Sunday, June 26, 2005

Bouncing Off the Walls

Hey ol Webslingeroonies!!! Well last nite was ...ummm.. pretty darn good, went to Wendy's, ate off the fabled 99 cent menu and went to see Land of The Dead at 7:10 at the Empire, Land of the Dead is one of the coolest sequels i have ever seen and the cameos ruled! The two dudes from Shawn of The Dead were in the film and the best of all was an appearance near the end of the flick was Tom Savini!!!! Savini was dressed as the character he played in Dawn of the Dead some 23 or so years ago!!!! It was awesome to watch the three guys in front of me who came dressed in Dawn of the Dead t-shirts hopping up and down at the appearance of the great Savini and the gore was top notch including one that involved a pierced navel OUCH!!! After the flick we went for a drive up to the Acadia campus which is creepy as ol hell in the summer time, Chase Court in particular looks like an abandoned castle with that gate yard. Then we went to the Lookoff and then for a ride in the Scooby van in the backroads of the Valley, trying to find Black Lake and a couple of other places, man those ol' backroads could use some serious signage i tell you. So what is the status of our relationship? Seeing each other long distance, just taking it day by day, just pals i guess. Although i did take another sort of panic attack last night, they only happen every now and then, i really should go see the doctor about it...
Well tonight is the staff party and because the Jeep is being worked on i shall be taking the Mystery Machine again, too bad i cannot go to the party till 11:00 tonight, but i am a looking forward to it, i have about 10 Keiths left, me and Dad talked this morning about how convienient it is in the States to just walk into a corner store and pick up some beer or wine and how silly it is that the do-gooders here oppose stuff like booze in stores or Sunday shopping for that matter. My brother tried to preach to the wrong choir about how he would hate to work Sundays, little did he realize i have been working Sundays for like ummm...the last nine years or so... nope no winning that arguement. So i am going to finish watching the remake of Assault on Precinct 13, have some supper and head to Greenwood and then PARTY TIME!!!! Have a good one Wenslingers!

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