Saturday, February 19, 2005

To Here Knows When

Good mid afternoon webslingers and wormslime alike! Well, been doing not much but working the grind down at the ol store, mostly in Middelton at the store formerly known as "Andrews".......since 1812...just kidding! Actually gots me two Greenwood shifts coming up tonight and opening tomorrow from 10:00-6:00...somebody told me it is supposed to snow a good one this week and i am holding out (not for a hero....a vixen maybe...but not a hero) in hopes that it is not the lockout...I am headed to Wolfville to work on some of me projects at the Vaughn and them there coffee shops best be open cause i am not a leaving until the projects are near completion or devil may care, the damned things be finished!!!!! Last night was so quiet in our Middleton location that i read ahead quite a bit in my sociology of education text, so much so that the next scheduled chapter is not until March 21st!!!?!?!?!?!?!?! I did read the latest chapter entitled, "The Politics of Teaching" and it was decent reading in that it got to the point right out of the starting gate when it stated that, "The teachers represent the school to students and teachers, but must answer to principals and supervisors." See? Everyone has someone they have to answer to, no matter how bad a teacher, or in the case of a university student, a professor screws you around, there is always someone above them to answer is when they have a locked position, usually tenure- which is what some profs hide behind, there is a good quote that i stole once, i cannot remember for the life of me where i got it, (Sorry to whoever) but it went something like, "Tenured professors become like those nasty ticks you used to find on the family dog, dug so deep into the skin that it is virtually impossible to remove them." Could you imagine the international incident that would occur at Canadian universities if they were to do away with the tenure system?!?!?!?!?! There are some profs who keep teaching because that is what brought them to the big dance in the first place, then there are others who shall remain nameless that over the yrs all they did was roll their carcass into the classroom ohhhhhhh lemmie see some twice a week, ramble on about god knows what and then disappear....and you best be making bets on who has the B***s to go see them during their office hrs, just like back in the day when you would go to the User Support and bug some poor person who was sitting there playing Doom and looks at you in astonishment... oh the old school Acadia culture eh? Me old buddy Bullen is down at STFX and he sees more Tower alumni than Acadia and aboot 5 other schools put together, wants me to visit it a party campus? Their team is now out of the AUAA playoffs so i dunno if any parties are happening now or not...i used to data a girl many moons ago who lived in res at STFX, except her res was ran by Nuns....believe it or not...nuns.... and i guess it was hellfire and brimstone if you wanted to get past the purley gates to visit, even if you were a Dad or a brother or something...wake up! It is after 1955 ya know...sheesh.... they are probably in league with PTC...hell...all of em...... what was i talking aboot again? Ohhhhhhhhh yeah, me Sociology of Education class, i started another dictionary for terms from that class as well, words like Feminization, Intensification, Moral regulation, professionalizatin and Proletarianization. Our midterm is on March 7th, so i am starting stuff good and early... So i did take the liberty of doing some good ol calling around this moring and lo and behold....i gots me a ticket for Wednesday nights playoff game at Acadia Arena!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Us and UNB....what will happen? I dunno, i could say cliches like...ummmmmmmmmmm...let the best team win?!?!?!?!??? HELL NO!!! Ok...that was the homer in me... a homer you ask? Well, we aint talking bout no Bart Simpson here, a homer is when the announcer is paid by his bosses to do the following: The home team can do no wrong. The other team can do no right. The referees are always against the “Good Guys” and any penalties incurred by the boys are totally uncalled for. “Our” boys are always lily pure and can do no wrong....that heroes and villians is what a homer is.... Anywho, i think we are making Le Din Din de Kraft for supper and i will be out being tortured... i mean working in Greenwood till 12:00 and then back there again till 6:00 tomorrow night...soooooooooooooo in the meantime and in between time...lates!

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