Saturday, June 25, 2005

I Am Mine

Good top of the morning webslingeroonies!!!! Well today is the day, i pick up my date at 4:00 and we'll have to see how things go, she was not on MSN or anything last night, so i have to assume that our date is still on, wouldn't that be the ultimate bummer if i drove all the way to her place, which is a good 45 minutes away from here and she said she could not go? We are heading to Wendy's where i took a girl to her prom way back in good ol 1993. Serously, i was that cheap of a date, but she was muttering something if i recall about how i took another girl, whom i really liked at the time to a fancy smancy place to eat for the prom (It was actually Eisner's Restuarant in Middleton which is just a skip and a jump from where i work) So i took her to Wendy's which has the best 99 cent menu ummmmmm ever! and my ol pal Barry i swear went there like in 1993 in Coldbrook and ate everything off the menu just like the posted article...gutbuster....actually speaking of ol Barry me and him one summer (1995-96 to be exact!) went i swear (stop yer swearing old man!) to Legend's Lounge every Thursday night of the summer...well it did get lame after awhile, for me anyways cause it was the same old, same the Axe and Vil had better looking chicks... Oooops! Anyways my manager and co-workers found out just yesterday about an incident that happened at Legends during that summer...the infamous Legends balcony/ deck incident that made me the ridicule of alot of peoples jokes that summer...what was it all about...something being performed on me that maybe i should have taken to the bushes and how the movie, Dawn of the Dead got mixed up in my innocence is gone amongst me co-workers...actually it was gone along time ago during our many staff parties, Christmas in particular for some odd and weird reason... oh well to be young again... I guess Grand Prix Wrestling is suspending operations...again... advertising boys...advertising...if i had not gone to Save-Easy in New Minas that night and seen the poster for the Berwick show, i would not have even known there was a show, but if done right with advertising and radio spots, it can be done, look at the May show at the Kentville Arena that drew over 800 fans, it can be done but not oif the people who will go do not know if there is a show taking place....our staff party is still taking place on Sunday night at my manager's cabin and it looks to be a doozy, i just like to know how in the hell she is going to be able to report to work in the morning...anyways after me shift tomorrow night at 11:00 i am heading out into the dark to find the party....... I sent off a resume to the library in Lawerencetown, it seems like they are looking for a manager and it called for competion of university on the ad, so i e-mailed my resume and curriculum vitae, all they can do is say no eh? What to do? Well i could always take my sister up on her offer and head to the University of Washington in Seattle and or stay here and continue to hand out resumes and keep up hope, i like helping out Mom and Dad, mowing the lawn and taking care of things because of Dad's long recovery process and the both of them are not getting any younger, well neither am i for that matter. Well i have secured the services of Mom's van for my big date tonight, why is Old Man Robb not taking the Jeep? Well...i wanna have some tunes for the date and the van contains the CD player, which plays MP3's as well... and i have made ALOT of mixed disk's, mostly punk, alternative 80s and 90s and three.........count em'..........three Beach Boys mixed disks with the first one being the golden oldies and Pet Sounds, the second covering the Brother Years of the 197os and the third is alot of solo stuff like Dennis Wilson's Pacific Ocean Blue album from 1977, which i consider to be one of the most underrated albums of the entire 1970s. Also our date consists of going to Walmart where she wants to pick up a microwave for her new apartment and of course to the movies at 7:10 to see George A Romero's Land of the Dead, which is getting good reviews all over the place, strange to see it out in the middle of the summer Hollyweird season, but sometimes that stuff happens... I guess Batman Begins is really good according to friends, but Warner spent so much on it that last weeks' total of some 75 million was bothersome and they are hoping for a big second weekend because they have to make the money back to pay for the production, keeping the movie from being a bomb. It is still the theatrical runs for movies that have to cut it in order to make a profit and to justify more sequels being made...well, i may be in the minority, but at least they did not cast Micheal Keaton as Batman, whom a certain ex of mine LOVES as Batman (he couldn't carry Adam West's jockstrap for cryin out loud!!!!) and keep Tim Burton away from that franchise! Man back in 92 i almost walked out on Batman Returns (which to me was worse that the atrocity known as Batman & Robin..aka the franchise killer) Anyways it is time for some zombie gutmunching tonight... then after the movie....nevermind
Man there were these two hysterical mountainese guys in the store last night, they were talking about there three others that had just left, a guy and two VOLUPTUOUS ladies and they were going on and on about how the guy said, "I don't know what to do tonight" and they responded with the same thing i said, "We would have known what to do back in the day!" oh well, i dunno about some of these guys, wasting precious time looking at movies while being out with some hot babes, i am not saying drain your bank accounts, but at least show the ladies a good time once in a blue moon. ....there was this little moron who showed up at our store around 4 in the afternoon yesterday who claimed that he could not open our door until my manager stormed to the door and literally almost knocked him ass over teakettle off our steps. Of course the little SOB had an audience with him in these two fourteen yr old girls, which again leads me to question the taste of many of these girls these days, are you easily amused? It is kids like this that turn seventeen and when their lard asses are in university they usually have them handed to them by frosh leaders and better yet in sorority houses....let's bring back sororities Acadia!!! (Did we ever have them in the 60s and 70s? Help i want to know!?!?!?!) I think girls now are under-entertained as most of the guys that they hang with are just well....kinda lame....
I really hope this date goes well, i remember last July that other date...the less said the better, but i will give some twisted advice, if you have not seen somebody in a long time and you used to be rather close to them online and in may be a good idea to tell them that you have changed your religious beliefs and do not believe in having a good time anymore, not waiting till they have driven your ass all over the Nova Scotia countryside and wasted ALOT of money on you, now i have no beef with religious people, although i do wish when they have a belief that they would not try to put it on other people, esp those of us who do not go to church every Sunday and any of that, in other words do not try and force it upon other people. Anyways this made for some strange moments last summer...when the E-MAIL came, the one that i knew was so going to happen, i was pissed at first..then after awhile i was happy, i would not have to deal with someone like her, a user ever again. Now i know that i am going to meet other users in this lifetime, but i am glad to be rid of the likes of her.
Anyways it is time to get rid of the scruff on me face, shower and clip me nose hairs and stuff, put on my new dress shirt and shorts and do a little shopping before my big ol date at 4:00 this afternoon (4:30 in Newfoundland)...have a good one webslingeroos!!!!

One of my new faves is Weezer's, Beverly Hills!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Took your prom date to friggin Wendys?!?!?! Stay classy dude...
