Monday, May 02, 2005

Hold On Tight

Hellooooooooo Webslingers!!!! Well i see Blogger has been having some ummmmmmm technical difficulties again, that is all fine and just a dandy, except i lost an entire post...but i am fine now...

MOTORHEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that out of my system, not too shabby eh? Hell that is tomorrow night at the Halifax Civic Arena, doors open at 7:00 to see the original thrash band, their first time back in Haliafax since 1988 when they were here with Alice Cooper!!! Without Motorhead and the Ramones, how many bands would we not have? Not just that, but on Wednesday night at the Kentville Arena, it is the return of some real wrestling to the Maritimes!!!! ECPW with the doors open at 7:00 to see the Maritime Cup II. My only complaint is not really a complaint, but advertising, alot of people that i told this to had no idea that there is going to be a show on Wednesday night, and as i drove to my last examination i could see that there was alot of advertising in Kentville itself, but no advertisements before and or after i passed into New Minas, man you have to advertise those shows! Not one flyer up in Wolfville...a college town! Or in Berwick, which to me has always been the hotbed for wrestling in the Maritimes, well except for the good ol Forum, but all in all, i hope there is a good turn out on Wednesday night. Tomorrow i head up to good ol' Acadia U to hand in my resume for the Recruitment Officer job opening, the lady who is in charge of recruitment was in New England this week, so i waited until tomorrow to hopefullt make a good impression on her, so i told a little white lie to my Momma and said i had an interview, i do not have an interview, i want to make an impression, so that means putting on a nice dress shirt and pants and shoes and seeing what happens. I took my resume to the Human Resources Center at the Middleton Community College and this very lovely lady took the time, when she really didn't have to and we totally re-did my resume, i mean i still had volunteer work from high school on there! Stuff like being a member of the Winter Carnaval Committee in 1991-92 and the Outdoors Club (we learned to shoot bows and arrows) is fine and dandy for nostalgia's sakes, but in the major scheme of things, i means squat!!! Plus we removed things like working for the Pizza Nazi and pumping gas in Shearwater at age sixteen and Smitty's Panckae House (More like S***cake House) when was that job? 1988? 1989? Man the years are slipping by people, the lady that helped me roared at all of the volunteering that i have done over the years, i always thought it would have helped me to better myself, all a learning experience, that is life. Went to my niece's birthday party the other day, man i am never ever having kids, first i have to meet the right woman, has not happened yet, usually they fall for and leave me for Meatloaf, they are loafers named Moolah, they change their religion and become a total PSYCHO making Anthony Perkins roll over in his grave...who knows? I am the master at getting DUMPED...always the dumped, never a dumper... I mean who the hell can put up with me? A guy who loves his B-Movies, Acadiau Sports, just being a moron... Frat Boy till i die... jeesh... Went to the Capital Lounge the other night after work with me ol' pal Blair who is moving to Middleton and wants me to party with him ASAP, man there was alot of people shakng their rump on the dance floor and alot of scantily clad ladies, of course none paying attention to me and more to the Rico Sauve losers who wore their bling bling and open shirts, ladies its all about the quantity, not the quality... plus, some advice, if ol' Robbo can't wear it, you can't wear it...understando? Hungry? Man look at this frickin SANDWHICH!!!!! (and click the links looking at other dude's sandwhiches!!!! I am talking death on a plate!!!) All i did was work Thurs, Fri, Sat and today (Sunday for the date impaired) Well, hopefully i can score with this job, pay back alot of that ol student loan and then ummmm...well one thing that i want to do is if i can recieve this position of recruitment officer is take as many Sociology correspondence courses as i can..why is that Old Man Robb? Well... one of the ways to getting into the education program is through your major GPA, if my Soc GPA is around a 3.0, then i stand a better than average chance of getting in, the only problem that one of my old advisors told me the other day is the comfort zone, that is simply say i get a job as a recruitment officer (man i am ahead of myself here, remember getting the job is iffy, i will have competition) and i pay off my loan give or take- two to two and a half years, then what happens when the loan is payed off? My brother said i can live at his place as long as i like, and because i am single and not at all attached to anyone or anything, i will have at my disposal a decent amount of income and i can enjoy luxuries of life, ok not richie rich or anything like that, but enough money to do things, buy things, go places and take little trips- basically the old money equals freedom of enjoyment, the chains and constraints that one is used to is removed, of course money cannot buy happiness, but it can make things for oneself a lot easier to swallow, lots of room to maneuver. I watched "Meet The Fockers" with the folks tonight, it was good to see Dad relaxed and enjoying a good flick, actually i brought out "Mad Max" the other day and me and Dad watched a nice, clean, remastered in stereo and WIDESCREEN DVD of Mel Gibson's greatest role....I cannot remember who said it, ummm..lemmie see...ahhh yes, it was Roger Ebert, who of all people (i am sorry, but those guys love alot of S***ty movies!!) However ol' jolly Rog commented and i quote...

"My opinion is that (a) anyone who actually works in a video store and does not understand letterboxing has given up on life, and (b) any customer who prefers to have the sides of a movie hacked off should not be licensed to operate a video player."-- Roger Ebert"

Ahh..good ol' Rog...i could not have said it better myself, but c'mon wait till the ignorant and the unwilling to accept proper aspect ratios see that TV's in a few yrs are not being made square, instead they will all be made WIDESCREEN...get used to it folks, its a fact of life.
Anyways, it is off to Wolftown tomorrow, then off to see MOTORHEAD!!! and to all, Pleasant Dreams as i am off to bed, nite webslingers!
Motorhead doing KISS!!!- "Shout It Out Loud"!!!!!


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