Monday, April 25, 2005

Electroshock Teenage Freakshow

Well hell-O Webslingers of all matter of perversion! Man, a sad day indeedy, i had to return my craptop, so no pictures til i install hello n stuff on Dad's computer. I was glad that for once i am not going to have some monster bill from the useless support center, i few yrs ago i got dinged for like 63 bucks cause one of my wires had a tear in it....well then after returning it i ran into my now-former stats prof, maybe he will still be my stats prof...he figures that C is going to be had to achieve cause he has marked the first part of my examination and well... some things i have done good and some other things i have done ummm not so good... but the examination is not marked all the way through yet and that is a good thing. If i recieve a D+ i will try and do something about it, i mean let's actually sit and think about this for a second, there are times when a student makes a D+ and a prof does not think that they are ready to take it to the next level, you know go on and do Qualitative Methods and Seminar classes in sociology for example....but suprise suprise!!! Ol' Robbo actually has those credits, so recieving this is a way of me getting out finally from undergrad stuff, not going to the next level in a degree, it is the stumbling block, a ball and chain firmly fastened around my ankle....i need to be free of it so that i can pursue other avenues of interest.... I went to check on a few job opportunties, saw me former RA Gorgeous Glen down in the recruitment office today at U hall... he is leaving to teach in Korea, the lady i was supposed to see was unavailable today, i was told that there are quite a few other people trying out for this job, do they have better marks than me? Yes, unfortunately that they do...but do they love ACADIA as much as me despite my little nuisances about how things are done? I have many years of experience, not just form going there, but think back to before that, when me and the folks were visiting my brother waayyyyyy back in 1989, almost a full decade before my reign of terror in Tower began, i walked across the campus, bought a couple of posters from the Market and an Acadia T-Shirt from Cajuns, i was Acadia bound a decade early...sure there was other universities, i used to visit old high school chums at Howe Hall at Dalhousie on an almost weekly basis between 1991-93, back when i was confused...hell man i am still confused, but at least i have a BA and with some wishful thinking, i will have a Double Major!!! Take that Darth Vader and Bitch of the Baskervilles!!!! Those two and as well as dozens of unbelieving others who had no damn faith in me on the way up and down can take heed in some great AC/DC lyrics from their 1976 classic, "Rock & Roll Singer"
"Well you can stick your nine to five livin'
And your collar and your tie
And stick your moral standards'
Cause it's all a dirty lie
You can stick your golden handshake
And you can stick your silly rules
And all the other shit
That they teach to kids in school('Cause I ain't no fool)"
Ahh..were Bon and the boys great then? Seriously folks, i think i would make an awesome recruiter for Acadia becuase i do not fit the mold, i would be a Don Cherry of sorts, the barstool prophet. I have a friend who thinks that if i found an awesome straight man to do the Ron McLean bit, i so could have done a show called, "Campus Corner" a take-off on the legendary "Coach's Corner" (No hockey is bad...but no Coach's Corner?!?!!? DEATH!!!) They said i could have shot it at the Axe (I thinks the Vil would have been better) and it would have been a serious hit!!!! remains to be seen eh? I saw a lady today who was a major help to me back in 99 when Acadia threatened to boot my big ass out because of my oh not so glorious first yr (Thanx Moolah...) she was one of the very few, along with DR S, who actually believed in me and helped me learn how to actually do a paper, develop study skills and all the rest, anyways she feels that i would make a great ambassador for Acadia...wonder if she would put in a good word? So i went down to the Career Resources center in Kentville, where Harvey's used to be and i signed up there and had this really nice lady about to help me restructure me resume...only problem is that i forgot me resume at home (DOH!!) Anyways i promised to return at a later date and she told me that job postings were on the wall when lo and behold i found a posting for a Research Associate at the Annapolis Campus in Middleton! That folks is almost right across the street from where i live! I am so going there first thing in the morning! Well after i help with the further dismantling of my parents basement. We may be building another bedroom downstaris and taking even more borders from the community college. On one hand, it would be good having a job across the street, i could walk to work, Mom said she would help out as in not charging me an arm and all of my legs for R& B...but would i really grow as a person, ya know it would be same old, same old, being old like myself and living at my parents place in Middleton, after living at least part of the last oh seven years away from home at Acadia, MTA and this past season in my basement apartment. Anyways i was playing some 900 degrees of Robert Reid Hawley today as i visited of all places, the education building on need to have a B or better average either overall and or in your major, but it also depends on the number of applicants that are recieved. Maybe i'll get some Colt 45 and party with MR T!!!! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh........Oh well, gots a few days off and i am not working in G-Wood or at the store formerly known as Town & Country till the weekend, so i shall be back with more ol' Robbo updates as time permits...lates for now Webslingers!!!!!
Psst... aweseome Darlington song! "Pajama Party!!!!

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