? Is this the way that fans envision them retiring? No! Thank someone that we in Wolville still have the #1 hockey team in the AUAA right now, the Acadia Axemen and that Halifax has the Mooseheads and so on, who is going to come back, well...i know i probably will put me head between me legs and jaunt back to the National HOLDING League once this stupidity ends...but in the meantime, we have some great hockey being played right now in the Maritimes....i do have a bone to pick with the old Chronically Horrid, still based since 1000 BC out of Hfx, their sports page last Sunday had a thumbs up for the attendance at the Acadia-SMU game last Friday night at the fabulous Forum, but i must digress with the article a tiny weenie bit... it did state the truth as in some nearly 3,000 people jammed into the Forum to see the game, but it was NOT, because of a sudden interest in hockey in Metro, not to diss anyone and with all due respect to Acadia's opponent...i am sorry, but they have been on top for a long, long, long time, and have kept the same attendance, nope right now the hockey hotspot is in Acadia and although i was pushing videos on Friday night and could not attend, alot of people i did know went and showed me alot of picys that were taken, and what did i see? A sea of red...Acadia red... and white... yes on the scoreboard SMU is hot, they along with Moncton are having a great season...but SMU and the Tigers never seem to get that fan support from their respective student bodies that is needed, in fact, Halifax never embraced hockey until the Mooseheads arrived in 1994, they never liked the AHL, i remember as a kid going to the home games of the Voyageurs, Oilers and Citadels and just looking out at seas of red, as in empty seats at the Metro Centre, but remember alot of those players did not want to really be here, they wanted to be in the NHL, not the AHL and fans in the community had a really hard time identifying with players and wanting to warm up to them, because a couple of good games later, or if there was an injury to a star on the big team, they would be gone...besides the Moose have done an exceptional job in the city of Halifax. Now earlier this season it was easier said than done to get a pair..or an entire row of Axemen tickets, but ever since we turned it on, it has been the proverbial "Jump on the bandwagon" approach from comes from all areas of sport, case in point- the Calgary Flames in last yrs playoffs, i rest my case. I had me Qualitative Methods midterm...i went terrible, i was there right at the end and well...found some serious B***s and went to see me prof while we were still right in the classroom. He just looked at me and said, "Robb, you need help with this." We both agreed that there is somekind of hidden learning block when it comes to me and mathmatics and that i need to do extra work, alot of extra work if i am going to have a hope in hell of doing well on the last examination..hang in there with me webslingers and frick right off naysayers, i will prevail... I recieved my examination schedule and well...i am not done exams this year until the 23rd of April!!!! Are you ready for this one? It is a SATURDAY NIGHT EXAMINATION!!?!?!?!?!?!?!!? Man oh man! How the hell did that happen? I think the minute that one is done, my class should serously head to the frickin AXE to unwind, lots of people still skipping that class, that one webslingers is seriously going to bite them straight in the damn A**, don't think this prof won't notice either, although i do think she serously needs to stop putting everything on ACME, people talk out loud in this class all the time as well, some just never learn ANYTHING i guess, i do feel pretty bad for skipping her class the other night, i skipped to study my soon to be ill fated Quanitative Methods mid-term..more like termination...oh well, past is past, can't do anything aboot it now eh?...............i still wanna hit Mount A in March, well it will prbably be on Acadian Lines as i do not trust the ol' Tracker in this kinda weather...sometime...i filled out papers for a new credit card, but it is only to be used in and only in EXTREME emergencies....perhaps going to visit the Harper boyz is an extreme emergency.... In case you missed the SuperBowl and had to watch the crappy ol' Canadian feed, here are the Ads you probably missed out on, for me friends who love the local Wrestling scene and have been moaning, bitchin and complaining about a lack of a scene, welllllllll, the first EPCW card of the summer will be held on Wednesday, May 4th at the Kentville Arena!!!!! Now i won't have to listen to a full summer of "No f***ing wrestling!" Well boys, where were all of ya when we did have Real Action Wrestling and even Mainstream Wrestling coming to town and plying their trade in front of less than overwhelming crowds? I was one of the regular's, sitting in a ringside seat and drinking some seriously bad arena coffee...did i enjoy it? Every frickin minute!!! Hey, check out a mention on one of my old Maritime favorites, the legendary Leo Burke!!! .........Finished the book for my Revolution class, it concluded on facts like capitalism and how it evolved in the 19th Century in an era of industrial capitalism and how World War II's conclusion saw the export of capital from the advanced nations to the less than developed parts of the world. I started a little dictionary for myself with words like capitalism, imperialism, democracy, socialism, oligarchy (A form of government where most political power effectively rests with a small segment of society, typically the most powerful, whether it be by wealth, military, strength, ruthlessness or political influence) hegemony (The dominance of one group over other groups, with or without the threat of force, to the extent that, for instance, the domant party can dictate the terms of trade to its advantage; or more broadly, that cultural perspectives become skewered to favor the dominant groups.) mixed economy, Lassiez-faire etc etc etc.............. it is just a way of keeping meself sharp as the year is progressing and assignments are piling up, i finally havea topic for this class, a gentleman by the name of, Andre Gunder Frank...why did i pick him? Because his article was short (on Dependency in Latin America) and there were alot of articles by him available on ProQuest, the Acadia student researcher's best little to JSTOR that is.... actually Mr Frank does have an official website.... it is not boring bland reading that is for damn sure.... Anyways i am off from ol Acadia for an entire week webslingers, gonna work at the store, do homework, hang out with the folks, watch some tv...maybe, the tube is kinda boring... ok, maybe except for some reruns...or something, anywho...well in the meantime and in-between time, that's all folks..lates!

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